Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Horrifying Marines, Shame Shame

In case you haven't guessed it, the title of this piece is pure sarcasm.  I'm a former Marine and I'm totally horrified at our government for being horrified at Marines, in a time of war, with an enemy who has defined the word "horrify" by it's terrorist acts against humanity. I believe it's okay to be angry at those who would kill you, kill your family, and destroy civilization as we know it in the West--I'm funny that way.  After a firefight, one comes away with incredibly strong emotions, much of which is anger and relief, some of which is revenge toward those who tried to kill you.

Of course those Marines were foolish to have recorded and displayed what they had done. But is that worse than the recording of Daniel Pearls being beheaded on YouTube? The pregnant woman being shot in the back of the head by a Taliban "hero"? The children suicide bomber recruited by the Taliban?

The left is going to say that when we commit atrocities, we are no better than our enemies.  This is blatant BS of the highest order.  We are above and beyond better than the Islamic jihadists who would kill you for calling Mohammad a pedophile just because he married a 6 year old child and raped her when she was 9.

Peeing on a dead Taliban terrorist is certainly not worse than shooting women trying to get an education, or hanging gays for being what they cannot help being; or killing Jews for being Jews.  I don't condone what the Marines did, but I certainly understand their release of pent up testosterone.

It's interesting that the media condemns this and will not let the story go away, but when an OWS protestor defecated on an American flag, and another slime ball defecated on a NYC Police vehicle, this was a non-story.  When the same protestors made anti-Semitic statements, both verbally and on their posters, the media, except for Fox News, never even covered it. This is why the left hates Fox News:  "They distort the truth," they say.  The only thing they "distort" is the leftist, anti-American message the media loves to tell. To this day, The New York Times still refuses to admit Alger Hiss was a Communist spy, even though he admitted it!  Then we have Newsweek ragazine with Obama's arrogant pose on the cover asking us "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" The inside story by Andrew-I'm Proud-to-Wash-Obama's-shorts-Sullivan, tells the lefty reader how liberals aren't at all as retarded as they act, but conservatives are dumb. So, if you criticize Obama, you're dumb. Nyah nyah nyah. 

"Four more terms"
I predict for the coming election, the left is going to claim Republicans are racists, stupid, and only out for the rich.  If you look at history you will see that this isn't true. If you know anything about psychology, you will realize that making these claims about Republicans, is something called "projection."

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for both the hard copy (soft cover) edition and the eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  Zed must somehow escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     
Free Ebook "Conservatweets"  http://tinyurl.com/6p69cb7

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