Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Man drops "F-bomb" on Compromised News Network's live air broadcast

A man apparently fed up with the endless rioting going on in Minnesota, dropped the F-bomb and a load of expletives on Sara Sidner, a CNN reporter. He basically said that it's what the media is doing that's making the situation worse.

“Now you can see y’all be twisting up the story,” the angry Black man said to Sidner. [I mention his race in order to avoid being called a white something or other.]

“Alright, so tell me what you think about what’s going on,” the reporter responded.

“What I think about this, it’s all the press and all the extra s**t y’all do, makes this worse,” the man said. “When people want to protest, they shouldn’t do it in front of a f**kin’ police sta–, yeah, court house, s**t like that. You get what the f**k I’m saying? Y’all need to get up out of here with all that twisting that the media and s**t.”

The reporter told the man that they were live on air and he didn't care a fig about that and dismissed it saying, “I don’t care if you’re live or not, get away from here with all that media s**t that y’all doing.”

Sidner was so impressed with the edginess of the interview that she offered the man her phone number so they could discuss his thoughts later on.

The video can be viewed on this link: pic.twitter.com/DFsszxHyeV tweeted by Steve Krakauer. 

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