Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Democrats betray Manchin: can I get an LOL

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) went along with his party last month and got him to cave on the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act. This shocked many Republicans as well as a few Democrats, because he seemed to have been the voice of reason on the Left and we all thought he was going to vote against this ridiculous bill.

However, in July, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his substantial nostrils was joined by Manchin to announce support for the $740 billion fiscally irresponsible bill whose title is an oxymoron. This bill will not only not reduce inflation, it will likely increase it and it's actually about climate change and drunken sailor spending to deal with it. The bill will subsidize green energy programs, dramatically expand the army of the IRS, and raise taxes on the middle class while lying about it as they do it.

Manchin was promised by alleged President Joe Biden and other Democratic liars that they will facilitate the approval of a gas pipeline in West Virginia. In order to do that, they would have to pass legislation that would “overhaul the permitting process for energy infrastructure,” according to The American Prospect, a liberal website.

But as it turns out, House progressives don't want to support something that  “could undercut the IRA’s down payment on clean energy by accelerating approval for energy projects that could ramp up U.S. fossil fuel production and exports of natural gas,” The American Prospect reported. So Manchin is screwed, just like he did to the country.

House Democrats were reportedly angry that they didn't get called on to negotiate with Manchin, according to The Washington Times

Now they don't plan to honor the agreement and this hopefully will hurt Manchin with West Virginia voters.

In a statement to the Prospect, Michigan's Jew-hating POS Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, wrote:

“Handshake deals made by others in closed rooms do not dictate how I vote, and we sure as hell don’t owe Joe Manchin anything now. He and his fossil fuel donors already got far too much in the IRA … and we will vote this dirty deal down, one way or another.”

What a woman of integrity, love and chutzpah.

Other Democrats joined in on the Manchin trashing.

California Rep. Jared Huffman said he refuses to be “steamrolled into a bunch of fossil fuel giveaways just because Manchin cut a deal in a closed room with Chuck Schumer,” the Times reported.

I think I may have just wet myself.

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Welcome to reality, Joe. You gave away your reputation for integrity, honesty and fairness and made a deal with the devil Democrats and they sold you out. 

I hope you are satisfied, you freaking hypocrite.

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