Sunday, November 19, 2017

Cowpoke Wilson wants Kelly to apologize

Wilson demonstrates 
how to dress like a transgender cowboy
Rep.ulsive Frederica Wilson (D.ummy--Fla.) rehashed her feud with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Saturday. The failed rodeo clown said that Kelly owes the nation an apology.

It all began when Wilson said President Trump was insensitive when he spoke in a condolence call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson which she was privy to as she sat with the widow. Johnson was one of the four soldiers killed in an October ambush in Niger.

Ms. Johnson has supported Wilson's interpretation of the phone call, which probably was due to Wilson coaching her because it makes no sense for a president to call a widow of a fallen soldier and be intentionally insensitive. In fact, to make this a political issue at all, is insensitive not only to Ms. Johnson, but to all the families of the fallen. 

I don't blindly stand by Trump for everything he does, but in this case there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that his intentions were good and those of the borderline rodeo clown were political.

Kelly, a Gold Star father, defended President Trump and criticized Wilson for listening into the call and claiming she was "instrumental" in securing funding for an FBI office building in Miami. 

Wilson waited for the coast to be clear, when all the bulls were gone before emerging from her protective rodeo barrel to deny Kelly's account and demanded he apologize to every single person in America. In person.

Last week, Wilson thanked another clown, the not so Rev. Al Sharptongue, for helping her community "heal",after the death of La David Johnson. And he did it for only a nominal fee.

Sharptongue has been quoted as saying such intelligent things as (watch the short video):

Wilson has been a leading yodel in demanding answers about the circumstances surrounding Johnson's death. 

The U.S. Army announced that it notified the family members of the four soldiers killed that the investigation of the incident will likely conclude in January 2018.

Unfortunately, as long as Wilson can get political traction out of it, she will continue to accuse everyone associated with the GOP as being responsible for his death. 

And one fine day, the Fluffernutter from Florida will ride off into the sunset on her Democrat donkey.

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