Friday, June 22, 2018

Mexican presidential candidate wants Mexicans to leave for U.S.--then who will vote for him?

Not George Soros
Mexican presidential candidate and drug cartel amnesty advocator, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) wants to inundate the United States with Mexicans who are tired of their country. AMLO claims it to be a "human right" for all North Americans to live wherever the hell they want.

"And soon, very soon--after the victory of our movement--we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world," AMLO said. He added that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life in the United States."

Those who would leave Mexico have little interest in Mexican politics and are not likely to vote for AMLO, so he wants them gone. Those who would come to the United States, want a government that accepts illegal people into the country without regard of their history, so they would vote Democratic.

A perfect fit for the misfits that run our government.

Obrador, 64, is the former mayor of Mexico City and holds progressive populist views, making him an attractive addition to a country run by drug cartels.

In April, AMLO [sounds like a pyramid scheme] delivered a speech criticizing President Trump and promising that Mexico will never become a "piñata" for any foreign government, particularly the U.S.

One thing AMLO proves is how much his people want to leave en masse to live on the dole paid for by U.S.  taxpayers. He is by far the frontrunner in the July 1st election so don't be surprised if you see President Trump butting heads with him when he tries to inundate the country with Mexicans and Central Americans with low skills and hands out at the ready.

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