Friday, August 14, 2015

Lois Lerner: "I look like crap"

Conservatives are "evil and dishonest,"  even "hateful," says the woman's emails who led the IRS in a frontal assault on conservative nonprofit organizations. She plead the Fifth Amendment after she testified of her innocence about her illegal involvement in the IRS scandal, and somehow got away with not testifying any further.

The newly released emails show us just who this woman with the 1967 hairdo and flat affect really is. Calling Republicans "evil and dishonest" while trying to put the screws to conservative nonprofits is doing God's work, in her dead eyes, I imagine.

The emails were part of a bipartisan report released by the Senate Finance Committee on August 6th. It shows Lerner "up close and personal" to use ABC's sportscaster, Jim McKay's oft used words.

The report found evidence that the Obama administration's political agenda and Lerner's personal politics impacted on how she did her job, as well as other employees with the same political bent, doing theirs, says Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) chairman of the Finance Committee.

The one issue Lerner was "right on the money" about was her statement regarding how the press handled the story. "I looked like crap," she said. "I don't look like that anymore, but it serves their purposes of hate mongering to continue to use those images."

She should have stopped writing after the first sentence. She will always have dead eyes and flat affect. She will always look like crap to those organizations of which she acted like crap to destroy.

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