Thursday, May 6, 2021

Woke Coke stokes anger in folks

Coca-Cola apparently is getting their collective heads out of their nether regions as their reputation has basically been destroyed by their wokeness and their market share has plummeted.

The flavored gassy sugar water company got out over their proverbial skis when they became politically correct and tried their hand at a diversity plan that went so far as to penalize outside law firms if they failed to meet racial hiring quotas that placed a premium on melanin over merit. The company faced intense pushback from the public.

The putting to bed of wokeness came after Coke's former general counsel, Bradley Gayton resigned without warning last month after having less than a year to screw up the company's profits due to mounting criticism and people refusing to buy the diabetes-inducing bubbly.

Gayton was one of the wokesters for Coca-Cola's virtue signaling policies.

In January, Gayton made headlines when he revealed his plans to try forcing outside law firms to hire people of color, non-traditional sexual preferences and novel genders, and consider their merit secondary.

Under the plan, any law firm seeking to do business with the company was required to commit that at least 30 percent of billed time would be from “diverse attorneys,” and at least half of that time would be from Black attorneys.

“The hard truth is that our profession is not treating the issue of diversity and inclusion as a business imperative,” Gayton wrote in January, unveiling the plan. “We have a crisis on our hands and we need to commit ourselves to specific actions that will accelerate the diversity of the legal profession.”

The hard truth is that the law doesn't care a fig about the color of the attorney making a legal argument. It's the merit of the argument, therefore the ability of the lawyer, not his or her skin color, etc.

Gayton’s sudden resignation last month has thrown a monkey wrench into the plan, with outsiders criticizing it and urging Coca-Cola to walk it back.

In February, Coca-Cola went on a “Be Less White” campaign that included a diversity training seminar on LinkedIn as a requirement for all its employees. When it came under fire, Coca-Cola lied and said that it wasn’t required.

The seminar was created by race hustler Robin DiAngelo of White Fragility fame, who scores several grand on each anti-White performance she gives at her racist-fests.
The soda company landed in hot water in February after leaked documents from an internal diversity and inclusion training session asked workers to "be less white." Coca-Cola did not respond to the Free Beacon’s request for comment in time for publication.

— henry jones (@henryjo06676203) April 29, 2021
From coca-cola be less white seminar – sure it doesn't affect you so you not bothered, but racism is racism, regardless of who the target is. I'm sure if coca-cola had a be "less black" seminar you would be up in

— grantza (@grantbza) April 27, 2021

Coca-Cola is Georgia-based. They voiced their opposition to the new Georgia voting law that gives voters even more opportunity to vote but the Democrats lied and called the law racist because they are trying to turn the state blue.

Despite Gayton's departure from Coke as general counsel, he still has a relationship with the company and you can count on the woke agenda to quietly return. If it does, there's always RC Cola and Pepsi.

Newsbusters and other outlets are referencing a survey by Rasmussen Reports showing that people really don’t care what a corporation thinks about voting laws or racial diversity. They just want you to make a quality product that they can enjoy. If anything, wokeness turns people off more than it turns them on.

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