Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Future King

Mayday!  Mayday!
The purpose of government is to serve the people, not the other way around. When government gets too big, it does what it does best--it screws things up. Think about it; when has the government ever managed something that private industry did not, or could not manage better? Consider airport security. How secure are we? The honest answer is that we are just as secure today as we were on September 11, 2001. Our government has done nothing of substance to protect us because it is more concerned with protecting its image. We scan babies, nuns, and little old ladies but avoid "racially profiling" the group of individuals known to perpetrate terrorist activities--to do so would offend them and the entire Muslim world. Offending them might lead to violence, might cause them to kill us and our children. So the government avoids offending them and pretends to be doing something positive to protect us. Tell that to  the people aboard the plane with the Yemeni passenger who tried to get into the cockpit as he yelled "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the greatest). The only way to be protected is to protect ourselves. We know now that we have no choice but to act on our own behalf if terrorists strike--they take no prisoners and are willing to die to get their virgins in paradise. We know if we're on a plane and someone shouts "Allahu Akbar!" we better do something quick, or we're going down.

The leftist media has softened the meaning of Allahu Akbar to mean "god is good." It doesn't mean that; what it means is that Allah, not your god, is the greatest. Is it possible to believe Islamophobia exists and that it's irrational to be wary and afraid of a religion that claims to love death more than we love life? Is it irrational to be afraid of a religion whose scripture clearly says that infidels should be slaughtered? We feel guilty when we question the anti-Semitic/anti-Christian aspects of the Koran and some Muslim group, like CAIR, tells us that we're Islamophobic and we should be ashamed of ourselves. And we do feel shame--now that's irrational.

So is government getting too big and the President too powerful? Absolutely. 

Consider the Boeing Corporation, which had been home-based in Seattle, Washington for many years. They were unionized and over time had to withstand a number of crippling strikes and labor disputes. The company branched out, went to Chicago where they employed a huge number of unionized people, which was fine with the Democrats just as long as the company had to work with the union. Well, Boeing kept having more strikes and problems with labor and decided to open a plant in South Carolina, a state that didn't have mandatory unionization. But the Obama administration doesn't like that at all and wants to close down the plant, which would a job loss of over a thousand people and force the company to locate in a unionized state. Obama wants control over private industry and is deciding where they can locate--does this sound like a free country or more like a dictatorship?  

Obama has disregarded the Constitution, America's most noble document, and is calling for changes in our laws that would take away our freedoms. Our freedom of speech would be compromised with the "Hate Speech" bill. Who's to decide what is hate speech? The answer is obvious: the people in power.  They will also compromise freedom of the press by controlling the Internet.  Our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and maintain a militia is, excuse the expression, under the gun, and he  is dividing and conquering us as a nation with his apologist views on Islam. 

Obama said that he doesn't see the USA as anything more special than the European nations. An American president saying we are not special? How Obamaesqe. We are special--we are the greatest nation on earth because we are truly free. We have had and will continue to have problems, and we will solve them. Like all nations, we are comprised of individuals and that means we have flaws, but there is nothing greater than our Constitution--it is a wonderful document that was brilliantly conceived by our founding fathers. I believe Obama has a dangerous, hidden agenda, and it involves his socialist thinking and his quest for more power.  If he is re-elected in 2012 (heaven forbid), I predict he will seek a third term, like Michael "Not-Building-a-Mosque-at-Ground-Zero-is-Un-American"  Bloomberg did as Mayor of New York City.   Of course, Obama would much prefer to be crowned king.

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