Sunday, September 9, 2018

Kamala Harris wins 'Most Obnoxious' award at SCOTUS hearing

Leftist Senator Kamala Harris (D. Calif.) was the most obnoxious socialist to attack Brett Kavanaugh at the SCOTUS confirmation hearing.

Harris, who hopes to be the Democrat nominee for the 2020 presidential election, rudely interrupted Sen. Chuck Grassley (R. IA) the senior senator and chairman of the Judiciary Committee as he attempted to make his introductory remarks at the hearing for Judge Kavanaugh. 

During her questioning of the nominee, Harris referred to Kavanaugh's copy of the U.S. Constitution as the "book that you carry" with obvious dismissal of the law she and her fellow senators are sworn to uphold. 

On the second day of questioning, Harris tried to walk back her stupidly un-American pejorative remark about the greatest document of law in the history of the world, the pocket Constitution on Kavanaugh's table. [Evidently she put feelers out to see how well it went over with her constituents and it failed miserably.]

"To make clear what we're talking about, it means rights that are protected by the Constitution even if they are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution, so they are not in that book that you carry," Harris said.

Kavanaugh wasn't taken aback by her stupid comment and continued taking her questions designed to make her appear intelligent.

Harris has been floated as a potential 2020 presidential candidate because she is a woman and isn't Hillary Clinton. She and Kavanaugh clashed over many issues during the hearing with Harris trying to trap him into perjuring himself over the Mueller Russia probe to trying exposing him as a person who would take away a woman's right to kill her unborn baby.

Harris has the manners of a shark in a public pool. But her attempts at delaying the proceedings didn't work and her dreams of turning America into a socialist nation will never be realized.

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