Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Harris says lawmakers should view 'autopsy photos of dead kids before gun control votes. What about abortion photos?

Sen. Kamala "Willie's Girl" Harris (D-CA) believes that if lawmakers could just view photos of the autopsies of dead children who were victims of shootings, they would vote with her to abolish "assault weapons." Back in the day, the flintlock was an assault rifle but was never banned and it helped to create an independent nation known as the United States of America.

Harris spoke at a town hall in Iowa hosted by the Comedy News Network.

“I think somebody should have required all those members of Congress to go in a room — in a locked room, no press, nobody else — and look at the autopsy photographs of those babies. And then you vote your conscience,” Harris said, referring to the 20 children murdered by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

“This has become a political issue. This has become a political issue, and it is — there is no reason why we cannot have reasonable gun-safety laws in this country,” she added.

Kind of like abortion, except that abortion is more than a simple political issue--it's a moral issue, a religious issue, a science issue.

Senator @KamalaHarris on ending gun violence:
"You can be in favor of the 2nd Amendment and also understand there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers." #CNNTownHall
Of course, this is a lie the left keeps telling. If they were being honest, they would admit that their actual goal is to end the Second Amendment altogether.

But what about showing lawmakers photos of aborted babies? Nobody at CNN, not even Jake Tapper suggested that idea.

Imagine putting a gaggle of Democrats in a locked room and forced them to view photographs of late-term aborted babies. Andrew Cuomo certainly should be put in that locked room with them.

Harris, a former terrible prosecutor and California state attorney general, who got to where she is by sleeping with Willie Brown, former married San Francisco Mayor, is running for president in the 2020 campaign. She is unremarkable and kind of a black version of Hillary Clinton, so she may have a slight chance of getting the Democratic nod.

But today, Harris had to back off from her radical position of Medicaid for all because it would put private medical providers out of business and even her leftist colleagues know it would lose them votes. [Not to mention what the Green New Deal would do if ever implemented.]

In terms of the Second Amendment, popular support for more gun control surged in the wake of the Parkland shooting last February on the back of a public pressure campaign launched by the student survivors of the tragedy, but quickly receded in the following months after people realized that there are plenty of laws in place and all that needs to be done is to uphold them. [Kind of the same situation with border security that Trump is trying to uphold.]

Since reclaiming the majority in the House in November, Democrats have vowed to prioritize the passage of a universal-background-check bill — legislation that Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes is more politically feasible in the current climate than an assault-weapons ban.

If the bill would really stop gun violence, then most conservatives would probably be all for it. But it seems that the culture of violence has to change too--supporting the police and other law enforcement might be a good start.

It isn't the legal guns that kill most people (except when considering the suicide statistics), it's the illegal handguns.

But the highest cause of death in our young is not from guns--it's from abortion. And Democrats should view the photos of the results and mothers the ultrasounds before agreeing to killing their babies.


I hope that 2019 will be the year you follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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