Saturday, June 30, 2018

Michael Moore lies about migrant kids: surprised?

Michael Moore is pushing his new docu-sludge film "Fahrenheit 11/9 by appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday night. He wore his famous "Donut Hat" and did all he could to hawk the film. Colbert, who used to be funny, quickly obliged.

Moore had been secretly working on the film at his local Popeye's Restaurant ever since Trump announced his candidacy, and said the film will come out late September.

During his wide-angle lens appearance on the show, Moore claimed that minors apprehended crossing the border illegally are required to attend their immigration hearings without a lawyer present.

Unlike Pinocchio, whenever Moore lies, it isn't his nose that grows bigger--use your imagination.

"The headline, I don't know if you saw it. They have ruled now that toddlers must appear in these immigration courts alone. They cannot have an advocate or a lawyer or anyone with them. They could bring in the three- and four- and five-year-olds and they have to stand alone in the docket," the leftist said to an audience that creamed their jeans and screamed like little girls and boys on a rollercoaster. "This is insanity. This is not who we are, is it?"

He's right--this isn't who we are because that isn't what we do. Yes, he lied.

The corpulent socialist was apparently referring to a Texas Tribune story this week claiming that toddlers, are separated from their families by Trump and his Nazi cohorts and their "zero tolerance" immigration enforcement policy [meaning they actually followed the law the way it was written], and have been ordered to face deportation proceedings without their mommies and daddies.

In the same article, a number of lawyers who describe their experiences representing toddlers and other kids in immigration court do not, at any point in the article, mention or indicate that these migrant children aren't permitted legal representation or the company of a supportive adult during their hearing.

Despite Moore's claims to the contrary, it is a fact that migrant kids are not required to attend hearings alone and the overwhelming majority of them do not.

Although illegal immigrants are not entitled to a public defender [because they are not citizens and taxpayers should not be burdened with the cost of representing them] the Justice Department (DOJ) provides recommendations for pro bono legal services, and, failing that, matches children with "friends of the court" to accompany them throughout the proceedings.

Nearly 80 percent of all unaccompanied minors, as of March 31of this year with open cases a year or more pending, had retained legal representation, according to the DOJ.

Minors with parents also in immigration proceedings attend hearing with those parents.

The DOJ stated to National Review that Moore's comments were a "deliberate misrepresentation" and were clearly intended to further impugn the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy by actually following the letter of the law.

But Democrats refuse to change the law and don't seem to really care about the illegal immigrants as much as they care about the midterm elections.

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