Sunday, January 19, 2020

Women's March 2019: bitter cold, global warming baby killers

A fairly large group of women, as well as men who think they're women, and women who are married to women, and men looking to meet women, gathered up in Washington, D.C. and 180 other cities for their annual redundant march for rights they already have, and to protest the president who beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. 

"I am even more outraged than I was three years ago," said a placard carried by a 40-year-old severely depressed Washington resident, who was down four doses of her Zoloft. "We all knew that Trump was going to be horrible, and he has been even more horrible than we realize."

Sure, he's more horrible than we realize: his job numbers horribly soar; he horribly lowered taxes; reduced the horrible number of regulations, recognized the horrible city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; killed Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and his terror-buddy, Cassem Soleimani in the most horrible way; horribly made decent trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada; horribly decreased illegal immigration, and got rid of the crappy Iran nuclear deal, just for starters.

Oh so horrible is he.
Pussy hats or Trump: you make the call

Despite the relatively paltry turnout, with only a few thousand participants on the streets of Washington, activists remained hopeful about the power to organize marches, but for what, remains unclear.

"It is a cold day and it does not matter if it's 10 people or 100 people or 1,000 people if our voices are strong," said a runny-nose lonely 50-year-old woman who added that she regularly attends the march that started in 2017 because it gives her something to do with her hands now that she's trying to quit smoking. "We are powerful together — that's the most important thing." Then she sighed.

In 2017 the Women's March attracted almost a million people to the streets of Washington, D.C. and hundreds of thousands across the country one day after President Trump was inaugurated and Hillary Clinton finally pulled herself together and stopped sobbing.

Many of the protesters cited Trump's hard-line policy on women's "reproductive rights," which is a false premise.

Trump and conservatives have no qualms with a woman's right to reproduce. The President and conservatives just have a qualm with a woman thinking she has the right to kill her baby after she reproduces. It isn't as if anyone stops her from doing what people to do get pregnant; it's just that her failure to take precautions regarding her behavior should not give her the right to kill her baby. And even in the horrible case of a child being conceived from rape, that should not be a death sentence on the innocent baby.

The cold protesters were also protesting climate change. They support the Green New Deal written in crayon by a low-information socialist with the notion that if enough money is taxed, and the government takes over the ownership of all the means of production, somehow the climate will dutifully fall into place, like Obama's promise to stem the rise of the oceans and heal the planet, this is nonsense.

"Look what's he's doing to Greta Thunberg," said a denture-chattering 70-year-old climate alarmist, referring to the teenage Swedish socialist who launched the Fridays for Future school strikes to draw attention to the man-made destabilization of earth's climate, hoping that if successful, it would excuse her from all the school she has missed.

In spite of the revelation that it is her father who apparently writes her Facebook posts, and who knows what else, Thunberg was named the leftist Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2019.

Trump has regularly targeted Thunberg on Twitter as he tends to target everyone on Twitter who has far-left opinions. Trump lamented climate change as a ploy "created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive." I don't know how true that is, but it made Thunberg's meany face even meaner.

"He's the biggest bully in the world," added the 70-year-old activist. Actually, it's more likely that Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and Cassem Soleimani were bigger bullies, but what does a frozen 70-year-old woman know when her hobby is walking with a sign and thinking it will change the weather?

Other protests took place in New York, Los Angeles and other major cities across the US.

Some men joined the march in the hope of getting it on with a stranger.

The march was held the same day the US National Archives apologized for blurring anti-Trump signs in a promotional image for a women's suffrage exhibition.

This marked an historical mistake because it was a mistake going in the direction that favored the President rather than against him as all the other "mistakes" have gone in the media.

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