Friday, May 11, 2018

Dems greatest genius, Maxine Waters, doesn't want America to be great again

The Democratic California Congress-cretin Maxine Waters, who told Kanye West to stay in line and not wander off the plantation, has gone and done it again. The genius Waters went after Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) for mentioning the idea of "making America great again."

She has patriotism confused with racism.

Kelly, who represents Butler and Erie Counties, said on the House floor that lawmakers need to work harder toward "trying to make sure that we're making America great every day in every way."

"Stop talking about discrimination and start talking more about the nation," he said in Kanye-esque rhyme.  "We are coming together as a people in spite of what you say," he said. [He should have instead rhymed his words: "We are coming together as a people, not like freakin' sheeple."]

Before the confused and forgetful Waters was offered the floor, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) -- the presiding officer at the time--reminded Kelly to address his remarks to the chair, not to the wall (aka Maxine Waters).

Waters began speaking and shouted at Kelly, as he apparently turned to exit the House chamber, possibly to go to the men's room.  We shall never know.

She ordered Kelly not to leave and said she was [chronically] "offended as an [wealthy] African-American woman than you will ever be" at what he had said.

McClintock gaveled Waters and told her to address her remarks to him, the chairman, rather than other members [such as Kelly or other white Republicans].

Someone was heard off-camera asking Waters to yield to McClintock, which got the silly geriatric to yell in Kelly's direction: "Don't you dare talk to me like that."

Very "street" of her.

The low-functioning Waters said that Kelly made "outrageous remarks" and that she "resent[s] that remark about making America great again."

In other words she was saying 'I resent your First Amendment right to use the current President's slogan'. Only she's too simple to know she meant that.

But true to form, Waters continued, saying President Donald Trump is a "dishonorable president" and further reprimanding Kelly, telling him that she would "yield not one second to you."

She didn't give any example of how the president is dishonorable. She has been on an ongoing tirade to get him impeached on charges that don't exist. 

It's time for Maxine Waters to retire. She is an angry, incorrigible racist and needs to go.

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