Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Michael Moore demands Gov. Whitmer shut down all of Michigan

Socialist filmmaker Michael Moore is demanding that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) close down the state immediately, apparently not giving a flying fig how the lives of its citizens become affected from loss of income and concomitant psychological factors that come into play when people's freedom is taken from them. But that doesn't bother Moore--he's rich and will be just fine in a lockdown.

Speaking on an emergency episode of his podcast “Rumble," [named for what his stomach does after ten minutes without being fed] the big guy said that the rising number of COVID cases in the state has created a “tragedy” that he called upon Whitmer to correct. 

According to Moore, Whitmer has been crippled by fear from the many violent threats she has received, some due to her blatant disregard for her own rules, others for the obnoxious way she speaks down to people as she looks a lot like a Bond villain.

“I hate to say this, because I voted for her for governor, but she has been scared by people who seek to do violence to her, who bullied her,” Moore said. “The business community — the Chamber of Commerce — who have insisted that she reopen everything and this has brought a tragedy upon this upon the state, and so I need everybody’s help in pressuring … Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, to close things down.”

Moore, as previously mentioned is very wealthy, insisted that Whitmer should ignore the cries of the business community, recommending that they apply for government help to keep themselves afloat and help make socialism a reality in his lifetime.

“Do not listen to the business community. Yes, they are losing money,” he said. “There are programs to help them with getting some of this money back, and what they can’t get back, there should be other programs that the Biden administration establishes so that these businesses don’t go bankrupt.” And eventually be owned and operated by the government, if Moore had his way.

Moore said that Whitmer needs to shut down everything and pushed more fear by stressing that the pandemic could last as many as three or four years. 

Why not permanently?

“Shut down the restaurants, the bars, the businesses,” Moore said. “People, stay home, just for a little bit. Stay home from school, just for a little bit. We made a mistake in reopening the state of Michigan too soon. Stop this back and forth.”

By "a little bit," Moore apparently means three or four years.

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