Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Bible, Islam, Sex, Obama, MSM, and PC

The end of the world came and went and, as predicted by some, never happened. I don't believe that the Bible, or any scripture, is going to predict the end of the world--who wants to know when we're going to die anyway? No, I don't believe the world is going to end with a global earthquake, sucking up the evil-doers and rapturing the good guys into the sky--I believe we're going to destroy ourselves, and the culprit is going to be religion. One religion in particular. Hint: it isn't going to be Jainism--that's the most pacifistic religion on the planet. You don't even kill insects if you're a good Jain. If everyone was a Jain we'd live in peace. Of course the religion I'm referring to is Islam, the religion of peace, but only peace for other Muslims. 

We can be politically correct and say all the right things, like "it's only a small fraction of the Muslim population who are radical." Or: "If there was mutual respect, then the Muslim world would like us." (A kind of Obama mentality and lack of common sense). This, of course, is pure unadulterated bullplop. Islam is a religion of conquest, a religion of jihad, and a religion of intolerance. To say otherwise is to be an ostrich, head in ground pretending that if we're nice to them, maybe they'll leave us alone. Hah, you'd have a better chance of meeting three people with both your first and last name at three pm on a Wednesday, in Finklefuts, Mississippi. Orthodox Islam is all of these things and more, and they don't need to be dissed to be pissed.

"Screw you, Israel"
Even more frightening than Islam is the way the media reports on it. Today while watching the local liberal news, I saw where "militants with suicide vests" attacked a military base in Pakistan, killed four people, and partially destroyed a jet plane. Isn't it obvious how the media will do all kinds of verbal contortions to keep from saying "Islamic extremists," or "Islamic terrorists," or "Muslim jihadists," or basically anything indicating who these people are who would blow themselves up, or have their children blow themselves up, in the name of an ideology invented by a camel humping, Jew-hating terrorist? I think you know who I'm talking about. Even liberals know who I'm talking about but they dare not say it in fear of offending Muslims and being called, (heaven forbid) Islamophobic. If you aren't willing to say who your enemy is, or what your enemy's ideology is, you might as well give up, become a dhimmie, and pay the tax (jizya) he demands of weaklings and idiots.

I hope you're like me and are becoming tired of MSM politically correct bullcrap. Like the CNN story they did on Dominique Strauss-Kahn, comparing him with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tiger Woods. The story was about men of power who cheat on their wives. Of course you know that Strauss-Kahn is a devout socialist, a guy who could have become the President of France. But he didn't just cheat on his wife--he allegedly raped a woman. Why was it minimized? I believe for the fact that he is a leftist and therefore a love interest for the media. Now Obama is back to demonstrating his "white side" with the Irish part of his family and the media is eating it up. It's good for the campaign. I just wonder how the Jewish contingency is going to vote for him after he lied to them about Israel and how the USA will stand behind them.

Getting back to Strauss-Kahn, however, isn't it funny how the left, who pretend to be on the side of labor, have the least respect for those who actually labor?  
If you want to read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

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