Thursday, January 19, 2012

Race Baiting Left

This is what arrogance looks like

"If you don't vote for Obama, you must be a racist."  That makes as much sense as saying that if Michele Bachmann won the nomination and you didn't vote for her, you had to be a sexist.  It's shameful and it's perpetrated by idiots like Chris Matthews and many in the leftist media and Democratic party to say such things, but the worst part is that those who want to believe it, will believe it.  

The media invariably overlooks the gaffes of those on the left, like when Obama spoke about his visiting 57 states in the USA.  Or when Nancy Pelosi stated that "if we don't pass that stimulus package, 500 million Americans would be unemployed".  According to the US census clock, there should only be 312,874,651 Americans alive in the USA by tomorrow.  I'd like to think that Nancy Pelosi simply exaggerated in her number, but the truth is, she's as much of an idiot as Chris Matthews, except she has more money, and more power, since only a handful of people watch MSNBC--roughly the same ratio of normal to mentally challenged in this country.

Democrats believe that Republicans are racist, stupid, and only care about the rich.  We know who the Dixiecrats were and what their racial feelings were too.  We know who Bull Connor was and who was responsible for Jim Crow.  If you don't know, then you should learn more about the Democrats and their racist past.

G.W. Bush was called stupid by the Dems when he ran against Kerry.  Both of these gentlemen went to Yale, and both received mediocre grades. But  GW's average of 77 was one point higher than Kerry's and Bush never dropped out of any college as Kerry did prior to Yale.  

Republicans were always touted for caring only about big business, but the left added an extra word in their claim.  The Republicans care about business.  In fact, they care more about small business by far, than the Dems do because they don't want to tax the small businessman at the rate the Democrats would tax them. The truth is, if Democrats totally had their way, we would all be dependent on government and even more people would be on food stamp.

Newt is correct in labeling Obama as the "Food Stamp President."  I believe Obama's photo should actually be on the stamp.  And to say that about him isn't racist--more whites receive food stamps than blacks, but remember, the left would have you believe that to not vote for Obama is racist--and I already told you what I think of that.  Oh, and I understand Newt's second wife is coming out of her hole to speak ill of him--I only wonder how much money the left is paying her.  They wouldn't know a real political issue if it bit them on their butt.

If you are interested in reading a novel about Islam, terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links below for bth the hard copy (softcover) edition and the ebook edition of my latest novel.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a NY based reporter who is taken hostage by Islamic terrorists and must talk his way out of captivity before he is beheaded the following day. The clock is ticking.
Jihad Joe: a Novel   Create Space Hardcopy edition
Jihad Joe see it here     ebook version

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