Thursday, July 4, 2019

Mom of 'Drag Kid' tongue-whips pedophile for sexualizing her child and scolds conservative media

Wendy Napoles, the mother of an 11-year-old boy who dresses like a promiscuous girl, known as "Desmond is Amazing," tongue-lashed a "convicted pedophile" on Instagram for being sexually aroused by the boy and called his statements "highly inappropriate," as opposed to her inappropriateness of dressing her son, or allowing him to dress up, as a seductive female. The pedophile also said that it is Wendy who is "purposely attracting pedophiles," which sounds a bit self-serving to pedophiles.

“This is extremely disturbing. Convicted pedophile Tom O'Carroll has written a blog post stating that Desmond is hot & feels sexy performing,” wrote Napoles. “He also sexualizes fellow drag kid Queen Lactatia.” [The name of the latter sounds like a boy who is delusionally breast-feeding someone.]

“We do not approve of his statements & have written to [] several times but they have yet to remove it. It is highly inappropriate to speak of minors in this manner,” the woman continued, not realizing the irony of her own behavior regarding propriety.

Next, turning her attention to “conservative media,” Napoles blasted, “First, the Conservative press is currently accusing us of purposely attracting pedophiles & accusing the LGBTQ community of supporting this,” she claimed. “What Tom O'Carroll has said is out of our control & we do not know him or associate with him or any other pedophiles or sex offenders. I think if a pedophile wants to act on their urges, NO child is safe.” And putting them on public display for your own self-interests is safe?

Napoles went on to claim that her boy is never sexualized while performing in drag. [See photo at top.]

“Desmond does not move in a sexual manner or strip, at all,” she claimed, as if that's all the requirement of acting sexual. “He has done costume reveals [aka teases] that reveal a fully covered costume underneath. He is never ‘scantily clad’ or nearly naked & always is age appropriate. He does celebrity impersonations & does not choose to do sexy celebrities.”

But let's not forget how Desmond's parents made waves last year when the "drag kid" performed a swishy dance number in full drag at a New York City gay bar.

As the tyke removed his jacket and bounced around on stage, howling gay men handed him dollar bills. The jaw-dropping event, captured on video, sparked
public backlash, calling attention to Napoles seemingly engaging in the sexualization of her own child through such “drag” performances. (The young boy’s website has a link for “bookings," for example.)

“Desmond does not feel ‘sexy’ in drag,” the boy’s mother wrote. "What he has said is that at times in drag he ‘feels like a boy & a girl at the same time.’

Having never been a girl, how does he know what that feels like?

"This isn't to mean that Desmond is confused about his gender," the mother said. "He identifies as a boy & uses the pronouns he, him, his, even in drag. To Desmond, drag is dressing up into a character, performing, & expressing oneself through art.”

Napoles claimed her son is "an actor & model," also.

"Desmond loves what he does & is never forced to do anything,” she wrote. “He chooses everything from his costumes, makeup, songs, etc.”

The mother then started discussing her 11-year-old son’s sexuality, claiming Desmond “came out as gay when he was 11.”

So she capitalized on it.

“Anyone discussing anything remotely sexual on Desmond's social media is immediately blocked & reported. We are just appalled at this whole situation,” Napoles said astonished that anyone would do that to her sexualized child.

Desmond has been pushed as an LGBT advocate, telling The Daily Beast in an interview last year that he’s happy to help "the LGBTQ community fight for our rights,” noting that his parents “love” that he does drag.

Ironically, it's beginning to look a lot like gay rights outrank other rights. What rights do gays believe they lack?

I recently got into a small Twitter argument with a fellow conservative who thought I was being too critical about the young girl who does a spoof about AOC. Yes, she's funny, but I see the same thing with her as I see with Desmond: parents using their children for personal gain. And I think it's wrong in both cases. But what I also recognize is how easy it is to be hypocritical when it comes to our ideologies.

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