Saturday, June 30, 2018

Michael Moore lies about migrant kids: surprised?

Michael Moore is pushing his new docu-sludge film "Fahrenheit 11/9 by appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday night. He wore his famous "Donut Hat" and did all he could to hawk the film. Colbert, who used to be funny, quickly obliged.

Moore had been secretly working on the film at his local Popeye's Restaurant ever since Trump announced his candidacy, and said the film will come out late September.

During his wide-angle lens appearance on the show, Moore claimed that minors apprehended crossing the border illegally are required to attend their immigration hearings without a lawyer present.

Unlike Pinocchio, whenever Moore lies, it isn't his nose that grows bigger--use your imagination.

"The headline, I don't know if you saw it. They have ruled now that toddlers must appear in these immigration courts alone. They cannot have an advocate or a lawyer or anyone with them. They could bring in the three- and four- and five-year-olds and they have to stand alone in the docket," the leftist said to an audience that creamed their jeans and screamed like little girls and boys on a rollercoaster. "This is insanity. This is not who we are, is it?"

He's right--this isn't who we are because that isn't what we do. Yes, he lied.

The corpulent socialist was apparently referring to a Texas Tribune story this week claiming that toddlers, are separated from their families by Trump and his Nazi cohorts and their "zero tolerance" immigration enforcement policy [meaning they actually followed the law the way it was written], and have been ordered to face deportation proceedings without their mommies and daddies.

In the same article, a number of lawyers who describe their experiences representing toddlers and other kids in immigration court do not, at any point in the article, mention or indicate that these migrant children aren't permitted legal representation or the company of a supportive adult during their hearing.

Despite Moore's claims to the contrary, it is a fact that migrant kids are not required to attend hearings alone and the overwhelming majority of them do not.

Although illegal immigrants are not entitled to a public defender [because they are not citizens and taxpayers should not be burdened with the cost of representing them] the Justice Department (DOJ) provides recommendations for pro bono legal services, and, failing that, matches children with "friends of the court" to accompany them throughout the proceedings.

Nearly 80 percent of all unaccompanied minors, as of March 31of this year with open cases a year or more pending, had retained legal representation, according to the DOJ.

Minors with parents also in immigration proceedings attend hearing with those parents.

The DOJ stated to National Review that Moore's comments were a "deliberate misrepresentation" and were clearly intended to further impugn the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy by actually following the letter of the law.

But Democrats refuse to change the law and don't seem to really care about the illegal immigrants as much as they care about the midterm elections.

Waters uses 'make water' excuse to ditch reporters

Crazy Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) yelled at reporters after she was questioned about her call to harass Trump supporters in public.

Evidently the shoe was on the other foot and she didn't like it.

"Now get out of here! I'm going to the women's room," Waters yelled to the group of reporters outside the Speaker's Lobby.

Prior to her walking into the bathroom for what appeared to be a much needed wiz, she was asked whether her remarks are bad for the Democrats. Of course, she again refused to answer as she jumped up and down in place, clearly in need of relief.

Waters, whose name is as ironic as her intolerance for her own tactics being used on her, faced bipartisan criticism to a crowd of fellow idiots in Los Angeles. After Sarah Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen were pressured into leaving restaurants last week over the issue of family separation at the border during the Trump administration, Waters urged the crowd to continue the harassment.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," the instigator said.

But she couldn't handle a simple line of questioning about her call to harass those with whom she disagrees.

President Trump has used Waters' lunacy by describing her [and Nancy Pelosi] as the face of the Democrats and he accused her of advocating "harm," which is totally reasonable.

"The face of the Democrats is now Maxine Waters who, together with Nancy Pelosi, have established a fine leadership team," he tweeted. "They should always stay together and lead the Democrats, who want Open Borders and Unlimited Crime, well into the future...and pick Crooked Hillary for Pres."

Waters accused Trump of lying about what she said, but it's on the record.

Even Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer has criticized Waters on the Senate floor: "No one should call for the harassment of political opponents. That's not right. That's not American.

Schumer knows that Waters' stupid comments are only helping the GOP and he's trying to put an end to it.

But all Waters says in reply is: "Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

FBI's Strzok 'smug,' 'defiant' and a toad in House interview

FBI adulterer Peter Strzok "laughed off" questions in a closed-door congressional interview this week. He was also described as "smug," but admitted he regrets sending anti-Trump texts, [meaning he regrets getting caught sending anti-Trump texts to his average-looking paramour], congressional sources told Fox News.

Strzok spoke behind closed doors [reminiscent of how he first would meet up with Lisa Page at a hotel]. He was interviewed before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday in his first congressional appearance regarding revelations of a boat-load of anti-Trump texts he exchanged with Lisa Page, a married woman and FBI colleague with whom he was having an illicit affair.

One congressional source said that "Strzok was smug, defiant, and laughed off a lot of questions." This may be due to a pending or future book deal.

The source also said that Strzok refused to answer some questions on the advice of counsel, in spite of him bragging that he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights.

Another source told Fox News that Strzok regretted sending the texts, but that makes sense because it got him kicked off the Russia probe.

A recent inspector general report chastised him and others for the anti-Trump texts and Strzok was escorted from his FBI office and lost his security clearance.

Strzok is fighting back after President Trump tweeted that Strzok "refused to answer many questions." His lawyer, Aitan Goelman countered Trump's claim explaining that Strzok "abided by his legal responsibility to follow the instructions of the FBI counsel, who sought to avoid the disclosure of information related to the Russia investigation."

Trump should stay out of this, I believe.

"It should come as no surprise that President Trump, who appears desperate to undermine the Special Counsel's investigation, is again viciously attacking Pete [Strzok] for playing by the rules," Goelman said in a statement. He noted that his client "wants full transparency around the examination of his work."

Perhaps they should question his work by asking where did Strzok and Page find the time on the job to text some 50,000 times?

What an arrogant creep . . . I'm sure his wife agrees.

Nothing Trump does satisfies the mainstream media

A leftist website known as posted a piece on President Trump regarding the shooting that occurred at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland in which five staffers of the newspaper were killed and others injured.

The title of the hit piece is "Video Of Trump Ignoring Questions On The Capital Gazette Shooting Will Stun You."

What a load of crap!

The article insinuates that Trump had nothing more to say about the shooting to reporters who screamed questions at him as he was going about his business, save for his tweet on Thursday.

An NBC News clip shows Trump walking away as reporters shouted at him questions such as, "Do you have any words of condolences for the families [of the victims], Mr. President?"

Another 'unbiased' reporter is heard shouting, "Why are you walking away?" while another yelled, "Why don't you come and talk to us about that?"

Trump doesn't owe these reporters the time of day--it's up to them to get the story, but they tend to often get it at the expense of Republicans, especially POTUS.

Nothing President Trump does is okay with the mainstream media. Nothing. And the errors they make in reporting never, never go against the Democrats or socialists [as they now move to fully become], it's always against the administration and those on the right.

Trump tweeted about the shooting:
"This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job."
"We pledge our eternal support. My government will not rest until we have done everything in our power to reduce violent crime and to protect innocent life."

Now I take issue with Trump saying "My government." It isn't his, it's ours. But what more does he need to say to assuage the bias of reporters? If he gave a longer, more heartfelt response to the shooting, would they have been satisfied, or would they use the opportunity to ask him the ridiculous question as to how calling the press "fake news" sparked the shooting or divides the country?

When Obama was president, he used the occasion of the Pulse Nightclub shooting to score political points, calling it "an especially heartbreaking day for our friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender."

He wasn't done:
"This is a sobering reminder that attacks on any American, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation is an attack on all of us and on the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country, and no act of hatred or terror will ever change who we are or the values that make us Americans."
Then before the bodies were even buried, he issued another call to restrict limits to firearm access, something to which the Republicans and the NRA have agreed upon, but have pointed out how the laws that are already in place are not being followed, just like what Obama did with the immigration laws.
"This massacre is a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that allows them to shoot people [he's referring to firearms, in case a leftist is reading this]."
He made references to previous shootings in which mentally ill people were able to get their hands on guns, such as Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut. He didn't call them mentally ill, nor point out the Pulse Nightclub shooting was carried out by a radical Muslim.
"We have to decide if that's the kind of country we want to be. And to do nothing is a decision as well." 

Then he didn't say anything to the families who were shot on his watch as Trump did.

But refers to the video of Trump not taking time out to talk to reporters who are clearly looking to ambush him.

How shocking.

Hillary and Churchill: a cigar in common

Photo: Fox News screen grab
The only thing that Hillary Clinton and the late Winston Churchill have in common is cigars: Churchill smoked them, Hillary's husband used them for different purposes.

But in an interview with British newspaper The Guardian, Clinton seemed to be comparing herself with the great wartime Prime Minister while responding to a question about her being a polarizing shrew.

"I'm sure they said that about Churchill between the wars, didn't they?" she told the newspaper, in answer to the question as to whether she should withdraw from public life to help heal divisions in the country that have given her the reputation.

She quickly put on the bull puck brakes and claimed she wasn't actually comparing herself to Winston Churchill, and then went on to elaborate exactly how she was like Churchill.

The Guardian noted how she made the Churchill reference "a fraction too quickly for the line to sound spontaneous."
Photo: Fox News
Let's face it, nothing Hillary Clinton does is spontaneous except when she lies, something that occurs when her lips are moving.

"I mean, I'm not comparing myself, but I'm just saying people said that, but he was right about Hitler, and a lot of people in England were wrong. And Churchill was a pain. He kept popping up all the time," Clinton said.

Since the 2016 presidential election, Clinton's popularity is circling the drain, but she continues to be in the spotlight and complain about how unfair the results of the election was to her.

Unfortunately, she told The Guardian that she isn't going to "call it a day" anytime soon because "it feels like a duty. It feels like patriotism, and it feels necessary. I'm not going anywhere."

Except, perhaps to prison.

Was it her duty to use a private, illegal email server to hide her correspondence and highly classified information? Her arrogance is mind-boggling and her incompetence breathtaking.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Chicago Dyke March displays "Palestinian" flags

Last year the self-proclaimed dykes banned Jewish flags--that is, the Star of David flags--and proudly replaced them with Palestinian flags at the Chicago Dyke March.

Yes, the march of the dykes was in Chicago. If it took place in Palestine, where those flags represent, all the marching dykes would be rounded up, imprisoned and killed, or simply killed where they stood.

Stones would be the preferable killing tool used by the Palestinians, but if they could find a tall enough building, they would throw those who fly the rainbow flag off the top.

The blatant ignorance and stupidity of the left is palpable.

There is no queer pride in Palestine . . . it's haram.

Reuters 'journalist' blames Capital Gazette shooting on Trump, later apologizes

It was so predictable. I blogged about it here and said that someone was going to blame the shooting on Trump. [The statement is a paragraph or two above the photo I doctored to not look like the scum who killed those people.]

An editor at Reuters was the culprit--he blamed Trump in a tweet for the deadly Capital Gazette shooting that killed five. On Thursday night, he apologized and blamed it on a "state of emotional distress."

Imagine a so-called journalist who comes up with a cock-and-bull story about something as tragic on his emotions. How can a reporter be a reporter if he or she can't put their emotions aside and report the freaking facts?

It is possible that Rob Cox, the fake news purveyor of fertilizer, will be disciplined by Reuters, but it was also possible that Peter Fonda and Samantha Bee would have been disciplined by their management, and how did that work out?

This is exactly why people do not trust the mainstream media anymore.

Cox, the Breakingviews editor at Reuters admitted he "responded emotionally and inappropriately" after jumping to conclusions before the facts came out.

But what are facts when feelings rule your thinking?

Police said the alleged gunman targeted the newspaper after a long-standing feud in a 2012 defamation lawsuit filed by him in which he lost.

Cox tweeted:
"This is what happens when @realDonaldTrump calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul."
As per standard liberal operating procedure, Cox deleted the tweet, which was recovered and posted.

Cox tweeted four times to apologize after it became clear the alleged shooter's motive predated Trump even entering the political arena.

The balderdash apology went like this:
"When I saw the news today that a mass shooter had targeted the employees of a newspaper in Maryland I responded emotionally and inappropriately. Though my comments were entirely personal, they were not in keeping with the Reuters Trust Principles and my own standards for letting facts, not snap judgment, guide my understanding."
So he made sure to excuse himself in part because "... my comments were entirely personal..."

His own standards are the standards he employs. He stated something as if it were fact because he apparently wanted it to be a fact. Those are his standards because that's what he did.

Notice how nobody on the left ever makes a mistake on Trump's behalf--it's always a mistake that condemns him that gets taken back and is often gone unread by those who read the original statement.

Cox continued with his groveling but never really apologized to the person who was targeted by his bile--President Trump.

"My experience as a member of the community of Newtown, Connecticut in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy, combined with the possibility that my colleagues in the press were being targeted, pushed me into a state of emotional distress. I am sorry for my comments, which I quickly deleted [to save his butt] and have disavowed, and especially remorseful if they did anything to distract from the thoughts and love we must send to the community of Annapolis," he wrote.

He should have added: "I am also sorry that I stupidly blamed our president for being responsible for the shooting. My words were based purely on my hatred for him and I would always assume the worst in spite of the absence of facts."

Editor-in-Chief Steve Adler issued a statement regarding the fake news tweet of Cox's, calling it "inconsistent with the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles requiring journalists to maintain freedom from bias."

He added: "We do not condone his behavior and will take appropriate action."

On my part, I will believe it when it becomes fact.

The five Capital Gazette staffers killed in the attack were: Wendi Winters, John McNamara, Gerald Fischman, Rebecca Smith and Rob Hiaasen.

Another leftist Trump-hater, Judd Legum, the Think Progress founder also blamed the shootings on Trump, using a 2015 tweet as evidence, in spite of its non-political nature.

When it comes to Trump, the left retreats into their nether regions.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Kim Jong Un orders execution of army officer who fed the troops

Dennis Rodman may think Kim Jong Un is a good guy, and President Trump may praise his leadership acumen, but it turns out Kim sucks as a leader and double sucks as a human being.

It has been reported that Kim ordered a high ranking military officer to be put to death after he was accused of giving extra food and fuel rations to his troops and their families, according to Reuters.

Lt. Gen. Hyon Ju Song of the Korean People's Army in Pyongyang was executed by a firing squad for "charges of abusing authority and engaging in anti-Party acts."

Evidently, pro-Party acts is to let the people starve along with their families.

Hyon served as a member of the Worker's Party of Korea's Central Committee and battalion commander under the Supreme Guard Command and was considered a rising star in the army.

"While checking the oil supplies for the Sohae Satellite Launching Station during the comprehensive inspections of wartime supplies on April 10, Hyon stated, 'We no longer have to suffer and tighten our belts to make rockets or nuclear weapons.' This was seen as an abuse of authority and a treasonous statement that opposed the Party's military-first policy," a source told Daily NK.

Dennis Rodman still thinks Kim is cool and just misunderstood.

UPDATE: Annapolis, Md. 5 dead, other serious injuries, suspect ID'd

Gov. Larry Hogan
Annapolis, MD -- Shots were fired and earliest reports say there are "multiple deaths," outside the Capital Gazette newsroom, located about 5 miles from the U.S. Naval Academy.

Initial reports believe that four people are dead.

This is a breaking story and much information is not confirmed.

What is confirmed is that the suspect is in custody and was apprehended by a deputy according to the Anne Arundel Sheriff Ron Bateman.

The shooting started around 2:30 p.m. on Bestgate Road. At this moment, police are concerned and warn of the possibility of more shooters, but it seems as if only one person is responsible for the carnage.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Baltimore responded to the incident and will be there for investigative purposes.

At this time, the situation has been neutralized and the subject is in custody and victims are being attended to.

Since this has occurred at a news outlet, let me be the first to say that this will probably be blamed on President Trump.

UPDATE:  (4:40 p.m. ET) --"several people have been killed" and "several people have been hospitalized." But the suspect is still being interviewed by detectives and officials do not want to give out too much information as the investigation continues.
Artist's sketch
4:48 p.m.: Five fatalities confirmed and several people have been injured.

Injuries are deemed serious and people are being interviewed. The building remains secure but it is believed there are no other shooters in the building.

5:00 p.m.: the suspect is not cooperating with police and refuses to give his name. He is a male in his 20s.

FBI: Clinton official arrested on child rape charges

The irony is palpable and extremely disgusting. The head of a charity against sexual violence has been arrested in New York for child pornography and allegedly trying to meet children as young as two FOR SEX!

Joel "Scumcrumpet" Davis, 22, is accused of attempting to arrange sexual encounters between himself and young children, [even younger than those that Anthony Weiner tried to hook up with], along with soliciting an undercover FBI agent to send sexually explicit videos of minors.

The dirtbag New Yorker was arrested Tuesday on child sex abuse and child pornography charges.

Davis is the chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict--an organization devoted to ending sexual violence and a perfect cover for this sick POS.

Davis had also worked for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

According to the FBI, Davis allegedly told agents he was sexually interested in children of all ages, not to protect them from sexual predators, but to have sex with them. He is accused of sending the agents sexually explicit photos of infants and toddlers, including some of the children engaged in sex acts with adults.

Davis allegedly arranged to meet the 9-year-old daughter of one of the undercover agents and with the purported 2-year-old daughter of the officer's girlfriend. He allegedly detailed in text messages about specific sexual activities he intended to engage in with the little ones.

Enough detail--I just hope his carnal desires is made public in the confines of prison.

After he was arrested, he allegedly admitted to have abused a 13-year-old boy in the past and that he kept child porn images on his phone.

"Having started an organization that pushed for the end of sexual violence, Davis displayed the highest degree of hypocrisy by his alleged attempts to sexually exploit multiple minors," FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said.

"As if this wasn't repulsive enough, Davis allegedly possessed and distributed utterly explicit images of innocent infants and toddlers being sexually abused by adults."

Davis was in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday charged with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and receipt and distribution of child pornography.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

If you can't beat 'em, steal their campaign signs

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain, and the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet, and a Dem steals signs for your campaign. [Sung to the tune of "Oklahoma" by Rogers and Hammerstein, I believe.]

Yes, an Oklahoma congressional candidate got nabbed when he took his opponent's campaign signs from a street corner--right before the state's primary election, proving once again that most politicians are crooks.

Tom Guild, a self-proclaimed progressive Democrat, is trying to finagle a seat on Oklahoma's 5th congressional district. He was accused on a Facebook post of taking down the signs of Kendra Horn, another Democratic candidate. The post was shared over 100 times and some photos showed Guild allegedly caught in the act.

But the excuse Guild came up with in his defense would make any progressive Democrat proud: "Sometimes in the heat and rush of the campaign, mistakes are made," he said. "On reflection, removing some of my opponent's signs--for any reason--was a mistake on my part for which I sincerely apologize."

No! It wasn't a mistake. It was a disgusting, anemic attempt at trying to win an election by any means necessary. Mistakes are choices you have that don't involve compromising your ethical standards. What Guild said was a lie.

The Oklahoman published security camera footage showing Guild walking along the street and pulling up his opponent's bright turquoise signs. A mistake would have occurred if he pulled up his own signs.

Horn told her supporters not to focus on signs, but made sure to mention the lack of ethics displayed by Guild.

"This election isn't about yard signs, it's about education and making health care affordable, but voters should hold candidates accountable when it comes to values and ethics as well," she tweeted. "I'm calling on my supporters to focus on talking to their friends and family about our campaign and the issues that matter most to them."

Also running in Tueday's Democratic primary and ethics bonanza is Elysabeth Britt, Leona Kelley-Leonard and Eddie Porter. In the GOP primary, incumbent Rep. Steve Russell is running against Gregory Dunson and DeJuan Edwards.

In the 2016 presidential election, President Trump won Oklahoma with more than 65 percent of the vote.

Perhaps Hillary Clinton should have tried stealing Trump's signs. Or maybe she did.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2nd Amendment is a good thing: Mom shoots knife-wielding man

Fool can't even grow a decent mustache
A man traveled from New Zealand to Virginia to meet a teen he'd communicated with online. But when Troy George Skinner, 25, got to the girl's house, he allegedly smashed through a glass door and tried to enter the Goochland home uninvited.

Thankfully, the girl's mother is a Second Amendment advocate.

The mom shot Skinner in the neck as he tried to break in, and he is currently in the hospital, Goochland County Sheriff James Agnew said.

It was discovered that Skinner had purchased duct tape and a knife after he arrived in the U.S., evidently thinking that there was nothing to worry about with such a deadly weapon. But being from New Zealand, he probably never read the U.S. Constitution, and even if he did, there's no way a woman would have possession of a gun.

"All I can say is the manner in which he attempted to enter that home in the face of a firearm pointed at him and the implements we recovered from him--the only inference is that he had very bad intent," Sheriff Agnew said.

Agnew also said that Skinner's arrival to the U.S. was totally unexpected, as was the fact that the mother of the teen was carrying.

She warned the intruder that she had a weapon but either he didn't believe her, or didn't believe she would use it, or is as dumb as Maxine Waters.

Skinner will be charged with breaking and entering with a deadly weapon with intent to commit a serious crime, Agnew said.

New Zealand police offered their assistance to help U.S. authorities.

Skinner is eating through a straw but is expected to remain as stupid as he was upon entering the country.

Guns aren't the bad guys.

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GOP lawmaker introduces motion asking for Maxine Waters' resignation

Rep. Andrew Biggs (R-AZ) has introduced a motion Monday to censure Rep. Maxine "Low IQ" Waters (D-CA) and ask for her resignation.

This comes after "Aunty Maxine" called on crowds to confront Trump administration officials using tactics historically favored by Nazi Germany.

Biggs introduced the measure calling on Waters to apologize to the White House for "endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord," resign from her position, and release a public statement saying harassment or violence isn't an example of actual protest.

This measure comes after Waters, who is a big fan of Louis Farrakhan, encouraged harassment of Trump officials at a Los Angeles rally.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," she shouted, evidently meaning that if it were up to her, all of the Trump administration would be kicked out of the country. She also told MSNBC that protesters are "going to absolutely harass them."

Biggs' claim is that Waters' harsh words could "directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury" and mentions that some in the administration have already been harassed publicly.

Biggs' motion has thus far attracted the support of 5 members of Congress.

Waters doubled-down on her comments at a rally, and insisted she did not suggest harming anyone because she is clearly too stupid to understand what could happen when mobs get emotionally worked up and in the faces of their opposition.

"Trump is the one who is creating lies," she began. "Trying to have people believe that I talked about harming people. There's nowhere in my statement, anytime, anyplace that we talked about harm."

No, she just called for crowd harassment in public. This is the same moron who called the Los Angeles riots a "movement."

SCOTUS goes with POTUS on travel ban ruling

"But not next door to me"
In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court on Tuesday has ruled to uphold President Trump's temporary travel ban from several countries that import terrorists to the West and are state sponsors of that mental derangement.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion which was apparently agreed with by Justices Neil Gorsuch and Anthony Kennedy. This gave Trump a much needed win on the immigration issue.

Roberts noted that the President "lawfully exercised the broad discretion granted to him under Section 1182(f) to suspend the entry of aliens into the United States."

Also noted by the Court is that Trump's interest in preserving national security, particularly regarding terrorism concerns, overrides concerns pertaining to the free exercise of religion as codified in the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

Liberal opponents to the ban have tried to argue that because the ban affected Muslim countries, Islam itself was being targeted. And while a theological case can be made to justify targeting those who follow some aspects of the religion, the Court ruled in favor of POTUS.

In other words, the Court stuck to the traditional "strict scrutiny" standard, stating the President must have a compelling reason to override guarantees of religious freedom, and in the case of the travel ban, it's absolutely possible the danger of importing known terrorists or their supporters outweigh potential First Amendment concerns.

Liberal officials protected by armed guards and living in protected dwellings don't see the problem the same way as the average person and have asked the Court to apply a more lenient "rational basis" standard.

The Court disagreed on the matter in spite of Trump's hair-trigger tweets about Islam.

Since this was a decision merely on an injunction, prohibiting the travel ban from being fully enacted, the decision will return to the lower courts, who granted the injunction pending the outcome of travel ban challenges.

This is a relatively big victory for Trump and an even bigger one to the U.S.

Now if we can only legislate on the immigration situation, the Democrats will self-combust.

Dems worry that they've gone too far

"Look Aunty Maxine--a dead bird"
Some Democrats are worried about the Nazi tactics those in their party are employing [read the history on those tactics if you don't believe it] in spite of their claim that it's the GOP who are the Nazis. These worried liberals are afraid that they will have their collective butts handed to them in the midterm elections in November.

Specifically, Trump officials have been publicly harassed and shamed by the left using the same Josef Goebbels tactics the Nazis used against the Jews in Germany before and during the Second World War.

For example, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was verbally attacked at a Mexican restaurant and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders [and her family] was asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia by the owner.

On Monday night, demonstrators gathered at the home of Stephen Miller, a Trump adviser, but they didn't realize he wasn't home.

The left-leaning Washington Post wrote an editorial titled, "Let the Trump team eat in peace." They called the Nazi tactics their fellow leftists are using a heightened state of "passions" and saw no benefit in the interrupting of dinners.

In fact, they're probably worried that it will actually serve the Republican Party come November and create sympathy for the Trump administration.

Possibly the dumbest person on the far left, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), called for her fellow fascists to confront members of the Trump administration wherever and whenever they are seen in public--gas stations, restaurants, etc.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant," Waters shouted Saturday to a crowd of cretins, "in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Later that day on MSNBC she said that protesters are "going to absolutely harass them."

Waters' call for potential violence was in response to President Trump's "zero-tolerance" immigration policy in which the law is being followed to the letter.

As predicted, she later claimed her comments have been misunderstood. She wasn't calling for protesters to literally "harm" Cabinet members--just get all worked up and scream at them.

"Trump is the one who is creating lies," Waters said at a Monday news conference. "Trying to have people believe that I talked about harming people. There's nowhere in my statement, anytime, anyplace that we talked about harm."

 If she believes that harassment under intense emotions would not eventually lead to physical violence, she is merely proving her lack of intelligence.

Trump would love to make Waters the Democratic Party's spokesperson. He tweeted on Monday:
"Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!"
Even David Axelrod tried to urge calm suggesting people organize, donate [of course], volunteer and vote. He said "ultimately, counter-productive gestures . . . won't change a thing."

It looks like the Democratic Party is going crazy with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They see his policies are working and have no platform to stand on so they have to resort to classless, adolescent behavior.

Monday, June 25, 2018

White ex-NAACP head pleads not guilty to fraud

SPOKANE, Wash. -- Fraud should be her middle name, but then again, she'd probably change it. Former NAACP chief Rachel Dolezal, who changed her name to sound as if she is black, to Nkechi Diallo, was charged with welfare fraud.

Dolezal [I prefer to use her given name rather than her self-acquired name just as I prefer to say she is white rather than her self-acquired race] was charged with welfare fraud and false verification for public assistance related to income obtained from a book and other sources while receiving welfare benefits.

She made a brief appearance in Spokane County Superior Court where she  pleaded not guilty on Wednesday--big surprise.

Superior Court Judge James Triplet (aka "Jimmy Three") ordered that she remain free on her own recognizance and a trial date was set for September 10.

Dolezal and her lawyers did not speak to reporters after the hearing.

You may remember that Dolezal tried to change her outward appearance to look black when working as head of Spokane's NAACP chapter, but was outed in 2015 when it was revealed she was born to white parents and raised in rural Montana.

Her welfare fraud case began in March 2017 when a state investigator obtained information that Dolezal/Diallo had written a book and discovered she had been reporting her income as usually less than $500 per month, court documents said.

Being true to her fraudulent past, she seemed to be merely identifying as being welfare eligible, because records show she deposited almost $84,000 into her account from 2015-2017, and didn't tell the state Department of Social and Health Services.

The money was generated from her delusional memoir "In Full Color," as well as speaking engagements, soap making, doll making and the sale of her art, according to the case record.

In an apparent attempt to sound legitimate, she reported one change of circumstance saying she did a one-time job in October 2017 and was paid $20,000.

The charges accuse her of improperly receiving about $8,800 in welfare money.

Dolezal grew up near Troy, Montana. Her religious parents adopted four black children and she later decided that she would call herself black too, and used the ruse that this was how she "identified."

That ruse worked until her parents, with whom she had long feuded, told the media in 2015 that Rachel was white but telling the public she was black and was an activist.

She left her position at the NAACP and was kicked off a police oversight commission. She also lost her job as a freelance columnist for a weekly newspaper in Spokane and lost her job teaching African studies at Eastern Washington University.

It is probable that Rachel Dolezal is mentally ill and has been able to conceal this for years.

Maxine Waters calls for violence against Trump team

Rep[ulsive] Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) called for her mob on the left to go after everyone in the Trump administration for having a different opinion than hers.

"I have no sympathy for these people that are in this administration who, you know, know it is wrong what they are doing on so many fronts but they tend to not want to confront this president or even leave," Waters, who is a hundred air miles short of takeoff said on MSNBC Saturday.

She called on leftists to deny people [who believe the border laws should be followed in the same manner that all laws are to be] their right to go out in public without being harassed. That's the bottom line.

"And I want to tell you, for these members of his [Trump's] cabinet who remain and try to defend him, they are not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they are not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they are not going to be able to shop in a department store," the lunatic on the left continued. "The people are going to turn on them, they are gonna protest, they are gonna absolutely harass them until they decide that they are going to tell the president 'No, I can't hang with you. This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can't keep doing this to children.'"

Waters was referring to the law that separates children from their parents who illegally bring them over the border and must remove them from their parents' who are placed in detention within 20 days. This was a law that originated in the Bill Clinton administration and carried through the Obama administration.

Waters is calling for those who uphold the law to be harassed. Does she think that harassment will stop with mere words? Or does she realize that this is a possible call for violence?

How is this woman allowed to remain a public servant when she refuses to abide by the laws designed to protect the public?

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia last week. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was screamed at in a Washington D.C. restaurant by protesters.

And Maxine Waters, who was charged with three ethics violations in 2010, supports the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, and is calling for people to harass those in the current administration. 

And she has the gall to call the administration unethical and wants Trump impeached on grounds she has yet to explain.

She is calling for fascistic political violence and needs to be investigated on those grounds or this is not going to end well.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

At least 719 Muslim pilgrims crushed to death at hajj in Saudi Arabia

MINA, Saudi Arabia -- Two huge waves of Muslim hajj-goers collided at an intersection on Thursday near the Islamic holy site. More than 700 were crushed and trampled to death in the holy frenzy to get close to a stone that was said to be a gift from Allah, but had been used for pagan rituals long before Islam began.

This was the worst disaster at the hajj in twenty-five years. In 2006 in the same area, 360 Muslims were crushed and killed in a stampede, while in 2004, 244 were killed. The worst hajj-related disaster recorded was in 1990, when 1,426 Muslims killed each other in a stampede in an overcrowded pedestrian tunnel leading to a holy site in Mecca.

"People were climbing over one another just to breathe," Abdullah Lotfy of Egypt said. "It was like a wave. You go forward and suddenly you go back."

The hajj drew over 2 million Muslims from over 180 countries this year. It's a holy pain in the neck for the Saudi kingdom, who have spent billions of oil dollars to accommodate the growing number of pilgrims to maintain safety and security at the yearly event where non-Muslims are not allowed.

An investigation was begun by the Saudis, according to Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki [a man who is the very model of a modern Major General]. Al-Turki added that initial reports showed two crowds coming from opposite directions and converged at an intersection in the town of Mina, on the outskirts or out-burqas of Mecca.

This is when the not getting along with their fellow Muslims. It started with pushing and shoving and escalated into a "I gotta get there first because Allah is waiting for me."

"Unfortunately, these incidents happen in a moment," al-Turki said at a fake news conference.

However, four survivors wondered how officials managing the flow of human traffic could allow two enormous crowd on a collision course to intersect on two streets packed with pilgrims.

"What happened was more than they were ready for," Lotfy told the AP.

The Saudi civil defense directorate said late Thursday the death toll reached 719, but that would rise as bodies continued to be counted and sent to the morgue. At least 863 people were injured.

According to an AP journalist, there were bodies still lying on the ground over 10 hours after the crush and stampede in Mina, a valley containing 160,000 tents, none of which were purchased at Cabelas. The town is about 3 miles from Mecca.

One crowd had finished throwing pebbles at three stone columns representing shaytan [the devil] when it collided with the second wave of people about to perform the same task. That's when all hell broke loose.

Mohammed Awad, 36, was separated from his 56-year-old father when the pushing began. Awad said he tried to get out of the crush of bodies for 30 minutes and was eventually able to climb over a gate with others. It took him an hour before he could look for his father who was beneath 10 bodies, but he was still alive.

"You can't count how many bodies there were. They were stacked high," Awad said.

The place was a mess. Scores of bodies still dressed in terry cloth garb worn during hajj were lying amid crushed wheelchairs and water bottles. The streets where the trampling deaths occurred were blocked off by military police.

The Saudis take pride in their role as keepers of Islam's holiest, albeit most dangerous site to visit. Every Muslim is required to perform at least one pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives and purchase a bottle of water.

One would think that with over 100,000 security forces and 5,000 CCTV cameras throughout Mecca and Medina, this collision of wills and determination could have been avoided.

But perhaps Allah works in strange ways.

And for many Muslims, if you're going to die, dying in Mecca is a golden guarantee to paradise. Even if it happens in a stampede.

This was the second major screwup of the hajj season. On September 11th, a construction crane mysteriously crashed down onto the Grand Mosque, killing 111 people and injuring over 390 others. Authorities blamed it on high winds from a powerful storm.

This tragedy came as Muslims worldwide marked the start of Eid al-Adha holiday, a festive time in which livestock is slaughtered and distributed to the poor [Muslims].

In Lahore, Pakistan, Sajida Arif said her father, Haji, was among the dead. "Before leaving for the hajj, he told me he had a wish to be buried in Mecca," she said.

Be careful what you wish for.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Canucks use Yankee anti-terror database at borders

Trudeau: "A Loony for your thoughts"
Obama: "No worries, Trump will never win"
Canadian border guards have been screening border crossers using our huge, secret US anti-terrorism database that is rarely spoken of publicly. It's called Tuscan and is provided to every Canadain border guard and immigration officer, eh. It empowers them to detain, interrogate, arrest and deny entry to those found on it.

Although the database is used in Canada, it is maintained exclusively by the U.S. and contains personal information of as many as 680,000 people believed by the U.S. to be linked to terrorism. It's like a no-fly list kept in secrecy.

The Canadian official no-fly list is known as Passenger Protect Program and lists known and suspected terrorists forbidden to fly to or from Canada. [One wonders if the list also includes the names of those terrorists who have been released back into Canada from Gitmo.] This list has about 100,000 names and the Canadian government has been polite enough to allow terrorists and others a redress to apply for removal from the list.

But Tuscan is huge in comparison and there isn't a process in Canada to have your name removed from the list other than blowing yourself up at the airport while shouting a religious slogan. Even if there was another way to be an unlisted terrorist or a simple traveler, the U.S. is not obligated to remove your name.

Sorry Mo.

Canada's no-fly list only applies to airports but Tuscan extends to every land and sea border in Canada, as well as visa and immigration applications.

Ottawa while never formally recognizing the scope of Tuscan, is forging ahead with a closely guarded plan to expand and update it.

The list was first created in 1997 as a consular aid, but after 911 it was repurposed and expanded. In 2016, Justin Trudeau and his BFF, Barack Obama, agreed to expand it even further.

If President Trump gets his way, the list will include members of Hollywood, WikiLeaks, Facebook, Amazon, the DNC, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, CNN, MSNBC and the Mueller team.

11 MS-13 gangbangers charged with kidnap and murder to 2 Va. teens

Eleven MS-13 gang members have been charged with the kidnapping and murder of two teenage boys from Virginia. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has defended this gang of animals. She spoke about it [see video below] as if Trump was referring to all illegal immigrants coming into this country, but he was specifically referring to the MS-13 gang.

Pelosi, like most on the left, are dishonest about the illegal immigration situation and it seems as if their real endgame is to get rid of all borders and allow the nation to be inundated with anyone who wants to gain entry.
The Department of Justice announced the charges on Friday. All gang members involved are in their 20s and originally come from El Salvador. Whether they are here legally or illegally is unknown, but it doesn't really matter. We need to do more to screen everyone coming into the country, certainly not the other way around.

The video below shows President Trump's statement about gangs, particularly MS-13. You can see how Pelosi twisted the message to make her false point.

The victims of these animals were identified as Edvin Escobar Mendez, 17, and Sergio Arita Triminio, age 14.

The left never talks about the victims. They never talk about the horrors committed by the gangs that come into the country, or the other deaths caused by illegal aliens. They talk about the "divinity" of all human beings.

Ten of the animals charged are being held in detention and one is still at large, but is expected to have fled the U.S.

The indictment reads that four gang members conspired to lure Mendez, who is alleged to have been in a rival gang, to a park in Fairfax County. "After killing him and to conceal evidence linking them to the juvenile's disappearance and murder, these four defendants and their co-conspirators buried the juvenile's remains."

Also, in September 2016, nine animals of the gang lured Triminio to the same park to be murdered because MS-13 suspected he cooperated with law enforcement. He is buried there too.

Townhall reports "The charges are part of the Justice Department's ongoing crackdown on the violent, transnational gang. Prosecutors are seeking DOJ approval to charge death eligible offenses."

It can be predicted that Pelosi supporters and others on the left will call for less severe sentences because of the gang's spark of divinity.

Cynthia Nixon proud of her transgender daughter

Candidate for New York governor Cynthia Nixon, 52, is proud that he daughter graduated college, is transgender and believes she's a guy. Her birth name is Samantha Mozes but she changed it to Samuel, but goes by Seph.

Nixon shared the news in an Instagram post celebrating her daughter on the Trans Day of Action with a graduation photo from the University of Chicago.

In a post supporting her daughter's science-denying delusion and mental illness that she is a man, the "Sex and the City" actress said: "I'm so proud of my son Samuel Joseph Mozes (called Seph) who graduated college this month. I salute him and everyone else marking today's #TransDayofAction. #TDOA."

[Fact: there is a 41 percent suicide rate over the lifetime of transgender people significantly higher than the general population, which has increased to 13 per 100 thousand people.]

The question we need to ask--is Nixon proud of her daughter's transgender delusion or that she graduated college.

Nixon shares the 21-year-old gender dysmorphic with her ex, Danny Mozes. They are also parents to a 15-year-old son, Charles Ezekiel Mozes. Nixon is also mother to 7-year-old Max Ellington Nixon-Marinoni with her wife, Christine Marinoni, but evidently neither was the biological father, which is required in order to procreate.

Nixon announced in March that she was throwing her cap in the ring for New York governor, going up against Democrat Andrew "Mario's Son" Cuomo, assuring the outcome of the election in either case will suck.

In a video aimed at grabbing headlines Nixon said: "We want our government to work again. On health care, ending massive incarceration, fixing our broken subway. We are sick of politicians who care more about headlines and power than they do about us."

So her plan is to stop locking up so many criminals and make the trains run on time. Her plan for fixing health care is non-existent, or she's keeping it a secret.

She is also for gun control and no borders, so when there are fewer criminals locked up [and thus out on the street] with illegal guns and bad intentions, that's going to solve the crime problem.

Also part of her platform for governor is income inequality. In other words, she's a socialist and believes that it's okay to take money from others to give to those who make less.

That's immoral.

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Hogg's security: locked and loaded

How do you spell hypocrisy? Easy. D-a-v-i-d H-o-g-g.

The 18-year-old publicity hog who attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people last February, has become the voice of the left in their call to take away our Second Amendment rights to defend ourselves.

Hogg now has a book deal, publicists and armed security.

But he's walking along in the streets of New York City, a town with extremely strict gun laws. Why would he need armed security?

Sean Di Somma snapped photos of Hogg and tweeted:
"Here's @davidhogg111 in NYC today with armed guards and a bunch of publicists. #neveragain #Hypocrites."
Hogg simply responded with:
"Love you too."
The exchange next involved Hogg defenders claiming the book he's writing will have all proceeds go to anti-gun causes, not to Hogg. One defender, Jeff Walsh tweeted:
"The book proceeds are going to gun reform charities, not to David or his sister, so yeah, the more he promotes the book, the more it supports his cause (albeit not his wallet)."
Then the Hoggster tweeted:
"This ^^^^, you know @SeanDiSomma you should really read the book if you did you would know we're pro second amendment."
Di Somma replied:
"I'm going to take a pass. I'm not really into books pushing shallow agendas not written by the listed author. Good luck to you though; if this sells well, surely there's a nice advance for the next one. #capitalism"
But perhaps the best tweet [although there were some great ones] was from a person in Georgia:
"But @davidhogg111 I thought armed guards were not an answer to security? Who is Paying for him? @Everytown? @georgesoros? What makes you Special or better than anyone else in NYC?" --GA Patriot (@GA_Patriot912)
Never letting a tragedy go to waste, Hogg has been in the spotlight since the school shooting. He has gone to rallies to fight against the National Rifle Association--an organization that promotes gun safety and security checks for firearm purchases. He has called for boycotts of companies that advertise on Fox News and other media that support the Second Amendment and disagree with his leftist ideas.

Hogg has also called for a political revolution, but evidently he wasn't taken seriously enough to have one evolve. After all, he's an 18-year-old who can't spell very well, uses profanity to substitute for his lacking of vocabulary, and who failed to get into UCLA and other schools to which he applied.

In his previous life, Hogg may have been a member of Hitler's Nazi Youth movement.

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Friday, June 22, 2018

Mexican presidential candidate wants Mexicans to leave for U.S.--then who will vote for him?

Not George Soros
Mexican presidential candidate and drug cartel amnesty advocator, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) wants to inundate the United States with Mexicans who are tired of their country. AMLO claims it to be a "human right" for all North Americans to live wherever the hell they want.

"And soon, very soon--after the victory of our movement--we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world," AMLO said. He added that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life in the United States."

Those who would leave Mexico have little interest in Mexican politics and are not likely to vote for AMLO, so he wants them gone. Those who would come to the United States, want a government that accepts illegal people into the country without regard of their history, so they would vote Democratic.

A perfect fit for the misfits that run our government.

Obrador, 64, is the former mayor of Mexico City and holds progressive populist views, making him an attractive addition to a country run by drug cartels.

In April, AMLO [sounds like a pyramid scheme] delivered a speech criticizing President Trump and promising that Mexico will never become a "piñata" for any foreign government, particularly the U.S.

One thing AMLO proves is how much his people want to leave en masse to live on the dole paid for by U.S.  taxpayers. He is by far the frontrunner in the July 1st election so don't be surprised if you see President Trump butting heads with him when he tries to inundate the country with Mexicans and Central Americans with low skills and hands out at the ready.

Time mag is a fake news rag

A tiny 2-year-old girl is seen in a viral video crying as a U.S. Border Patrol 'meany' detained her mommy--at least that's what TIME magazine would have you believe, and she is crying because she has been separated from her.

And to be clear, it's all President Trump's fault.

Except she was never separated from her mother, according to the child's father.

"Welcome to America," the TIME cover declared, as it showed a photo of the child Yanela Sanchez, standing below the towering President Trump.

The rag called the cover "an image America could not ignore" and interviewed the photographer. They followed up with another article entirely about the cover and "the story behind" it.

Another leftist rag, The New York Daily News, also put the child on the cover with the headline: "Callous. Soulless. Craven. Trump."

But the cover on both rags was a lie. Multiple outlets interviewed the father of the child and learned the girl was detained with her mother at a facility in Texas, and were never separated. His version of the situation was confirmed by the Honduran government to Reuters.

According to The Washington Post, the mother, Sandra Sanchez, had been previously deported in 2013 to Honduras. Her husband told the newspaper that she left without telling him she was taking Yanela with her. He was unable to contact her but then saw the photo on the news.

"You can imagine how I felt when I saw the photo of my daughter," Denis Valera told The Daily Mail. "It broke my heart. It's difficult as a father to see that, but I know now that they are not in danger. They are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border."

Yet liberals seem less interested in the dangers of the journey than the destination.
The Real Story

Valera said he didn't support his wife's decision to make the dangerous trek to the U.S.

"I didn't support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day."

Based on photos from the Obama era, activists, lawmakers and so-called journalists accused Trump of running "internment camps," and some Trump officials have had their cell phone numbers revealed online and have even been harassed and chased out of public restaurants by leftist mobs who clearly want fully open borders for anyone who wants to enter.

President Trump tweeted:
"We must maintain a Strong Southern Border. We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections. Obama and others had the same pictures, and did nothing about it!"
This past May, leftists and fake news reporters scrambled to share an article featuring photos of kids locked in cages at an Arizona detention center. But then they scrambled to delete the tweets when they learned that the photos were from 2014. They never mentioned Obama's name, only that the photos were from that year.

A "prison bus" tweet claiming Immigration and Customs officials used the vehicle to carry babies, turned out not to be a prison bus, but a bus used for educational fields trips, and the photo was published in April 2016, months before Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

Have you noticed that when these so-called journalists make an error, it's always an error that went against Trump?

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....