Monday, May 23, 2011

Can Freedom Go To Hell?

Where are we going as a nation? What's going to happen to us if things continue going in the same direction they're currently heading? Let's just look at a few things that you might find disturbing in today's world.


The Constitution of the United States of America. Not that there is anything wrong with this noble document, but the fact that it is frequently being disregarded by our current king of the hill, Barack Hussein Obama, is very disturbing. Specifically, the notion that it is the president's duty to require permission from the Congress to go beyond the initial 60 days of an undeclared war we have with another nation; like Libya, for example. CNN, the "nations unbiased news agency" (and if you believe that, you'd believe chickens have lips and snakes have hips), mentioned this fact but made light of it because it just isn't important enough so long as there's a Democratic president socializing the country and raising the debt ceiling in order to raise the debt. But worse than that is the disregard of the First Amendment; you know, the one that says you have the right to say things others may not like or disagree with. I believe it's about freedom of speech. The video above is an interesting take on this issue. Idiot leftist students at a California College were asked to sign a petition to remove Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and other conservatives from the airwaves. These morons all said they believe in free speech, but signed the petition because they are clueless as to what they really believe in, which is free speech as long as it agrees with them. 

Peaceful Easy Feelin'
But that's just one aspect of the First Amendment. What about "hate speech," an Obamian term meaning "speech against Islamic ideology." Sure, some people love the prophet of Islam, Mohammad (peas be up in him), but others simply think of him as a terrorism-promoting, pedophile, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, intolerant misogynist. Still others think of his in worse terms, but that would take much more space than is available on a Google blog allotment. If Obama could have his way, the First Amendment would be compromised because the purpose of free speech is to allow for speech you don't like, otherwise, what's the point?

The idea that one cannot speak critically about religion is the same as saying that one cannot challenge another's belief about any debatable topic, like "who is going to win this year's Stanley Cup?" The "hate speech" law really comes from Shariah law, or Islamic law, and the movement to digest this form of law into our own Constitution is called "creeping Shariah." It's creeping because it's implication and methods of creeping into our legal system is not unlike that of a poisonous snake. It will change one law at a time until we are dominated by their system.  Non-Muslims would be considered less than Muslims in all areas of life, and women in general would be treated much the same way that Muslim men in Islamic countries treat their wives today--beat them if they don't allow you to "plow their fertile fields," give them half the inheritance as their brother, don't allow them to go to school, and kill them if they dishonor you by not marrying the porker you set her up with, or if she finds a love of her own, a man  who doesn't believe that Allah is all you say he is. Of course if a person is gay, under Shariah law, he or she is to be killed. They're hanging them high in Iran and other Muslim countries. 

But Obama already knows all of this--he went to a Muslim school (a madrassa) in Indonesia where he recited the Koran as part of his religious training. I've said it before in this blog that Obama may or may not be a Muslim, but it doesn't really matter because his policies are Islam-friendly and freedom-opposed. I wonder what he's going to say to our American Jews to convince them to vote for him again in spite of his betrayal of Israel. I have to admit it--he is definitely a wordsmith and he can be quite convincing if you don't examine his actions based upon his words.  It's going to be an interesting campaign.

If you are interested in Islamic terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--I have provided the links below.  A New York City reporter is taken hostage by terrorists and must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.   FREE Ebook:  Conservatweets

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