Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Muslims Want

Well, it’s about time—the Muslim community across America has finally decided that President Obama is not the answer to their five times a day prayers. Americans are beginning to notice that he talks out of both sides of his mouth and he always wants to have it both ways.   When the Ground Zero mosque, which was slated for construction in lower Manhattan was first proposed, both Obama and New York City’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, supported it. But when Obama realized how incensed the American public was from sticking a triumphal mosque just two short blocks from where so many perished at the hands of ‘the religion of peace’, and how it would kill his chances of being re-elected in 2012, he changed his tune, as he is wont to do.  Obama said, “I was not commenting, and I will not comment, on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there.” Pretty slick—it was almost as if our president thought the American public wasn’t paying attention the first time and hoped we'd only hear him the second time. It’s as if he believes that people hear what they want to hear, or hear only what he wants them to hear. It's okay if the liberals heard what he said the first time as long as the conservatives heard him the second time. 

Muslims like, Shireen Zaman, the executive director of the Institute for Social Policy and Understandig, a   Muslim issue think tank, felt disrespected.  Zaman said, “He’s still missing the political courage to stand up for communities, and not just Muslim communities.”  (By the way, a Muslim think tank is where Islamic radicals think of ways to get our guilt to kick in and invent words like ‘Islamophobia’ so that we will strip-search nuns and frisk babies at our airports while refusing to racially profile young men named Muhammad with extraordinarily big bulges in their underwear or oversized sneakers.) Of course what Zaman meant was ‘just Muslim communities’ because to think that a Ground Zero mosque should be built as a symbol of Islamic conquest is as outrageous as killing those it symbolizes.  It was first decided to call the mosque the Cordoba Mosque, but imam Rauf, who was originally in charge of the project, was ‘outed’ by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, from Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch, respectively, and the name was changed to the Park 51 project to protect the guilty. You see, Cordoba, Spain was the site of a Muslim conquest which resulted in a Christian church being turned into a mosque as a sign of Islamic triumph. They do that a lot—hundreds of times a lot, as a matter of fact.

But the Muslim community is also upset with Obama for not supporting their cause more stridently with the Palestinian cause.  It wasn’t enough that Obama threw Israel under the bus, as he also did to his Pastor of 20 years, Reverend Notso Wright.   And it isn’t enough that he is the most ardent supporter of the Palestinians, a group of people who must have come from the depths of Atlantis because there is no real record of a country called Palestine, and the word actually is Hebrew. No, the Muslims are not happy with Hussein Obama because he isn’t doing enough for their cause. He has yet to comply with Sharia law and rid our nation of that un-Islamic Constitution of the United States of America. Nowhere in the Koran does Mohammad (peas be up in him) say that we are equal to Muslims; that women have the same rights as men, and that gays, apostates and blasphemers should not be killed.
The Muslim community would like to see Mr. Obama meet with more Islamic groups.  (The one group that comes to mind is the Muslim Brotherhood.)   Ibrahim Hooper, the communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trials, said, “ . . . we’re quite happy if any president offers positive rhetoric toward the Muslim world or Islam, but it really needs to be backed up with concrete policy initiatives .  .  . We’re still in Afghanistan, we’re still in Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian situation has gone south. We’re not there—we’re just continuing with the previous policies.” What Mr. Ibrahim would like, as would many Islamists, is the imposition of Sharia throughout the world, and the total annihilation of the Jews in Israel, and then in the rest of the world. It’s what they do best—the chronic warring, the hatred, and the complaining that they are not being treated fairly.
To the Muslim community I say, just give Mr. Obama time and he will come around to complying with your wishes. He simply cannot make the quantum leap at this point in history—he has no intention of displeasing you. In fact, he will say anything he thinks you want to hear in order to please you. But it will just be a matter of time when you will be bowing to him, King Obama. And don’t be surprised if you see big changes coming in 2012.  If you think we’re not pro-Muslim enough now, wait and watch.   

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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