Friday, February 10, 2012

Walking it Back

When a politician is privately pro-life, but publicly pro-choice, that can only mean one of two things: that they are pro-choice or they are brain dead.  How can a person believe that to kill an unborn child is wrong for him or herself, but not a problem for another person to do the same thing?  Morals are universal.  Is it any less of an act of killing when someone else does the killing than when you do it with your own hands? This is the problem I have with Mitt Romney, a Mormon, and with many of the so-called Catholic politicians who would do and say anything to get re-elected, but pretend to be good Catholics when they're not serving their constituents.  If you believe that abortion is wrong, you should believe it is wrong not solely based on your religion, but on the facts as you see them, specifically, you believe that abortion kills a human life.  I do not apologize for these photos--I show them to make the point.

Many Catholics use birth control and this is their choice and they have the right and freedom in this country to make that choice.  My agreeing they have the right to do so does not mean that I agree with them--"I might not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to my death your right to say it," said by Patrick Henry (I paraphrased slightly), sums it up.  Those Catholics who use birth control probably do not believe they are killing a viable baby--I disagree, but I understand how they think on this issue.  But for a politician to vote pro-choice who says that in their heart they believe it's wrong to abort a baby, is a hypocrite and should be voted out of office.

But the biggest sin of all is when a government tries to impose its will on a Church and take away its religious liberty, and superimpose its will on the people of that religion.  That's what the issue is with Obama and his socialist Obamacare.  It is a travesty of Constitutional law to force Catholic institutions to go against their beliefs and provide abortion and birth control services to women. It has nothing to do with Catholic women who go for these services themselves.  It has nothing to do with the number of Catholics who agree or disagree about the abortion issue and birth control issue. It has nothing to do with women's issues.  It has everything to do with religious freedom.  And for Obama to try and take that away from Catholics, and other people, Christian, Jew, and even atheist who believes that these practices are immoral, is wrong.  Perhaps no less wrong than forcing people to purchase something they do not wish to buy--like, um, Obamacare. To paraphrase Michelle Obama, "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my Vice President." Now, of course, Obama has the excuse of choosing a different running mate.

But Obama is walking it back and saying that he will make the insurance providers responsible for giving free contraception and abortion services to women.  I never realized how unaffordable condoms have become that men and women can't afford to buy them for their personal use. Maybe it's due to the job market and the fact that so many people are still out of work or have given up looking.  

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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Biden makes a pack with the devil over abortion

President Joe Biden of Scranton has allegedly made a pack with Beelzebub regarding the issue of abortion, aka depriving people the right to ...