Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez fails to make the connection about old job and why it's gone

Alexandria Piñata-Ocasio-Bug-Eyes-Cortez, the 28-year-old clueless socialist, visited the restaurant where she used to work in Manhattan on Monday.

It happened to be the establishment's last day of business because the owner could not afford to pay staff the minimum wage and make up the difference in higher prices.

Her former employer, The Coffee Shop in Union Square, finally has to close its doors after a 28-year run due to high rent and a minimum wage that keeps on taking. Cortez is in favor of a $15 minimum wage and didn't realize that her ideas have killed the business she used to work for.

"The restaurant I used to work at is closing its doors," the economics retard wrote on Twitter. "I swung by today to say hi one last time, and kid around with friends like old times."

"The rents are very high and now the minimum wage is going up and we have a huge number of employees," The Coffee Shop in Union Square co-owner and president Charles Milite said in an interview with The New York Post in July. "The times have changed in our industry."

Now 150 restaurant workers are out of a job, but Ocasio-Cortez is still oblivious about the reason. And that didn't stop the bug-eyed narcissist from making the reunion about herself.

"I'm a normal [debatable at best], working person who chose to run for office, because I believe we can have a better future," she tweeted. "You can do it too. We all can."

Well yeah, if she can, it seems as if anybody can.

Her idea about increasing the national minimum wage is one of her big issues, despite the fact that it does not work--it raises prices of product, causes business owners to have to lay off people, and robs from the owners. The free market takes care of wages, especially if you're good at your job.

Michael Saltsman of the Employment Policies Institute, in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon, said that leftist politicians are to blame for businesses like The Coffee Shop in Union Square to go out of business.

Saltsman said that "Ocasio-Cortez's desired 'living wage' of $15 an hour has been a living hell for many small business owners in New York, who've been unable to offset the cost through higher prices. It's fine to mourn the impending closure of your former employer--it's better to understand the misguided minimum-wage mandates that contributed to that closure."

Saltsman is asking Cortez to understand reality, facts, things that causes businesses to fail. She doesn't operate on facts--she's a social justice warrior that knows nothing about running a business, like most socialists.

Military aside, if you want a business to fail, get the government to run it. You just might go postal.

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