Sunday, September 9, 2018

Dems go to their classiest felon as star witness in SCOTUS fight

They tried Cory Booker and he turned out to be more like a Fartacus than a Spartacus. They tried Kamala Harris and she turned out to be as unlikeable as Hillary Clinton. Now they Democrats are going to try John Dean, a disbarred convicted felon who flipped on former President Richard Nixon during Watergate, and they think he will have more credibility than the previous clown team.

Dean served hard time for obstruction of justice and will address the Judiciary Committee Friday afternoon to "speak about the abuse of executive power," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D. Calif.).

[Interestingly, some of Feinstein's closest friends are Chinese spies, so it's understandable that Dean is an attractive choice for the Dems.]

Dean, scumwafer that he is, was a big part of the Watergate affair after approaching prosecutors in the hopes of immunity for his criminal acts he admitted to committing as Nixon's White House counsel. To this day, Dean is still referred to as a "rat."

Being the dung merchant that he is, he gave public testimony implicating top figures in the scandal, and in spite of the key role he played in the wrongdoing, it allowed for him to have a greatly reduced sentence.

The liberal media allowed this toad to emerge from the scandal and prison in a positive light, but the legal community still regarded him as less than pond scum, a perfect witness for DemocRats.

Dean was disbarred in Virginia for his "unethical," unprofessional, and unwarranted conduct in the Watergate affair," the New York Times reported. But like a modern bad relationship, he "moved on" and began a new career badmouthing Republicans.

He attempted to psychologically exonerate himself by writing a book, "Worse than Watergate," which criticized President George W. Bush saying that his "tactics of deception" would create "more damage to the nation than Nixon at his worst."

In fact, if Dean was still advocating for the GOP, the Democrats would call him a racist, sexist, homophobe and xenophobe. But the Democrats put him back in the spotlight after Trump called him a "rat" in late August.

Dean was "honored" to be called a rat by Trump, possibly because it meant a paycheck, and possibly because a rat is a higher life form than what Dean actually is--a liberal.

While Dean opposes Kavanaugh's nomination, it isn't known what this disbarred crap weasel can say negatively about a judge with impeccable credentials, after his own history of sneaky, illegal scumbaggery makes his words farcical.

Kavanaugh is expected to be confirmed before the November mid-term elections in spite of the rude antics displayed by the Democrats.

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