Monday, June 14, 2021

Dalton sex-ed teacher fired after "masturbation" lesson for 1st graders

A self-described teacher whose classes included sex ed classes that used cartoon videos on masturbation for first graders at Manhattan's posh Dalton School has resigned. [H/T The NY Post.] 

Justine Ang Fonte not only taught young children about "Lone Rangering," but also held a one-day workshop on "porn literacy" to juniors at the Columbia Grammar & Prep School, which is an overpriced  high school in New York City. The workshop angered some parents and Fonte will not be returning to the Dalton school next year, according to Dalton's head, Jim Best, who will also not be returning next year.

“Throughout her tenure at Dalton, Justine Ang Fonte has helped to develop an exemplary K-12 Health and Wellness program. Dalton — our faculty, staff, administration, and trustees — continue to stand firmly behind this program and those who teach it,” Best wrote.

“At faculty and staff meetings this week, Justine announced her decision to leave Dalton to focus on her work as an independent Health Educator. She has been working toward this goal for over a year. We support Justine’s aspirations and look forward to honoring her accomplishments as the academic year comes to a close.”

One Dalton parent was not impressed with the school’s statement .

“This inability to admit a mistake or acknowledge misstep is strange,” she said. “It shows a real lack of emotional intelligence and self awareness on behalf of the leadership team.”

Last fall, Dalton parents, who fork over $55,000 per year for their kids’ tuition, learned that their first-graders were being taught sex-ed lessons that included cartoons showing little kids talking about “touching themselves” for pleasure.

“Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air?” asks the little boy in the cartoon, leading to an explanation of what an “erection” is.

The boy nods and says, “Sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good.” As does CNN's Jeffrey Toobin.

Then the little girl adds: “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.” 

The parents were initially told they had “misinterpreted” the content of the classwork because the school's administration underestimated their intelligence.

Fonte had reassured parents that she does not use the word “masturbation” in class, and that her lessons teach kids not to touch themselves in public. The words she uses are: "poaching the egg," and "petting the cat." That totally put the parents at ease, or maybe it didn't.

But if CNN can bring back the star masturbator, Jeffrey Toobin, who was caught on live work video "toobining" himself, why can't the parents forgive and forget what Fonte did?

Answer: Because it hit home and affected them directly. Just like it would if Democrats lived near the southern border and illegal aliens camped out on their lawns--they would be the loudest advocators of building a wall.

Fonte's presentation included a list of most searched pornographic terms that will not be mentioned here, but you get the point.

Since when is it the job of schools to take on the role that traditionally belonged to parents? This is just another way the government is trying to indoctrinate our kids.

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