Monday, July 1, 2019

US deals death from above to al Qaeda fighters: will there be a virgin shortage?

A US airstrike on Sunday made mulch out of an Al Qaeda leadership and training facility in northern Syria where Islamic jihadis were “plotting external attacks” against American citizens, officials said.

The U.S. Central Command said Monday in a statement the strike occurred near the northern province of Aleppo and sent a number of militants off to a place known as Jannah, or Muslim paradise. It's a place where the rivers run with wine, the women are all beautiful brown-eyed virgins, and no matter how many times you have sex with them, poof! they remain virgins . . .  or so they say.

According to British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the strike killed only eight scum merchants of the Al-Qaeda-linked Horas al-Din, which is Arabic for "Mo Mo Mo, he's our man, if he can't kill you no one can." Okay, it actually means "Guardians of Religion."

The Observatory said the dead included six crap weasel commanders: two feisty Algerians, two crazy Tunisians, one sad Egyptian and a Syrian in a fig tree.

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1 comment:

  1. please talk to me about this Rob... I have some strong comments... Thanks CJ


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