Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hillary wants Trump and Moore to apologize

"Those women were bimbos and sluts"
Hillary Clinton spoke to fellow liberals of Politico and discussed the current sexual misconduct scandals making the headlines. The operant words are current sexual misconduct

She never brought up her husband's sexual misconduct and alleged illegal sexual criminal activity because it was in the past, just like her illegal activities as secretary of state and the use of a private server. Besides, why bring that up--she lost the election anyway.

"Look at the contrast between Al Franken, accepting responsibility, apologizing, and Roy Moore [my husband Bill] and Donald Trump, who have done neither," the former worst lady said.

Hillary also said that Trump [and Bill] "has disgraced the office" [Bill literally disgraced the Oval Office by receiving oral sex] and that Moore "clearly doesn't appear to be someone who will bring respect and honor to the state of Alabama" [like she and Bill did with the Whitewater scandal and the sexual allegations].

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