Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tlaib calls for lawlessness and end to prisons

Potty-mouth squadette, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) did some mind reading on Monday when she went on Twitter posting that the death of Daunte Wright "wasn't an accident" and apparently called for an end to policing.

The congress cretin said that the police system should be ended because it could not be reformed due to it being "inherently [and] intentionally racist."

In the eyes of the left, all police are racists, even the Black cops; roads are racist, even though it takes thought to be racist; Trump and all Republicans and those who voted for Trump are racist, even though Tlaib and the rest of her ilk have tried to silence conservative voices so she has no idea who we really are.

To call for an end to policing and incarceration, is to call for a country that looks like Seattle, Ferguson, New York City, Detroit, and I can go on with more Democrat-lead cities that have experienced rioting, looting, burning, assaults, and murder under the pretense of racism.

Tlaib, who is best known for calling the President of the United States a "motherf***er," seems to equate policing to "government funded murder." The truth is, she probably knows better than that if she has ever looked at the actual crime statistics.

Tlaib posted her bile after Wright, 1 20-year-old Black man, was shot and killed by a female police officer with 25 years of experience on the force. The tragic incident occurred in Minnesota this past weekend.

Body camera footage made public shows the officer yelling "Taser," before she fired her handgun. This has led officials to characterize the shooting as an  "accidental discharge" after it was believed the officer meant to grab a Taser but instead fired her gun; a bonehead mistake that cost Wright his life.

Wright drove off, crashed and died. He had been stopped for having expired tags on his car and he is also said to have had an outstanding warrant for his arrest.

The officer has been put on administrative leave, as is routine with any shooting by a cop.

Fate has caused emotions to ramp up and provide an excuse for opportunistic scumbags to loot and riot as this comes during the trial of Derek Chauvin, a former police officer involved in the death of George Floyd last year. That trial is in its third week as the defense is presenting their case for acquittal.

Local officials, and President House Plant, have requested protesters remain peaceful, which, according to the Comedy News Network, they mostly are.

A state of emergency has been declared and a curfew implemented across several counties.

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