Tuesday, September 11, 2018

NY Dems slammed for campaign mailer implying Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic

The New York State Democratic Committee is catching hell from every direction for sending out campaign propaganda implying that gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is anti-Semitic.

She was married to a Jewish man, Dann Mozes, before she came to know that men don't do it for her. Her two oldest children have strong Jewish ties and Nixon herself is an active member of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, a LGBTQ synagogue in Manhattan.

Of course, that doesn't necessarily prove she isn't anti-Semitic, but there is no evidence she is, and there is evidence that she has no problems with her two Jewish children.

It's becoming increasingly clearer that the left has nothing of substance to run on, even against members of their own party. So they go to their one staple: identity politics.

The propaganda mailer they promulgated read, in part:
"With anti-Semitism and bigotry on the rise, we can't take a chance with inexperienced Cynthia Nixon."
It went on to claim that Nixon is against funding of yeshivas and also lied about her being "silent on the rise of anti-Semitism" and supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

It's one thing to have a history of strong support of Israel, as Andrew Cuomo [Nixon's competition], but to lie about something by making false anti-Semitic claims about someone, is not only wrong, it's the Democratic way of campaigning.

I despise Nixon's political views--I find socialism immoral and repugnant, but the Democrats keep showing their dirty side and voters in New York still vote along party line.

Cuomo denies any knowledge of the mailer and we all know that this is simply the other lie--the one coming after the lie about Nixon. Of course he is going to deny it because of the blowback the mailer received.

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