Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama's Anti-Israel/anti-Semitic Stance

His Muslim advisers tell him to be hard with Israel--make the Jews go back to the 1967 borders, in spite of the blood they spilled defending their existence. Obama listens. They tell him how the Zionists have no rights in the region, that it belongs to the Palestinians. Obama listens. And now he has agree that Israel should make more concessions, as if the Palestinians never chanted "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Meaning, of course, that the Jews need to be eliminated just like it says in their scripture, their Koran. It isn't that the Palestinians really want to make concessions; they simply want to buy time. "Muslim!" the tree says, "There's a Jew behind me. Come and kill him." This is from their holy book, and from a religion that asks its followers to pray five times a day, of which 17 prayers condemn the Jews and Christians.

But Obama knows this--he studied the Koran in Indonesia--he even studied it in Arabic. The only people who bother to study the Koran in Arabic are Muslims, but I don't know if Obama is a Muslim or not, I only know that his sympathies lie with the people of his father's religion--and possibly even the religion of his mother, Sidney Ann Dunham. Even if she wasn't a devout Muslim, she was a devout communist. Even if her son, our president, is not a communist, it only means he failed to register as one and will deny that he leans that far left because he always denies what he thinks will get him in trouble with the voters. The birthers may be correct in their belief that Obama was born out of the USA, but it doesn't matter. This man who would be king is a cheap fraud in so many ways. It takes a true liberal to believe him when saying things like, "I may have gone to that church for twenty years, but I never heard Reverend Wright say all those awful things about white supremacy and God damn America. Honest I didn't." Of course I've paraphrased, but you know to what I refer. And it takes a liberal to believe that his relationship with Bill Ayers was casual--Obama didn't really hang out with the man or listen to his beliefs, or have knowledge of his terrorist acts or those of his wife's, Bernadette Dohrn. No, Obama didn't know. In fact liberals may know in their little hearts that Obama did hear those angry, ugly words of Wright, but they have the ability to compartmentalize such things and only, and only see the goodness in the man. It's as if the only important thing about the president-king is that he hates the status quo as much as they do. That is, they hate America. They have always hated America and show it with eternal protests where they scream over the conservative speaker to keep him/her from being heard, and pretend it is about their freedom of speech (but it's never about the opposition's).

Look at other associations of Obama: Samantha Power, one of Obama's foreign policy advisors, had gone on record calling for military action against Israel back in 2002. Obama knew this. Robert Malley, notorious for making anti-Israel statements was named as primary foreign policy advisors to Obama. In his 2008 campaign, Obama dropped Malley when it was learned that he had met with Hamas representatives, but only six months later sent him to Egypt and Syria. Then there was Rosa Brookls, an equal opportunity Israel-hater, who was a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.  She played for the Obama team too when the fearless leader named her the undersecretaru pf defense for policy. Old Rosa is so anti-Israel, every time a bell rimgs. a Jewish angel dies. Like Obama, when she moves her lips, she`s lying.  Finally, but certainly not all that we know of his tightness with haters of Israel, we all remember ``Mr. Alphabet, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Carter administration flunkie, who devised plans to cut down Israel`s self-defenses at the knees and also said that the `Jewish lobby`in the USA was too powerful`.` In a previous blog, I spoke about Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Was a Bulldog Wright, who also would have been happy to fuel the fires of Auschwitz. 

Abandoning the state of Israel is something a real low-life person does when he`s scared of the schoolyard bully--in this case, the bully is known as Islam. There is no guilt on Obama's part about abandoning Israel because, while Israel has been friends with America, Barack Hussein Obama has never been friends with Israel and has no intentions of ever being their friend. And when you abandon one friend, the others take notice. Soon your friends become your enemies and your enemies, well, they often stay your enemies too. 

O-Man`s Famous 2 Finger Point
Suffice it to say, Barack Hussein Obama is the most anti-Semitic, Marxist-leaning, lying president this country has ever had. The man also lacks character, that attribute one has when nobody is watching. I listen to what he says, see what he does, and hear what is said about him and I've finally come to the conclusion that I am not paranoid--there is just too much about him, his past, his friends, his obvious cover-ups of so many areas he managed to dirty, that I no longer feel that my suspicions are too far over the edge. In fact, I`m certain there is much more about Obama that would scare a snake, and I believe we are eventually going to see him for who he is. And if that sounds like a negative racial statement, I suggest you remove your racial filters from your brain.

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