Saturday, April 10, 2021

Biden wants to once again fund "Pay to Slay" Palestinians but thankfully faces legal challenges

Where on God's green earth did I put that thing for my face?

President Joe Biden is moving fast to restore money to the Palestinians so they can afford to pay the families of jihadis who kill Israeli Jews, and maybe buy some innocent weapons to help the cause. It was former President Trump who stopped the funding and still the Democratic legacy media tried to label him a racist and anti-Semite.

But now concerns are surfacing that the funding could violate existing U.S. law, while rewarding the "pay to slay" behavior of the Palestinian leadership who refuses to stop supporting terrorism and the targeting of Jews. Also, the Palestinian leadership continues to target Israel in international forums such as the International Criminal Court, as well as their refusal to even sit with Israelis and/or Americans to engage in the peace process. 

We all know the Palestinians don't want peace with Israel--they want, and openly called for, the total destruction of Israel. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." That's their motto and it clearly defines their terms.

Last week, the Biden administration said it would send $90,000,000 in "aid" to the Palestinians.

The impotent U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken bragged on Wednesday plans to restart funding for UNRWA, the U.N. agency that deals with Palestinian refugees. This includes $150 million in direct financial aid to UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding. But there is nothing to be concerned with as American citizens because this money is now labeled "infrastructure."

Asaf Romirowsky, executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, told JNS that the decision to restore funding to UNRWA is a “serious mistake.”

“UNRWA remains a mainstay of Palestinian rejectionism, characterized by advocacy for the ‘right of return.’ Accountability and transparency are hard to come by at UNRWA, given its monopoly over Palestinians,” he said.

Romoriowsky explained that “if Palestinian statehood is a real goal, then the creation of institutions that foster civil society and democratization should be a priority. UNRWA acts in direct opposition to Palestinian statehood and to the Palestinian Authority.”

In other words, UNRWA is a corrupt, Islamic organization hell-bent in the destruction of the Jewish state.

While the Biden administration—not even in office for its first 100 days—noted that the U.S. aid would bypass the P.A. and go directly to charities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, additional monies could run afoul of the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits funding to the P.A. as long as it provides "pay to slay" money for terrorists or their families. 

It has been reported that Biden will likely hold off on direct economic aid to the P.A. while it determines how to navigate any legal obstacles once he clears out the cobwebs.

“The TFA [Taylor Force Act] stops aid that directly benefits the PA, with limited exemptions for hospitals vaccines and water treatment,” explained Sander Gerber, CEO at Hudson Bay Capital and a fellow at Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). “Given that Abbas has recently taken control of Palestinian NGOs, it hard to see the PA won’t gain a benefit from US aid.”

Gerber, who helped craft the Taylor Force Act, told JNS: “The point is that money is fungible, and if the P.A. saves money, it can spend it on terror. The Taylor Force Act seeks to stop using U.S. taxpayer dollars in money laundering for terror.”

And if you don't believe the PA will use the money to encourage more terrorist acts against Israel, then you haven't been paying attention to the Middle East and the PA.

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