Thursday, January 31, 2019

Huge seizure of fentanyl made at border: enough to kill 57 million

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made a record-breaking seizure of fentanyl on the U.S.-Mexican border. According to the DEA, the amount seized was enough to kill 57 million Americans.

"According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a canine officer alerted other officers to the presence of 254 pounds of fentanyl hidden inside an 18-wheeler carrying cucumbers, during a secondary inspection at the Mariposa port of entry just past noon on Saturday," The Arizona Republic reported.

In addition to the record fentanyl seizure, agents also seized 395 pounds of methamphetamine from inside an 18-wheeler.

The amount of fentanyl seized by agents was enough to kill well over 57,000,000 Americans, given that the DEA states that as little as 2 milligrams can be fatal.

According to the DEA, fentanyl “is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.”

The DEA also notes that "Illicit fentanyl and other synthetic opioids — primarily sourced from China and Mexico—are now the most lethal category of opioids used in the United States."

This is a developing story.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Va. Dem regrets she co-sponsored extreme abortion bill she 'did not read'

Would you sign a contract you did not read, knowing that the contract was about life and death? Well, Virginia Delegate Dawn Adams (Richmond) signed a bill about just that issue and it never dawned on Dawn to read the damn thing.

Or so she now says.

After she co-sponsored an extremely horrifying abortion bill that would allow a baby to be killed right up until the head is about to leave the birth canal, and amid a strong backlash to so-called "moderate", Gov. Ralph Northam's defense of allowing the murder to take place, even if the baby is born alive, Adams backtracked and sent a letter to her constituents Wednesday evening. She apologized to them and claimed that she "did not read" the bill that she co-sponsored. She did not read the bill she co-sponsored?

If she is lying about it, and is only apologizing to remain in office, she sucks as a human being. If she's telling the truth, she sucks as a government employee and is incompetent. But either way, she sucks.

"I made a mistake, and all I know to do is to admit it, tell the truth, and let the chips fall where they may," Adams wrote in a newsletter reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch. "If you follow my newsletter or have written to me to ask about my votes, you know that I do my best to read and research every bill I vote on. But I did not read a bill I agreed to co-patron and that wasn’t smart or typical. I will work harder and be better for it."

Adams then vaguely referenced some of the controversy swirling around the bill she co-sponsored along with fellow Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran (Fairfax) and tried to tap dance over why she backed the radical bill without having read it.

"By now you have heard about the abortion bill, or seen the video. I vaguely remember signing on to this, and I did this in solidarity with my colleague and as a symbolic gesture for a woman’s right to choose," Adams wrote, using the code phrase "a woman's right to choose" to mean "a mother's right to choose to kill her baby."

"On principal alone, I do believe that women have full authority to decide what is best for themselves and their bodies. [A baby is not her body, it's the baby's body.] As a healthcare provider, I believe that all patients are entitled to the sanctity of the patient-provider relationship, and that medical practice should not be legislated by the General Assembly."

So while Adams is okay with killing the "out of sight, out of mind" baby, she doesn't agree with killing it after you see the child. It isn't clear on how she feels about the issue of whether the baby feels pain, but in the third trimester, it's undebatable as the central nervous system is developed. And she should know this fact as a nurse practitioner.

The delegate then apologized again, this time explaining why she believes the bill goes too far: "I am sorry that I did not exercise due diligence before this explosion of attention; had I done so, I would not have co-patroned, and here is why: I thought this bill sought to solely reverse the onerous additions to the code made in 2012 by HB462. While it did, it sought to do much more. Had I researched each line of removed language, I would have seen that, and known that there was more research to be done."

She must be a horrible nurse practitioner too.

The bill made national news on Tuesday after video of Tran defending its extremist positions on the floor of the Virginia State House went viral. In an exchange with Republican House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert (Shenandoah), Tran [aka "The Dragon Lady"] admitted the bill would allow a woman to abort her child even as she is "about to give birth" in order to protect her "mental health," a vague term that covers anything the doctors want it to cover in each case. If it makes her sad due to the inconvenience of having to take care of the child for years, that's a reason to abort.

Here's the now-famous exchange:

Gilbert: So how late in the third trimester would you be able to do that?”

Tran: You know, it's very unfortunate that our physicians witnesses were not able to attend today to speak specifically –

Gilbert: I'm talking about your bill. How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?

Tran: Or physical health.

Gilbert: Okay, okay. I'm talking about the mental health.

Tran: So I mean, through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.

Gilbert: Okay, but to the end of the third trimester?

Tran: Yep, I don't think we have a limit in the bill.

Gilbert: So, where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs of that, she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified? ... She's dilating.

Tran: Mr. Chairman, that would be a, you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point.

Gilbert: I understand that, I'm asking if your bill allows that.

Tran: My bill would allow that, yes.

The Times-Dispatch notes that Adams explains in her letter that the current law would deem what Tran told Gilbert the bill would allow to be "partial birth infanticide."

"This remains a crime and would not be something any sane licensed physician would perform," she assured her constituents, meaning people who she wants to vote for her again. "The code is very specific and clear about what this means and it is different from an abortion, even late term."

National scrutiny of the extreme law was heightened on Wednesday when Democratic Gov. Northam defended allowing a born-alive child to die if the mother did not want to save the child. The cowardly governor walked back his statement which agreed with the bill and pretended he didn't say what he said. He pretended he was only referring to severe deformities and assured the public that the baby would be made comfortable before killing him or her.

None of us are perfect, but this is pure evil. It's infanticide, it's immoral and there is no law that can be written to excuse it. The Democrats have finally tipped their hand--it was never about "a clump of cells," it was never about "it cannot feel pain." It was always about getting rid of the problem.

Those who dehumanize life, are less human themselves.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Omar 'chuckles' when calling Israel a democracy: compares it to Iran

Rep[ulsive] Ilhan Omar (D-MN) a congressional freshman, is getting blowback after she compared Israel to Iran, a country that has just made it illegal for their citizens to walk a dog in public and hangs gay people.

The anti-Semite Muslim said that she "almost chuckle[s]" when the Jewish state is described as a democracy, a remark she made on a Yahoo! News interview on Tuesday.

She also likes Venezuela's dictator and other U.S. adversaries.

When she was asked about how the U.S. can facilitate the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, she criticized the U.S. for not having “an equal approach” in dealing with both sides, not realizing that Israel is an ally and the so-called Palestinians are not.

“Most of the things that have been aggravating to me is that we have had a policy that makes one superior to the other. And we mask it with a conversation about justice and a two-state solution. When you have policies that clearly prioritize one over the other,” she said.

Omar, who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was asked to explain in more detail what she meant, prompting her to criticize America’s closest ally in the Middle East.

“I mean just our relationship with the Israeli government and the Israeli state. And so when I see Israel institute laws that recognize it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it,” she said, because she is clueless and not very fair-minded.

“And we still uphold it as a democracy in the Middle East I almost chuckle because I know that if we see that any other society we would criticize it, call it out,” the lawmaker continued. “We do that to Iran, we do that to any other place that sort of upholds its religion. And I see that now happening with Saudi Arabia and so I am aggravated, truly, in those contradictions.”

The truth is, Israel is superior to the Palestinians in several ways. To begin, let's look at Israel and where it stands in terms of democracy and fairness:
1. According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2013, the Israeli population was comprised of 1,658,000 Arabs, or 21 percent of the population. Arabs in the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem living there after the 1967 Six Day War, were offered Israeli citizenship. While most turned it down, they were given permanent residency status with a future option of becoming citizens.
2. There are three main Arab political parties in Israel: a) Hadash, which is a joint Arab-Jewish party; b) Balad; and c) United Arab List, which is a coalition of political organizations including Islamic Movement in Israel and Ta'al. There are no Israeli-Jewish political parties in the Palestinian Authority. In fact, there are no living Jews in so-called Palestine that are free to walk the streets.
3. Palestinian Arabs sat in Israel's very first parliamentary assembly in 1949.
4. In 2011, 13 of the 120 members of the Israeli Parliament are Arab citizens, compared to zero Israelis in the Palestinian Authority government in any context. 
5. There is one Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court. There are no Israelis involved in any capacity with Palestinian law.
6. In 2004, then-Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, declared that every state-run company must have at least one Arab on its board of directors. 
7. In 2015, there were 18 Arabs elected to the Knesset. There are no Israelis in the Palestinian Authority.
Omar's anti-Semitic comments sparked condemnation on social media, with former New York state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Democrat, criticizing her comparing Israel with Iran.

“Who objects to Saudi Arabia being Islamic? Or any of the other 48 Muslim states? The issue with Iran isn’t their state religion; it’s their terror-loving leaders that are condemned. @IlhanMN needs to learn about the world before she’s out of excuses for her antisemitism,” he wrote.

Jim Hanson, president of Security Studies Group who also served in U.S. Army Special Forces, meanwhile, accused Omar of being an “anti-Semite” and lamented that she’s a member of Congress.

“@IlhanMN is an anti-Semite. Give her an opportunity to speak her mind & like most bigots she'll tell you. She laughs at the idea Israel is a democracy & compares it to Iran. Shameful to have those ideas represented in Congress,” he wrote.

This isn’t the first time Omar has been slammed for her comments regarding Israel. She had to apologize earlier this month for a tweet that read: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine#Israel.”

Yeah, the evil doings of Israel--that's why Hamassholes hurl stones and fire rockets and mortars at Israeli school buses and kill families, mothers, fathers and babies while they sleep. They do it to stop Israeli evil.

Like Antifa stops fascism. 

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ranking Judiciary Committee Republican wants an explanation by FBI of why they used force in Stone arrest

A ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) questioned the FBI's stormtrooper tactics in their arrest of Roger Stone at his home in Florida on Wednesday, in a letter to FBI Director Chris Wray.

Stone is an elderly man with a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back, and a longtime adviser and confidant of President Trump. The latter fact may be the key to the FBI tactics, but Wray will never say that, you can bet.

Collins as well as Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), are questioning the amount of force used in arresting the 66-year-old Stone at his home. They were just short of using a C4 charge on the door with guns blazing in spite of the fact that he was not deemed a flight risk [his passport has expired] and had already publicly stated that he expected to be indicted.

“Although none of the seven charges against Stone is considered to be a violent crime, the FBI demonstrated an immense show of force during an early-morning raid on Stone’s home,” Collins wrote in his letter to Wray. “Given the fact that the FBI is embroiled in a scandal related to the origins of this investigation, we are perplexed about why the FBI would use such a show of force in the arrest of an elderly man.”

Collins also points out that when Sen. Bob Menendez, (D-NJ), was indicted in 2015 on 14 charges – as with Stone, the charges included giving false statements – he and his lawyers were permitted to discuss and prepare how Menendez would voluntarily surrender.

Perhaps the "D" after his name can give us some indication.

In his letter, Collins asks Wray to clarify how far up the chain of command the knowledge of the raid and tactics used went, and whether the FBI had any discussions with Stone’s attorneys before the raid. He also asks if the FBI spoke to any media organizations ahead of the raid as a Comedy News Network (CNN) commentator was at the scene when the raid on Stone’s house went down and overheard his conversation with FBI agents.

What are the chances? The network claims they saw Grand Jury papers that led them to guess about Stone about to be raided, but those papers are confidential, even to the press, [although CNN doesn't fall into that category].

Collins joined a growing chorus of Republican lawmakers and strategists criticizing Stone's arrest, with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie calling it “overkill” and downing a Whopper with a diet coke. 

A former FBI agent comparing the raid to a “pre-dawn ‘knock-and-announce’ arrest warrant of a meth lab somewhere in the United States.” Stone himself drew a parallel between the level of force displayed during his arrest and that used to capture alleged Mexican drug lord JoaquĆ­n “El Chapo” Guzman.

Mueller's team and Democratic lawyers with the U.S. attorney's office for the District of Columbia are jointly prosecuting the case against Stone in the hopes of getting some dirt on Trump. They did not push for Stone to be jailed or for U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson to impose a gag order in the case, but to get Stone to stop talking about anything would actually require a real gag.

Stone remains free on $250,000 bond.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Muslims warn Nike about a shoe that steps on Allah's name

The name of Allah is everywhere you look. It's in nature, it's in the sky, in butterflies, it's basically everywhere. Now it's even on the sole of the Nike Air Max 270 running shoe, and boy, that's really angering some practitioners of the religion of peace. In fact, they're spitting mad at Nike for daring to place the holy name of Allah on the sole of a shoe where it meets road, mud, dog crap, you name it.

Literally thousands of people are demanding Nike recall its shoe, saying that the "blasphemous" logo is offensive to Muslims, and you know what can happen when you get some of them angry. [I added the words "some of" to be PC.]

A petition, which garnered more than 14,000 signatures by mid-day Wednesday, claims that the logo resembles “Allah,” the Arabic word for God, written in Arabic script, the only language Allah knows how to speak, evidently.

Petitioner Saiqa Noreen says the logo “will surely be trampled, kicked and become soiled with mud or even filth.” She's hoping Nike will replace it with the map of Israel instead.

“It is outrageous and appalling of Nike to allow the name of God on a shoe,” Noreen wrote. “This is disrespectful and extremely offensive to Muslim’s and insulting to Islam.”
It also looks like a Hebrew letter
Noreen is also demanding Nike recall the "blasphemous and offensive shoe and all products with the design logo resembling the word Allah from worldwide sales immediately."

A Nike spokesperson told "Today" that the logo is nothing more than a “stylized” version of the Air Max trademark.
Read the wing carefully--do you see it?
Do you see it?
"Nike respects all religions and we take concerns of this nature seriously," the spokesperson said. "The AIR MAX logo was designed to be a stylized representation of Nike's AIR MAX trademark. It is intended to reflect the AIR MAX brand only. Any other perceived meaning or representation is unintentional."

As much as Nike sucks for putting Colin Kaepernick out there as its spokes weasel, I have to believe that they're innocent of intent here, and that Muslims are overreacting, or simply acting like leftists and looking for something to be angry over.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

DC Antifa fascist leader charged with 'Ethnic Intimidation'

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Antifa leader Joseph "Jose" Alcoff, [aka "Chepe," which when translated means "southern sphincter"] was arrested and charged with a number of felonies in connection with the Antifa mob attack against 2 Marines in Philadelphia last November.

The fascist Alcoff faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, conspiracy and terroristic threats, and one count of robbery while inflicting serious bodily injury.

An affidavit filed in the case reveals that The Daily Caller News Foundation’s reporting on Alcoff’s connection to violent Antifa groups was an integral factor leading to his arrest, suggesting that not all news outlets support actual fascism.

The Marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, testified in December that a group of 10 to 12 Antifa members, acting like terrorists called them “Nazis” and “white supremacists” and attacked them on the street despite their denials that they had no association with the right-wing group demonstrating nearby.

During the attack, Godinez said he shouted “I’m Mexican” at the Antifa mob, which allegedly led the attackers to call him a “spic” and “wetback.” So much for the term Antifa--it turns out that it's an oxymoron, as always.

Thomas Keenan and Thomas Massey were arrested in November in connection to the beating. Keenan, who has been called a “leader” of the Antifa contingent in the Philadelphia area, was arrested and charged with rioting alongside Alcoff in New Jersey in 2011.

Torres notified detectives in Philadelphia that Alcoff was a member of the group that attacked him after reading TheDCNF’s reporting detailing Alcoff’s connection to Keenan, Philadelphia Magazine reported, citing an affidavit filed in Alcoff’s case.

Torres provided photos of the suspects to the police at the time of the attack, leading investigators to “strongly agree” that Alcoff was the person in his photos, the affidavit states.

Alcoff is one of the organizers of Smash Racism DC, the Antifa group that was responsible for mobbing Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house in November. They are also guilty of chasing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) from a Washington, D.C. restaurant in September.

The name Smash Racism DC is ironic as is Antifa.  Again, notice how the far-left is the exact opposite of who and what they claim to be, as seen with the racial slurs [above]. They spread racism, they don't smash anything but heads when the numbers are on their side.

When speaking as Chepe and through his Twitter handle @sabokitty, Alcoff has shown his enormous envy of successful people by called for the killing of the rich and he encourages using violence to bring “a world without capitalism, without private property … that is socialist and communist.”

This is what is known as the "Loser Battle Cry." But as much as losers hate capitalism, they refuse to move to countries that practice socialism or communism. Gee, what could be the reason?

Alcoff pled not guilty to the charges and is currently out on $15,000 bail. His lawyer, a flaming capitalist, did not immediately return a comment.

I would like to see any one of these scumcrumpets go up against a Marine, one-on-one, not with a mob jumping in.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Harris says lawmakers should view 'autopsy photos of dead kids before gun control votes. What about abortion photos?

Sen. Kamala "Willie's Girl" Harris (D-CA) believes that if lawmakers could just view photos of the autopsies of dead children who were victims of shootings, they would vote with her to abolish "assault weapons." Back in the day, the flintlock was an assault rifle but was never banned and it helped to create an independent nation known as the United States of America.

Harris spoke at a town hall in Iowa hosted by the Comedy News Network.

“I think somebody should have required all those members of Congress to go in a room — in a locked room, no press, nobody else — and look at the autopsy photographs of those babies. And then you vote your conscience,” Harris said, referring to the 20 children murdered by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

“This has become a political issue. This has become a political issue, and it is — there is no reason why we cannot have reasonable gun-safety laws in this country,” she added.

Kind of like abortion, except that abortion is more than a simple political issue--it's a moral issue, a religious issue, a science issue.

Senator @KamalaHarris on ending gun violence:
"You can be in favor of the 2nd Amendment and also understand there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers." #CNNTownHall
Of course, this is a lie the left keeps telling. If they were being honest, they would admit that their actual goal is to end the Second Amendment altogether.

But what about showing lawmakers photos of aborted babies? Nobody at CNN, not even Jake Tapper suggested that idea.

Imagine putting a gaggle of Democrats in a locked room and forced them to view photographs of late-term aborted babies. Andrew Cuomo certainly should be put in that locked room with them.

Harris, a former terrible prosecutor and California state attorney general, who got to where she is by sleeping with Willie Brown, former married San Francisco Mayor, is running for president in the 2020 campaign. She is unremarkable and kind of a black version of Hillary Clinton, so she may have a slight chance of getting the Democratic nod.

But today, Harris had to back off from her radical position of Medicaid for all because it would put private medical providers out of business and even her leftist colleagues know it would lose them votes. [Not to mention what the Green New Deal would do if ever implemented.]

In terms of the Second Amendment, popular support for more gun control surged in the wake of the Parkland shooting last February on the back of a public pressure campaign launched by the student survivors of the tragedy, but quickly receded in the following months after people realized that there are plenty of laws in place and all that needs to be done is to uphold them. [Kind of the same situation with border security that Trump is trying to uphold.]

Since reclaiming the majority in the House in November, Democrats have vowed to prioritize the passage of a universal-background-check bill — legislation that Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes is more politically feasible in the current climate than an assault-weapons ban.

If the bill would really stop gun violence, then most conservatives would probably be all for it. But it seems that the culture of violence has to change too--supporting the police and other law enforcement might be a good start.

It isn't the legal guns that kill most people (except when considering the suicide statistics), it's the illegal handguns.

But the highest cause of death in our young is not from guns--it's from abortion. And Democrats should view the photos of the results and mothers the ultrasounds before agreeing to killing their babies.


I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Stacy 'Sore Loser' Abrams to give SOTU rebuttal

Former dental floss model and failed Georgia Gubernatorial candidate and sore loser, Stacey Abrams was tapped to give the official Democratic State of the Union response.

Senator Chuck "Meganostrils" Schumer (D-NY) confirmed that Abrams had agreed to give the official anti-Trump response and is quite excited that she can have another opportunity to claim in front of the nation that her election was rigged against her and life is unfair because she is a woman and is black which makes her a victim.

Schumer confirms. “I was very delighted when she agreed.”

— Zach C. Cohen (@Zachary_Cohen) January 29, 2019

Abrams lost Georgia’s 2018 Gubernatorial election to Republican Brian Kemp. After the results came in, she refused to concede and bloviated about voter suppression, suggested the election was stolen, and considered legal action demanding a re-do.

Kemp is still the governor of Georgia and Abrams is still not.

She is a perfect representative for the current Democrat Party and, for some reason, she reminds me of a tank.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Utah Mom kills cat as her kids watch in horror

Since 1970 about 60,000,000 unborn babies were killed. The CDC reports that in 2005, abortion ended 638,169 lives. But that really doesn't make news like the Utah mother who beat a cat and then "snapped its neck" in front of her children, police reported.

The Utah mother, who reportedly suffers from depression and a dislike of feline creatures, was arrested Saturday, four months after cops say she killed the pussycat. But if you live in New York, you can kill a human one minute before he or she is ready to leave the birth canal and possibly one day cure cancer.

On Sept. 25th, Unified police arrived at Ariane Christine Borg’s home where they discovered her 17-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter “crying hysterically,” the Salt Lake Tribune reported, citing court documents. 

The kids allegedly told police that Borg “beat their cat over and over again and snapped its neck.” 

Borg's daughter told authorities in a November interview that her mom held "the cat by the legs and pounded it repeatedly on the table” before snapping the cat’s neck, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. When the girl tried to stop her, Borg, 36, reportedly hit her on the arm.

In the same vein, doctors who kill the unborn, often do so by dismemberment or by using a vacuum to literally suck out its developing brain. But as horrible as that is, it doesn't make the headlines, not even on Fox News, from where this cat story came.

The dead cat was discovered in the backyard and Borg was found covered in blood from “multiple self-inflicted stab wounds on her abdomen and wrists,” the newspaper reported. Evidently, she went bonkers and seriously hurt herself.

On the other hand, doctors who kill the unborn, tend not to inflict personal physical injury upon themselves or anyone other than the baby. Perhaps this is why the media doesn't say much about it--it isn't very exciting or unusual--it's simply murder.

Borg, according to attorney Steven Burton, spent most of her life battling depression, and her health deteriorated after her medications were adjusted in July. Burton said police went to Borg’s home a week before the incident because she sought help with her mental health, but “no meaningful help was provided,” thanks to Obamacare.

Burton said his client has been responding positively to treatments since October. He called her arrest “devastating,” according to the Desert News.

“It is disappointing to see that after all we have learned about mental illness, our system still re-victimizes those who are struggling, and increases the risk that they will suffer further setbacks," he said. "We hope that those who see this story will urge law enforcement, prosecutors, the media and the Legislature to improve the way we treat mental illness so we can help those who are sick before they reach a point of crisis and tragedy."

Borg was charged with felony child abuse, two misdemeanor counts of child abuse and third-degree torture of a companion animal, according to the Desert News.

Abortion doctors are charged with the responsibility of killing the unborn, which is a more serious form of child abuse.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CNBC writer: Better to die alone than die less wealthy due to having kids

Yoni Blumberg is kind of a schmuck. No, wait--he actually is a schmuck.

In an article for CNBC updated on Thursday, Blumberg writes that kids really suck and implies that it's better to die alone and rich:
Your friends may tell you having kids has made them happier. They’re probably lying. Research shows that parenthood leads to a happiness gap. Maybe that’s because the pleasures of parenthood are outweighed by all the extra responsibilities, housework and, of course, the costs.

He suggests that cost may be keeping people from having kids, since Americans are having fewer kids nowadays--especially those Americans who kill their unborn kids because of the housework and cost incurred keeping the little guys alive. Gee, in New York State you can now kill your baby a minute before he or she makes it through the birth canal. Maybe in a few more years, a-holes like Andrew Cuomo will allow mothers to have their kids killed up to the 7th trimester. Why not? Same deal.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture noted in 2017, that a child born in 2015 is expected to cost the average middle-income married couple between $12,350 and $13,900.  This means that those parents would spend about $233,610 (in 2015 dollars) on a child through the age of 17, while lower-income families would spend about $174,690 on that child, while higher-income families would spend about $372,210.

Blumberg explains just how expensive children are in their first year, explaining that one parent [who reminds me of my spinster aunt who had a money management problem: she couldn't manage to spend money without a sense of dread] tracked every penny they spent and it totaled $20,000 in the first 18 months. [This same parent also saved their used teabags and used them again three more times to save on tea bags, albeit the tea became rather weak.]
Blumberg went on to discuss additional expenses such as cost for delivery of the baby [Planned Parenthood gets government money to kill babies to save potential parents the cost.]

And then, of course, there’s college.

So who in their right mind would want to part with that kind of dough?

People who cherish the idea of parenthood and don't see kids in financial terms like Blumberg. Maybe they see societal and personal benefits, not to mention the furthering of the human species and the love of a child.

The only benefit Blumberg sees in kids is their ability to take care of you in your old age. The finger-sniffer wrote:
“If you don’t have kids, in short, you’ll save a lot of money. Then again, you might lose it all to a nursing home when there is no around to take care of you.” 
So it's better to die alone and rich than to die with your kids around you after they "cleaned you out."

What a selfish, disgusting weasel. Hopefully, he will follow his own advice and not spread his DNA around before he's gone.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Gillibrand bills taxpayers for private jet while spreading the warnings of global warming

It's obvious that the people who have the most negative impact on the global environment are those who make their reputations warning us about global warming. Al Gore immediately comes to mind.

And now there's U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) who is definitely considering a run for the 2020 presidential race. She, like her idiot soul sister, Alexandria Occasionally Coherent-Cortex, is warning the nation about the "life or death threat" to Americans as she speaks of her support for the "Green New Deal," which will cost the taxpayers over $40 TRILLION over ten years.

But Gillibrand has no problem billing and bilking the taxpayers for her private jet travel to places where she could just as easily flown commercial or taken ground transportation and leaving a smaller carbon footprint.

Shades of Al Gore!

A 2014 USA Today investigation found that the far-left senator charged taxpayers $93,098 chartering jets for trips to her state in 2013, according to Senate financial documents.

In 2012, Gillibrand billed taxpayers $194,797 for 30 chartered flights, the second highest in the Senate, coming only after Democrat Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (NY). And while Democrat Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi spent less, she tends to rack up huge booze bills paid for by Joe Taxpayer.

Schumer and Gillibrand topped private jet spending again between October 2014 and September 2015, the American Media Institute reported in 2016. Gillibrand billed taxpayers more than $150,000 for those flights. They could have flown commercial at a tenth of the cost they caused.

Perhaps it's time to restrict office budgets on Capitol Hill.

Gillibrand has already flip-flopped on positions, including her position on illegal immigration, to be more in line with today’s "lefter" Democratic Party. Not to be overly ironic,  Gillibrand recently bragged about her support for legislation to “to keep fossil fuels in the ground.”

“We need to tell the American people we are going to have a green economy in the next 10 years not, because it’s easy but, because it’s hard,” Gillibrand told Pod Save America in an interview Tuesday, trying her best to sound like JFK without the Hahvahd accent.

“And I just believe that global climate change is one of the greatest threats to humanity. It is a life or death threat that we have to face right now. And it’s been a life or death threat for a long time across this country, Gillibrand said, after burning more jet fuel in one year than entire families do in a lifetime.

"Do as I say, not as I do," should be her campaign slogan.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Dear Diary: I ripped into Sarah Sanders today, signed Jim Acosta

The lovely and talented Jim Acosta appeared on the Comedy News Network with hostess Brooke Baldwin on Monday just before White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke with the media.

Jim Acosta, being the tough, brave so-called journalist that he aspires to be one day, just could not control himself and went after Sanders behind her back saying that she doesn't live in the "real world" like he, Jim Acosta, does.

Baldwin and Jim Acosta were talking trash about the White House's reaction to the possible temporary reopening of the partial government shutdown when Jim Acosta said without Sanders being present: "It will be interesting to see whether or not Sarah Sanders and the White House team over here have truly come back to the real world when she steps out to the podium here in about 30 minutes from now."

Jim Acosta had plenty of cruel and bitter criticism dripping from his chiseled face as he targeted President Trump and the White House during his appearance with the lovely leftist Baldwin.

The attacks began with Baldwin taking a veiled shot at Trump, never mentioning the Democrats’ refusing to budge on the issue of the wall while noting that the shutdown cost the U.S. economy $11 billion. She stated:
"I’m Brooke Baldwin. And in just about half an hour from now, the White House Press Secretary will be answering questions from the media, for the first time in more than five weeks. It comes as President Trump told The Wall Street Journal that there’s less than a 50-50 chance that new negotiations over border wall funding will succeed. If they fail, that could lead to either another Government shutdown in about 18 days’ time or to the President declaring a national emergency to get the money to build his border wall. Let’s go live to our chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, who will, of course, be in that briefing room, momentarily. So Jim, it’s still stunning to me to see this new report from the CBO that the Government shutdown has so far cost the U.S. economy $11 billion."
Jim Acosta, never one to pull a punch at a woman, gazed into his cell phone, took a selfie and replied :
"That’s right, Brooke. And that’s a dollar figure that’s double what the President was asking for for his border wall down on the border with Mexico. Now some of that will be recouped, according to the CBO, once these federal workers start receiving their back pay, but at the end of the day, there is going to be a big hit to this economy and I suspect that Sarah Sanders will be asked about that when she has this briefing in about 30 minutes from now. That’s the latest time estimate as to when this is going to get started. And as you were just saying a few moments ago, it has been a long time since we’ve had a White House briefing over here in the briefing room. It’s been 41 days. Since December 18th. That was the last time Sarah Sanders had a briefing. That is such a long period of time that we had a Government shutdown, the longest Government shutdown in U.S. history in the middle of that time frame.
"And so there’s going to be a lot of questions asked. It will be interesting to see just how long Sarah Sanders devotes to this briefing. Some of the later briefings we saw at the end of 2018 were running on average in the ballpark of 20 or 25 minutes. And so, that may go pretty quickly when we see her come to the podium here in about half an hour from now. But obviously the Government shutdown is going to be top of mind in that briefing room. Just 18 days to go before the next deadline for a lapse in Government funding and we could be back where we started all over again. And the President, as you said, in that interview with The Wall Street Journal, that he’s only putting the odds of preventing this shutdown or another standoff with Democrats at less than 50-50. Those are not good odds. And it comes just at the very beginning of this negotiation, this negotiating process with Democrats. And so that obviously is going to come up."
Acosta then segued to the indictment of Roger Stone, saying that President Trump was “trying to downplay the relationship” with Stone, “kind of an excuse the President has used” with regard to other targets of the Mueller investigation.

Jim Acosta then smelled his fingers and added:
"Brooke, I think the other thing that’s obviously going to come up is the indictment of Roger Stone, which sort of caused a fire storm last Friday with Roger Stone giving the Nixonian salute as he left the courthouse down in Florida. The President was trying to downplay the relationship over the weekend, saying, well, he wasn’t really near me or near us during the election as it got close to election time. That is something that the President, that’s kind of an excuse the President has used, or an explanation the President has used with respect to other people who have been indicted in the Russia investigation. He sort of said the same kind of thing about Paul Manafort and others who have been targeted in the Mueller probe. And so it will be interesting to see just how Sarah Sanders frames all of this. What we’ve noticed in recent days that she’s just trying to stay away from those questions about the Russia investigation all together."
Finally, Jim Acosta predictably kissed the aging butt of House Speaker Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi for how she behaved during the shutdown, bloviating, “somebody who you know, even conservative allies of the president agreed had really just sort of taught the President a lesson.”

Then Jim Acosta smiled, put his cell phone into his front pocket where he had it on vibrate, and told Baldwin, "Call me some time."

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Some Dems want AOC dumped after 1 term

Highly misinformed but also poor at math and morality, Democratic socialist newbie Rep. Alexandria Occasionally Coherent-Cortex (NY) has come onto the political scene like a clown car out of control in just the few weeks since her "inauguration-coronation."

Her colleagues on Capitol Hill aren't impressed by her high energy, low intellect.

Since defeating Joe Crowley, an incumbent Democrat who quite possibly would follow in the footsteps and flying hands of Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker, Occasionally Coherent-Cortex publicly announced that she has partnered with the far-left Justice Democrats. The group's mission is to primary currently established Democrats who don't swing far enough to the left to suit their socialist desires. 

The Justice Democrats define what justice is, and the world suffers for it.

"We as Justice Democrats [they got their name from "The Justice League" because most of their reading is from comic books] have the chance to really transform the Democratic Party running in competitive primary elections in Democratic-held seats," one of the group’s leaders said in a recent promotional video for their campaign to primary Democrat incumbents. 

"One of the important things that gets told in order to, like, settle us down is, 'I agree with you. We have the same goals,''' Occasionally Coherent-Cortex, like, added. "It's great that everyone thinks these issues are important. We need to make them urgent." 

Like wow.

That "urgency" requires that old faces and voices of less radical Democrats must be voted out to make room for the lunatics who still think Venezuela is an outlier of socialism. 

According to The Hill, pretty little Miss Cortex's public call for more radical candidates to replace her fellow Democrats has "infuriated" her colleagues, some of whom are already floating the idea of finding a primary challenger who can make the youngest woman to ever be elected to Congress a "one-term congressperson."

"At least one House Democrat has been privately urging members of the New York delegation to recruit a local politician from the Bronx or Queens to challenge Ocasio-Cortez," The Hill’s Scott Wong reported. The congressperson obviously has to remain anonymous lest Antifa burn his or her house down.

Wong reported that among those who have begun to look askance at the freshman representative are "many" Congressional Black Caucus members. "Many New York and Congressional Black Caucus lawmakers were also furious with Ocasio-Cortez after a recent Politico report stated she and the grass-roots group aligned with her, Justice Democrats, were considering backing a primary challenge to fellow New York Democrat Hakeem Jeffries, a Black Caucus member and establishment insider who succeeded Crowley as caucus chairman," Wong wrote.

However, Occasionally Coherent-Cortex and the Justice Democrats deny the claims in Politico’s report.

For now, reports Wong, her fellow Democrats are playing nicey nice, at least on the surface.

Aside from pissing off many in the Congressional Black Caucus, the newbie socialist also reportedly angered some among the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with her plan to help the Justice Democrats take out centrist incumbent Dem. Henry Cuellar (TX). "We’re going to protect our members and we’re going to protect our own. Full stop," said former Hispanic Caucus whip Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA), Wong notes. "There are plenty of [swing] races and seats that we can play in, and we want to devote our resources to that."

Cortex ought to spend some time in Venezuela--at least long enough to have to go to the toilet and find that there's no toilet paper. Maybe have dinner there with an average family and discover the meat had a name--Vagabundo [aka Rover].

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Kamala Harris had an affair with Willie Brown which boosted her career

She's the kind of feminist that uses her gender to get ahead in her career. At the age of 30, Kamala Harris (D-CA) had an extramarital affair with then 60-year-old Willie Brown, the former Mayor of San Francisco. The probability that Harris was attracted to Brown sexually was about as likely as Nancy Pelosi taking down her own mansion wall. Let's be real, Harris had the affair for her political ambitions.

Over the weekend, Brown admitted to the extramarital affair with Harris, who is now a hopeful candidate for the 2020 presidential election.

The Free Beacon reported:
"Brown, who was openly in an extramarital relationship with Harris when he was speaker of the California State Assembly and running for mayor, had avoided commenting on his relationship with Harris since she announced her run for president a week ago. Harris has also managed to avoid addressing the role Brown played in the early stages of her political career."
Brown made the admission in his weekly column at the San Francisco Chronicle, saying that he has avoided the many calls he has received from national media about the affair. Evidently, she did so much for him in his older years, and he reciprocated with political boosts, that he didn't want all that energy to go to waste.

"Yes, we dated," Brown said. "It was more than 20 years ago."

"Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker," Brown continued. "And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."

Brown said that Harris is the only politician that he helped who later told him "that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A." That's because they were sleeping together and she had to make it sound as if she was going to be fair.

"That’s politics for ya," Brown added.

The Free Beacon notes that Harris, "who was just a few years out of law school and working at the Alameda County district attorney's office," had her career boosted by Brown "to two well-paid posts on California state commissions and later helped her in her first election."

The Business Insider reported. "Brown personally gave $500 toward the campaign, SFWeekly reported in 2003 ahead of the DA election, and helped Harris meet donors and secure donations. After her election, some have scrutinized Brown's level of involvement in her election."

Fox News noted that "Brown and Harris broke up in 1995 but remained political allies."

Harris' most recent controversy was over the revelation that she was unaware that one of her top aides, when she was Attorney General of California, settled a workplace harassment lawsuit. If it's true that she didn't know about the affair, then her leadership skills suck. If she did know about the sexual harassment, then Harris is to feminism as Hitler was to Jews.

The Daily Wire reported that “Harris, who responded by hinting that her office was too big to notice, did not apologize for her lack of leadership over what happened as she appeared to suggest that she was a victim of the whole ordeal,” in a recent interview with Comedy News Network’s Jake Tapper.

Harris instead insisted that it was a "very painful experience" for her.

Harris has also demonized federal law enforcement officials, suggesting that agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are comparable to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). A disgusting, unreal, cruel analogy to even suggest.

Harris sucked as California attorney general and she will suck as president if she somehow can fool enough people that she's qualified. After all, she's a woman, she's black, she's a make-believe feminist and she up for killing the unborn. When she speaks, she speaks in tautologies--she is a bunch of cliches with no substance to her words and no real ideas in her head.

As a progressive, she's got a good shot.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Leftists threaten Starbucks boycott if Schultz doesn't do what they say: but #IfTheyBoycottWeWillCome

The tolerant left has threatened to boycott the coffee and creative writing inspiration supplier, Starbucks, if the former CEO of the burnt coffee chain doesn't do what they say. Howard Schultz said he plans to run for president in 2020 and the leftists are saying, "You run at your own peril. We leftists will not go to Starbucks for our coffee if you do what your constitutional rights say that you can. We have spoken."

Schultz spoke in an interview with “60 Minutes” that aired Sunday night and revealed his potential plans for the race.

But Schultz’s remarks were not well received by the Left because they hope to unseat President Trump and believes an Independent like Schultz could take away votes from the eventual Democratic nominee. Of course, it's also probable that he would also siphon votes from conservatives who are now less enchanted by Trump's tweeting.

In response to Schultz’s flirtation with a presidential candidacy, many on the Left suggested boycotting the burnt coffee chain until he calls off his run. 

But maybe he doesn't care if the burnt coffee chain succeeds or fails because it isn't his problem anymore. Besides, if Starbucks fails now that he's gone doesn't that make him look better than Kevin Johnson, the current CEO?

Neera Tanden, the president of the left-wing intolerant Center for American Progress, said she would start a boycott against Starbucks because Schultz’s run “will help Trump win.”

That's what conservatives thought of Trump's run in 2016--we thought Clinton would win.

“Vanity projects that help destroy democracy are disgusting. If he enters the race, I will start a Starbucks boycott because I’m not giving a penny that will end up in the election coffers of a guy who will help Trump win,” Tanden, a green tea drinker, tweeted.

Side note: More choices does not “destroy democracy,” but one should expect nothing less than the president of a progressive think tank.

One of Tanden’s leftist minions at ThinkProgress, Ian Millhiser, called on MoveOn, the Democratic National Committee, unions, and other Democrat campaigns to boycott the coffee shop to force Schultz to drop his bid.

“If Howard Schultz gets into the presidential race, @MoveOn, @IndivisibleTeam, the @DNC, the major unions, and the major presidential campaigns should all use their email lists to promote a Starbucks boycott until he drops out,” Millhiser tweeted on his computer at a local Starbucks.

Commentator Carol Roth noted that Millhiser and other stooges are essentially calling on people to “impair the livelihood of myriad workers to bully someone out of running for office.” 

But Tanden, Millhiser and their ilk have a good reason: they don't like Trump and don't care what happens to those victims of their collateral damage that a boycott would cause.

Maybe conservatives ought to do what they did for Chic fil-A and make special trips to buy their burnt coffee at a nearby Starbucks. Then when Schultz gets on the ballot, vote for Trump.

Starbucks is about as progressive [aka communistic] an establishment as one can get. And while boycotting their crappachino mocha grande lattes feels so good, even for conservatives, we can own the left by giving them our business for now, let him get on the ballot, then vote for Trump.

Let's make the hashtag #IfTheyBoycottWeWillCome go viral. 

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Actor Radcliffe attacks Tom Brady over his freedom of speech: 'Take the MAGA hat out'

In a Sundance Film Festival interview, actor [aka pretender] Daniel Radcliffe has not forgotten a 2015 interview with Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. In the interview a “Make America Great Again” hat could be seen in Brady’s locker and this has disturbed the actor who is obviously frustrated over his inability to make a difference in the world as acting, like football, is merely an entertainment vehicle.

What many liberals in the entertainment industry do, therefore, is to try being relevant by being political. A huge percentage of actors and others in the entertainment industry are left wingers because, like the Oscars, it makes them feel virtuous.

Radcliffe was asked which team he would support in the upcoming Super Bowl to be played Feb. 3 between Brady’s Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams.

“Rams. Cause like the whole world is rooting against the Patriots…sorry,” Radcliffe said inaccurately. The "whole world" is probably somewhat evenly divided--at least that part of the world that cares anything about American football.

Daniel Radcliffe says he’s rooting for the Rams in the #SuperBowl and has a message for Tom Brady: “Take that MAGA hat out your locker” | #Sundance #VarietyStudio presented by

Radcliffe was asked whether Brady, 41, should retire.

Radcliffe said Brady can keep playing, but “he should stop winning things,” because it makes poor Danny jealous.

And above all, he should be politically correct, Radcliffe implied, because everyone he knows is afraid to speak their mind as is he.

Many on Twitter think Radcliffe, who isn't even an American, should stick to acting and keep his political opinions about America to himself:

FREEDOM: wearing whatever hat you want to wear. Yes. sometimes there are consequences. But, come on, there is nothing un-American about wearing this hat. In fact, it’s pro-American.

Hollywood please shut up #MAGA #TomBrady #GOAT

— Sweet Forlorna (@madgoogler) January 27, 2019

President Trump has made no secret of his support for the Patriots and Brady.

When New England made it to the Super Bowl, Trump tweeted, “Congratulations to Bob Kraft, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady and the entire New England Patriots team on a great game and season. Will be a fantastic Super Bowl!”

And while past presidents don't often show favoritism for either team in the Super Bowl, Trump never hides his thoughts--that isn't always a good thing.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Anti Semitic Malaysia loses its World Para Swimming Championship

Sometimes there is good news in this fancy, frilly, ya gotta have a gimmick world, [a saying that came from an old commercial on TV whose source escapes me].

On Sunday, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) said it was stripping Malaysia of the right to host the 2019 World Para Swimming Championships, after the crappy southeast Asian Muslim country refused to host Israeli athletes.

The event was scheduled to be held in the city of Kuching between July 29 and August 4. Screw them--it isn't going to happen.

The IPC Governing Board made the decision to pull the event from Malaysia “after the Home Ministry of Malaysia failed to provide the necessary guarantees that Israeli Para swimmers could participate, free from discrimination, and safely in the Championships,” the IPC said in a statement.

IPC President Andrew Parsons said: “All World Championships must be open to all eligible athletes and nations to compete safely and free from discrimination. When a host country excludes athletes from a particular nation, for political reasons, then we have absolutely no alternative but to look for a new Championships host.”

Parsons means well but he got it slightly wrong. Malaysia didn't exclude the Israeli athletes for "political reasons," they excluded them for Islamic religious reasons.

In his book, The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran, by Robert Spencer, he discusses in detail the anti-Semitic sentiments held since Islam was invented. Spencer writes:

An Egyptian imam, Muhammad Hussein Ya'quub summed up the theological argument for Islamic anti-Semitism in a January 2009 televised sermon:
"If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels--not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: 'The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah.' These are the words from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deluded they are. [9:30] It is Allah who said that they are infidels."
So let's be honest about Malaysia--they are only doing what they believe they must in accordance with the religion of peace [LOL].

“The Paralympic Movement has, and always will be, motivated by a desire to drive inclusion, not exclusion. Regardless of the countries involved in this matter, the IPC would take the same decision again if it was to face a similar situation involving different countries,” Parsons said, and I commend him for it.

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) praised the decision as “a great victory for the Paralympic spirit.”

The AJC had submitted a petition to the IPC Governing Board earlier calling on it to condemn Malaysia’s ban on Israeli athletes and to relocate the event to a country willing to host athletes from Israel. The IPC may have to look at a non-Islamic country to find a venue, or at least an Islamic country afraid of Iran and who wants Israel's protection. Saudi Arabia springs to mind, but even there, I doubt they'd have the games because they don't even allow people with Israeli passports or other passports with Israeli stamps on them to enter Arabia.

In early January, Malaysia’s government decided that no Israelis would be allowed to enter the country for any event. They were afraid to lose to one of those, you know, Jews.

“Even if we have already committed to hosting an event, they will not be allowed,” Foreign Minister Saifuddin ["I like puddin'"] Abdullah said on Jan. 16.

The IPC says that when it signed a contract with the Paralympic Council of Malaysia to host the swimming championships it was assured that all athletes and countries would be able to participate. Malaysia used the lie known as taqiyya, or lying for Islamic advantage.

Islam is probably the only "religion" that recommends lying for the advancement of their perpetual religious jihad.

“Since then, there has been a change of political leadership and the new Malaysian government has different ideas. Politics and sport are never a good mix and we are disappointed that Israeli athletes would not have been allowed to compete in Malaysia,” the IPC said in its statement.

The IPC is currently looking for a new host nation. I suggest they go for Israel, just to stick it to them.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Rep. Ilhan Omar called for lighter sentences for ISIS wannabees

Flaunting her IQ
Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) a staunch Muslim and anti-Semite blames jihad behavior on non-Muslims [aka infidels] and has called for lighter sentences for the men who tried to join ISIS. The basis behind her thinking is that jihad terrorism is all the fault of non-Muslims:
"Such punitive measures not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment: 'Americans do not accept you and continue to trivialize your value. Instead of being a nobody, be a martyr."
Thus, if we accept the terrorists and their beheadings, anti-Semitism and forced conversions of non-Muslims abroad, all the violence will disappear as it has done so historically. Wait, that isn't a thing.

Omar's words enables more jihad, it doesn't end it and it never has. She is trying to get us to believe that when we call for tough measures against jihadis, that will only "radicalize" more Muslims, and that it's better to sit on our hands and wait for them to calm down. This will allow jihad terrorism to thrive unimpeded until the whole world is saying that "there is no god other than Allah and Muhammed is his messenger."

Yeah, sure, and snakes have hips.

Omar has  called for a more lenient sentence for nine Somalian men in Minnesota who were convicted of attempting to join ISIS in November 2016.

Omar, then a Minnesota assembly member-elect, wrote in a letter to the judge presiding the case, Michael Davis, about “the ramifications of sentencing young men who made a consequential mistake to decades in federal prison.” She, of course, produced no evidence to base her claims that harsh sentencing would increase the jihad enrollment after implying that it would do just that.

“Incarcerating 20-year-old men for 30 or 40 years is essentially a life sentence. Society will have no expectations of the to be 50 or 60-year-old released prisoners; it will view them with distrust and revulsion,” Omar wrote of the poor darlings. “Such punitive measures not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment: ‘Americans do not accept you and continue to trivialize your value. Instead of being a nobody, be a martyr.’”

Omar advocated for “a system of compassion” as a response to “fanaticism.” [She used the word 'fanaticism' tongue-in-cheek because she, of all Muslims, know that it isn't fanaticism, it's simply down-home religious war.]

It's mind-boggling that our nation is electing people who clearly don't have the nation's best interest in mind. They would like us to forgive and forget.

We must never forget lest history repeat itself yet again.

I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

Pres. Trump cancels sanctions on Judea and Samaria residents

Joe Biden, or whoever was handling him, did not like Jews and detested Israel. The Biden devastation's Executive order which applied san...