Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Hansel and Gretel of the West

Canada's new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is "disappointed" by the United States' fears and "politics of division" playing out over the Syrian refugee situation as we debate the issue of sanctuary to Syrians, the majority of whom are men of military age and also fit the profile of radical Muslim terrorists.

Trudeau spoke to the leftist media, CBC News a few weeks ago, the day his Liberal government gave the details of his suicidal plan to settle 25,000 Syrians in Canada. 

The backgrounds of these so-called refugees is unknown, but hey, I'm sure they're nice folks.

Trudeau planned to settle the Syrians this month, but it will be delayed until February of 2016. This will give the Canadian government enough time to check their suitcases for bombs and other weapons.

Okay, I'm being sarcastic, but I think Trudeau is just another Obama with snowballs. 

I don't trust politicians making these decisions because they're not motivated to do this for the right reasons. It's always about self-interest and votes, which is pretty much the same thing.

The argument is that refugees cannot vote. Sounds good, but what they don't tell you is that electoral votes are based on ALL of the population of a state, even with people who are not eligible to vote.

So if a Democratic state takes in a ton of refugees, they get more electoral votes with the larger population.

The U.S. government pledged to accept 10,000 asylum seekers into the country within a year, but almost two dozen Republican governors said they will not allow Syrians into their state. Obama has the legal authority to override the governors, but he would be going against the will of the majority if he does. Of course, this won't stop him because it isn't the will of the people that concerns him--it's his political ambition.

Trudeau said he was "aware that there might be concerns" about Canada's plan when he spoke with Obama. "On the contrary, he [Obama] was effusive in his support of what we were doing," Trudeau said. "He pointed out . . . that there is more security risk from tourists than there are from refugees," proving that not only is Obama a Hansel lost in the woods, but that Trudeau is his Gretel.  

A Canadian poll recently showed that fully 60% of Canadians oppose the plan to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.

Since when does the majority rule?

Trudeau said, "This is about welcoming people who are fleeing terrorism, not bringing terrorism with them." I bet he won't be having them living anywhere near Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Why aren't the military-age men of Syria willing to fight terrorism in their own land, Mr. Trudeau? Maybe you need to ask Obama that same question.

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