Sunday, November 19, 2017

PA threatens to cut us off

Our Palestinian "pals" have threatened to cut off "all communication" with the U.S. after we warned them of closing the Washington offices of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). 

In a video starring Saib Ureykat, the PLO Secretary General said, "Palestine administration will cut off all communication with the US in case that PLO rejects to renew the license of Washington office." It is also rumored that someone heard him mutter under his breath, 'Death to Israel,' but that's unconfirmed.

Ureykat went on to warn:
"We got the message by the US Department of State that the license approval process of PLO's office [in Washington] will not be extended as Palestine appealed the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the Israeli's violations against Palestine."
The Associated Press reported on Friday that the US threatened to close the Washington offices of the PLO over its calls to prosecute Israeli officials in the ICC for crimes against Palestinians. Specifically, when Hamas fires rockets at school buses, Israel fires back with a disproportionate response.

The AP reported that it's against US laws for the PLO to apply to the ICC for prosecution against Israel. In fact, Israel did not apply to the ICC when, at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany, the PLO's Black September Group kidnapped and eventually murdered eleven men of Israel's Olympic team. 

What Israel applied was revenge.

Back to the PLO--under a 2015 US law, the secretary of state must certify to Congress that the PLO hasn't taken action with the ICC. Rex Tillerson wasn't able to do that by a November deadline, according to a State Department official who has not been accused of sexual misconduct.

The AP reported that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called for the ICC to investigate and prosecute Israelis at the UN General Assembly in September.

The PLO has gained legitimacy since Barack Hussein Obama's presidency, and is the officially recognized representative of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian Authority is the de jure governing authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 

However, both group have the same slogan: "Death to Israel."

And it isn't about land. It's about Quranic anti-Semitism. 

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