Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Squadette Cori Bush demands Manchin votes her way or the highway

Cori Bush and her hanging mask

Gone are the days when Congressional personage voted the way they wanted to vote in order to abide by the wishes of their constituents. Now they must vote in line with the demands made by a group of socialist women who call themselves the "Squad."

There used to be a tv show called "Racket Squad" -- if you heard of them, you're no spring chicken. The current Squad is populated by fairly young women who hate Republicans, conservatives, Jews, Christians, the military, police, White people in general, the flag, Israel, the U.S.A., statues, and pro-life groups. 

If I left anything out, please comment.

These angry women, on the other hand,  tend to love Antifa, Black Lives Matter, illegal immigrants, high taxes, Hamas, Palestine, rioting after cops return fire at armed Black thugs who resist arrest and try to kill them, Karl Marx, the LGBTQ+2WOCKADOO community, cancel culture, and killing unborn babies, most of whom are Black or other minorities.

Now the Far-Left Squad is going after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WVA) after he said that he opposes the Left's highest priority legislation called the For the People Act. [When the Left uses words, think the opposite of what those words usually mean. In this case the 'People' is the Democrat Party.]

This legislation is a partisan sweeping overhaul of the election system in the nation and it would divide the country even more than it already is [thanks to Barack Obama]. Manchin said on Sunday that he refuses to go along with it, and the Left is attacking him for having his own mind--he knows that it's too partisan.

Rep[ugnant]. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), called Manchin the "new Mitch McConnell." Rep[ulsive]. Alexandria Obviously-Commie (D-NY), accused the Manchin of backing GOP "voter suppression," which is exactly the opposite of what he's doing. Rep[rehensible]. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) said Manchin is trying to "preserve Jim Crow," which is actually a Democratic thing.

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, a Black Lives Matter leftist Marxist activist before entering Congress this year, said Manchin should just fall in line with the rest of his party "or get out of our way."

Yes, Joe, march to the Left's drum and lose all your scruples and soul. Let the federal government control presidential elections, allow for ballot harvesting, and ditch the filibuster so the Democrats can get rid of all the checks and balances that were put in place by the founders to quell corruption and your Party can have absolute power forever. 

Without the filibuster, the last bastion of hope for balance, the Democratic majority Senate could pass legislation with a simple majority. Washington D.C. would become a state, maybe even Puerto Rico as well. Guns could be made illegal and police reform could eliminate messy arrests of felons and other criminals. Heck, we could even "do an AOC" and get rid of prisons to decrease crime. Felons could vote and there could be automatic voter registration to make ballot harvesting even more advantageous to the Democrats. And screw this voter ID nonsense.

Or stand for a balanced and fair system of government.

So thank you, Joe Manchin--you have the chin of a man and the integrity of a gentleman.

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