Saturday, June 18, 2011

Those Magnificent Besturds, the MSM

The New York Times and Washington Post have sent an army of liberal media anarchists to Juneau, Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin. They came away with nothing more than to say she's a hardworking neophyte governor. Nothing. These rags pretending to be nonpartisan newspapers even asked their readership for help in scouring the 24 thousand emails--free labor for a media that supports socialism because they suck too much to profit from capitalism and must resort to begging--still came away with nothing incriminating. I wonder what they would have found on Obama, or even Hillary, or Bill.  Would they have found that Hillary did, indeed, have the hots for Huma Abedin Weiner? Or that Bill, did indeed, have something to do with all the supposed suicides and strange deaths of people who opposed him? Or that Obama does indeed have ties to Louis Farrakhan, Jeremy Wright, and a host of imams involved with terrorism really exist? It's pathetic and laughable at the same time, but it isn`t very funny.

Why go after a woman who hasn't even said that she was running for president?  And the way they went after her was so blatantly disgusting. Could you imagine the dirt that would come out if they`d gone after Clinton--Hillary or Bill, take your pick--it would make Weinergate look like a Mother Teresa newsreel.

I believe the reason the media wants to destroy Palin has more to do with her charisma, and the liberal`s lack of it now that Obama`s has faded, than her political intentions. But that isn't to say the media doesn't want to ensure that Obama gets re-elected. The media is indistiguishable from the Democratic campaign in and of itself.  Palin is an attractive women living in the tough climes of Alaska, a state that remains male dominant because of it's toughness on the individual. Sarah Palin hunts, rides snowmobiles, fishes, sets up campfires, and if given the chance, I'm sure she could log roll with the best of 'em. So this, I believe, is what the media is afraid of--the notion that the American public would vote for her based on her style, her looks, and her emotional appeal.  The media is not saying much for the intelligence of the American public, are they? But the truth is, this is how we vote.

If only women voted, John Kerry's hair would be president today, like JFK`s was, but thankfully, men also vote as do women who aren't impressed by Kerry and his bag of war hero lies. [When the only war videos you've got to show for yourself are taken and narrated by you, then I would be suspicious--and then, why even have war hero videos in the first place?] Kerry is probably the most hated Vietnam war veteran amongst his Vietnam war veteran colleagues. But we must  never forget that even though he lied about the Swiftboats and his heroism, he`s also an idiot.

Sarah Palin may or may not run for president; that`s her choice. But whether or not she runs, she sure as hell gave the media a run for their money--or at least their volunteers that didn`t get paid. And they deserved everything they`ve got.

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