Wednesday, April 14, 2021

NM Gov. Grisham pays $60K+ in alleged crotch-grabbing settlement

New Mexico Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham paid James Hallinan, a former campaign staffer, no less than $62,500 in a legal settlement after he accused her of grabbing his crotch in 2018, according to the Albuquerque Journal. The alleged incident was said to have occurred in the home of state Rep. Deborah Armstrong during a strategy meeting several months before the 2018 election.

Hallinan told the Santa Fe New Mexican that Grisham dumped water in his lap and then reached toward his "junk."

"Governor Lujan Grisham and Mr. Hallinan have resolved any differences or issues to their satisfaction. I am not able to provide any further information," Hallinan's attorney Rachel Berlin Benjamin told Fox News in a statement.

Both Lujan Grisham’s office and Armstrong have denied any such event occurred, but that's what you'd expect them to say. #BelieveAllMen

Lujan Grisham and the campaign "strenuously deny that there is any merit or truth to Mr. Hallinan’s claims, including his claims about difficulty finding or keeping work after the campaign," campaign spokesman Jared Leopold told the Albuquerque Journal. Leopold's crotch remains untouched by politicians.

"They reached a settlement in order to avoid the continuing distraction and significant expense of possible litigation and allow them to concentrate on working for the people of New Mexico during this pandemic," was the excuse given. #BelieveAllMen

Hallinan said he’d been assaulted in front of Armstrong, Grisham’s campaign adviser Dominick Cabello and two staffers. The governor’s spokeswoman, Nora Meyers Sackett, said: "We’re a rambunctious bunch. I think they were playing around with water." Aha!

Hallinan [who may be gay or just looking for a payday] later tweeted that he’d endured "long, horrific abuse" under Grisham and accused her staff of trying to cover it up. He said he felt as if he’d been "under her thumb." 

It sounds like it was more than just her thumb.

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