Sunday, September 9, 2018

Anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn condemned for describing creation of Israel as 'racist'

British Labor Leader called for his party to adopt a personal statement which would have permitted anti-Semite activists to describe "Israel, its policies or the circumstances around its foundation as racist."

Corbyn seems to have read the Quran but obviously didn't read the Old Testament.

The anti-Semite said that he doesn't believe it's anti-Semitic to describe the creation of Israel as racist in a move which has cause even greater fractions with the Jewish community.

The human garbage heap Labor Leader was overruled by the party's ruling body, which chose to accept the international definition of anti-Semitism in full while still acknowledging the right of anti-Semitic so-called Palestinians to free speech.

He was widely condemned by Jewish groups who said that Corbyn is part of the problem not the solution.

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