Sunday, December 8, 2019

Belgium: teacher shares imam's sermon about jihad on Jews

Screenshot from Talal Magri's posted video
In 2017 an imam in Sweden labeled Jews "the progeny of monkey's [sic] and pigs." He made the statement during a demonstration organized by the Swedish-Palestinian Center and he has since "been sentenced to fines and a conditional prison sentence," as reported by

When the imam got caught, he admitted to saying that, but covered it up by saying it only applied to Israel.

The fact that this imam was even given a slap on the wrist is surprising as Sweden has welcomed the hijrah [Islamic migration] with open arms. 

More recently, a high school teacher in Belgium posted a Facebook video of an imam calling for jihad [holy war], against the Jews and those who "conspire" with them.

The teacher, Talal Magri, teaches about Islam as part of the religions major at the Royal Agri Saint-Georges Athenaeum, about 35 miles southeast of Brussels. He posted the video last month of an unidentified man preaching in Arabic, the La Dernière Heure website reported.

“Those who cooperate, work, conspire with the Jews, Allah, take them without delay. Shake their bases and topple their buildings, Allah. Support the jihad fighters, whom some of us find excuses not to join,” the preacher is seen and heard saying in Arabic.

He was definitely not specifying only the Jews in Israel because anyone who has read even short passages in the Koran knows that Islam [specifically Mohammad, the prophet of Islam] hates the Jews and Islamists use Israel as their "Get Out of Hate Jail" card. Unfortunately, many people, particularly the young college leftists, believe every rocket that kills Jews, is Israel's fault.
Education Ministry officials in Wallonia, the Belgian state that employs Magri, told La Dernière Heure that they filed a complaint with police over hate speech. The school declined to comment on whether he will be allowed to continue to teach there but my money is on "yes."

Contacted by La Dernière Heure, Magri denied that the sermon mentioned Jews or jihad, adding it couldn’t be anti-Semitic “because I am an Arab and Arabs are Semites, too.” Blah, blah, blah. The term, as everyone knows who has a functioning cortex, refers to Jews.

But Khalil Zeguendi, editor of the Le Maroxellois magazine whose mother tongue is Arabic, confirmed to La Dernière Heure the translation as the website printed it.

Magri headed the 2018 elections campaign of Belgium’s Islam Party, which supports the promotion of Sharia, Islamic law, and headed its regional list for Liege. 

Can't you just picture Belgium's college girls all in hijabs?

Joel Rubinfeld, the president of the Belgian League Against antisemitism, called Magri one of multiple “preachers spreading poison and turning students into time bombs.”

It's notable that Jewish "monkeys and pigs" have the highest number of PhD's per capita than any other country on the planet, and kick butt in Nobel Prizes awarded in science and medicine. I don't know what they're putting in those bananas.

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