Sunday, June 23, 2024

Latest and saddest info on Israeli hostages in Gaza

According to U.S. and Israeli intelligence, it is believed that there may be as few as 50 hostages who are still alive from the 116 still being held hostage in the Gaza Strip, the Wall Street Journal reported. The newspaper cited  “mediators in the hostage talks and a U.S. official familiar with the latest U.S. intelligence” as its sources.

The IDF and Prime Minister Netanyahu's office decline to comment along with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence from the U.S. side.

At this time, Jerusalem stated that 41 of the hostages held by the Hamassholes and other Islamic terrorist groups, are dead. Personally, I believe that even fewer than 50 are still alive because these Jew-hating scum cannot abide by leaving a Jew alive if they can kill them. I really hope to be very wrong about this.

In a Hamasshole propaganda video released early last month, hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin claimed that 70 of his fellow abductees were dead, blaming their deaths on Israel. Of course that is utter nonsense but don't tell that to the members of the so-called 'squad' and Columbia University administration and students. 

The government bases its prognostication on information gleaned by a team of specialists, including forensic experts and archeologists, who have spent months hearing reports from witnesses, examining video filmed both by Hamas and Israeli security cameras, and analyzing classified evidence regarding the victims of Hamas’ October 7 invasion that set off the ongoing war.

The army has helped with the conclusion by recovering footage on terrorists’ laptops its troops have found in Gaza during the fighting.

Maj. Gen. (res.) Tamir Hayman, former chief of IDF Intelligence and currently the director of the Institute for National Security Studies, said in his report that the army is also tracing DNA discovered in the vast networks of tunnels, knowing that at least some of the hostages have been held underground.

While the seven hostages Israeli elite forces have managed to rescue alive so far have been malnourished and suffered physical and psychological abuse, all were found in apartment buildings belonging to Gazans who were working with Hamas, as many of them are loyal to the scumcrumpets.

While all of Israel rejoiced after the last rescue operation almost two weeks ago that freed four hostages, many people’s thoughts turned to those who were left, in fear that their situations would now deteriorate as a result.

The hostages’ families are understandably the most anxious of all, with most of them demanding that the government pay Hamas’ price of ending the war prematurely in order to achieve their loved ones’ freedom.

While this is totally understandable (and admittedly, I have nobody being held hostage), I still believe that giving in to Hamas is simply delaying their final goal, which is as Hitler called it, 'the final solution.' Eliminating the global Jewish population.

Even self-loathing, Israel-hating, Bernie Sanders wouldn't do well if that came to be. And don't even tell me about the LGBTQI+LMNOP idiots who are pro-Palestine. 

Dem's run on anti-Semitism platform: AOC, Bowman threaten Jews at rally saying AIPAC will see the "Power of Motherf***ing Bronx"

The Democratzis' two popular congress-cretins from New York, Reps. Alexandria Obviously-Commie and Jamaal "The Fire Warden" Bowman went bugcrap crazy in their ranting in the Bronx on Saturday. They criticized the U.S. involvement in support of our allies, Israel in a vulgar screaming against AIPAC.

Deep fake Bowman actually said that AIPAC will see the "power of the motherfu**ing Bronx" during his speech, which was unclear as to which mother, his or AOC's he was referring to.

Bowman, a member of the Democrat Socialists of America, and a Jew-hating fake minister, specifically called out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which recently launched a $14 million dollar campaign against his reelection due to his criticisms of Israel.

“We are gonna show f—king AIPAC the power of the motherf—king South Bronx,” Bowman told the cheering audience who loved hearing the anti-Semitic vulgar rant.

“People ask me why I got a foul mouth,” Bowman continued. “What am I supposed to do? You coming after me. You coming after my family. You coming after my children. I’m not supposed to fight back? I’m not supposed to fight back? We’re gonna show them who the f— we are.”

Nobody is coming after him or his family. He isn't significant enough to worry about because he's going to lose his primary to George Latimer, a much more decent human being in spite of his political affiliation.

Bowman has hated Israel and has made it public for years. He favors the butchers of Hamas and their Gaza supporters who voted them in power on January 25, 2006. There have been no elections since then, and this is the kind of government Bowman and many top Democrats would like to have as long as it's them in power.

AOC got so wound up at the rally, that she screamed incoherently and even knocked over the microphone. Still, we all want to date her to find out her innermost thought.
Humans are the only species on the planet where the dumbest ones lead the

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness)


“I’m not supposed to fight back? We gonna show them, who the fk we are!” Spoke Rep. Bowman along with Rep AOC and Bernie Sanders at a rally in the Bronx as Pro-palestine protesters chant to disrupt the rally.

Video by Ed Quinn [email protected] to license

— Oliya Scootercaster πŸ›΄ (@ScooterCasterNY) June 22, 2024

“We’re gonna show them who the f*ck we are.” – Jamaal Bowman

What a treasure.

You’re a disgusting rape denier and embarrassment to this country, that’s who YOU are @JamaalBowmanNY

And on Tuesday, you’ll hopefully be booted from office.

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) June 22, 2024


Very scary and Gd help us if comes to that

— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) June 23, 2024

Comrade Bernie Sanders was also at the rally but was not as loud as the other two commies. AOC's rant when she knocked over the mic, had Cardi B music blasts in the background. 
A little birdie told me that Jamaal Bowman is spending a lot of money in this race compared to George Latimer. I also heard that there is a huge turnout of people voting for Latimer…

— I Meme Therefore I Am πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (@ImMeme0) June 23, 2024
One has to ask:
Is AOC okay?

Is it just me, or does it seem as if the left hates half the country and focuses their overt hatred on the Jews? Anyone who votes for these clowns needs to have their head examined.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

MO AG suing IBM for alleged discrimination against Asians, Whites, and Men

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey

Missouri's Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, has filed a lawsuit against the huge technology company, International Business Machines (IBM). He claims that IBM is unfair in how they hire people, preferring certain groups over white, Asian, and male applicants. Bailey says that IBM even forces workers to follow these rules by linking their pay to how well they meet diversity goals.

[H/T The Daily Wire]

Bailey told conservative outlet The Daily Wire that he wants this lawsuit to stop what he calls "corporate racism" at IBM. He says that the company's "diversity modifier" system unfairly connects executive pay to meeting targets that are biased against white, Asian, and male applicants.
“But if he or she fails to meet it, IBM swings the stick: they lose part of their bonus and, eventually, their job,” the lawsuit says.

“We will not tolerate racist employment policies in the state of Missouri. That’s the plain text of the Missouri Human Rights Act,” Bailey explained.

“It has come to my attention that IBM has adopted an unlawful policy that blatantly favors applicants of a certain gender or skin color over others, and that managers within the company who refuse to comply with said policy face adverse action, including and up to, termination,” Bailey said.

In a secret video posted by journalist James O'Keefe, IBM’s CEO, Arvind Krishna, reportedly admitted that the company was hiring based on race. In the video, Krishna said that he expected all executives in the company to increase the number of underrepresented minorities by 1%.

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus,” Krishna said about hiring…

Krishna warned that people who didn't hire more employees from different races would lose part of their bonuses.

Paul Cormier, who used to be the CEO of Red Hat, a part of IBM, talked about the company's DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion--or--Didn't Even Interview) policies. Cormier said that some leaders didn't meet the company's standards and were held accountable, so they no longer worked for the company.
“We’re going to hold, we are continuing to hold, and going to hold even more of our executives accountable for all of this and they will have metrics around this,” Cormier added.

Bailey’s lawsuit said tying a “quota system to bonus compensations” is “a cudgel against those who do not fall in line.”

The Attorney General said that IBM's "discriminatory practices" were not just because of a few mid-level managers. Instead, he explained that these practices were a deliberate decision by the most powerful people at the company. He stated, "At IBM, there's a culture of racism from the top leaders downward. We're not just talking about some mid-level manager, but about the CEO of the entire company, who threatened his top executives with punishment if they didn't follow his racist policies."
“Missourians deserve answers as to why one of the largest technology and consulting companies in the world, with offices based in Missouri, is discriminating against both prospective and current employees,” he added.

The news outlet had previously revealed that IBM was discriminating against white people, Asian people, and men. They offered an internship that was only available to people from certain backgrounds. This opportunity, which was for “underrepresented minorities,” stated that applicants should be “African American, Hispanic, or Indigenous.”

Another IBM internship, called the “Internship for Undergraduate Women,” stipulated that “applicants must be female, including all students who present or identify as women and/or trans women.”

David Bernstein, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia School of Law, said that these internship programs “clearly violate Title VII,” which bars race and sex-based employment preferences.

Sen. Ted Cruz calls for death penalty of illegal aliens convicted of killing 12-yea-old girl

They are definitely 'not sending their best' illegal aliens across the border. Some are just criminals for committing the act of illegally entering our country; others are violent criminals; some have killed driving drunk; and some just want free hotel stays. 

This is about two scumbags who entered the country illegally, and are charged with killing a 12-year-old little girl from Houston. If convicted of the senseless killing, they could be sentenced to death, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz is calling for just that punishment.

Sen. Cruz blamed alleged President Biden's border policies that led to the death of Jocelyn Nungaray. The young girl was found on Monday, strangled to death and carelessly tossed into a creek.

Johan Jose Martinez Rangel, 22, and Franklin Pena, 26, both from Venezuela, are both charged with capital murder.

"This is horrifying. If guilty, both of these men should receive the death penalty for this horrible crime," Cruz wrote on X. "These men are illegal aliens and Jocelyn Nungaray would still be alive and with her family if not for Joe Biden’s open border policies. The Biden administration is directly responsible. My heart goes out to Jocelyn’s family."

Biden had nothing to mumble regarding the child's death as yet, but President Trump met with the family.

The illegal aliens were seen with Nungaray on Sunday night before she was killed near a bridge, police said Thursday. Investigators tracked their movements through surveillance footage.

"In this case the defendant lured a 12-year-old under a bridge, where he and his co-defendant remained with her for over 2 hours, took her pants off, tied her up, and killed her, then threw her body into the bayou," Harris County Assistant District Attorney Michael Abner wrote.

Both scumbags entered the United States illegally through Texas, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said, albeit somewhat more delicate in their description of the pair.

"On March 14, Martinez was apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol near El Paso, Texas. That same day he was released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear," an ICE spokesperson said. "Pena was apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol on May 28 near El Paso. He was also released on an order of recognizance with a notice to appear the same day he was apprehended."

It's like catch-and-release of sharks at a swimming pool.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security told Fox News Digital: "Our hearts go out to Jocelyn Nungaray’s family. The Department cannot publicly comment on an ongoing criminal investigations. That said, anyone who commits a horrific and senseless crime, like the one these individuals are accused of, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent under the law."

On Friday, Cruz urged Biden to restore the Remain in Mexico policy, a Trump-era directive that required migrants applying for asylum to stay in Mexico while their cases play out in U.S. courts.

"He must reinstate Remain in Mexico and end catch-and-release immediately, or we will lose more innocent life," Cruz wrote. "There is no time for half measures – we need to look at what works, and do it now."

It's really time to end illegal immigration altogether and return those who came here illegally back to where they belong: elsewhere.

Top Gaza doctor held three Israeli hostages for Hamas

Ahmad Aljamal, not Tom Hanks in Castaway

A prominent doctor sworn to do no harm, held three of the four Israeli hostages recently freed by the IDF in his Gaza home. They had been kidnapped on October 7, at the Nova music festival outside of Re'im, in Israel. The doctor, Ahmad Aljamal, kept them hostage for Hamas in the Gaza city of Nuseirat.

The three he held were: Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv. They were finally rescued by Israeli special forces comprised of a 28-member team on June 8th and all have since been reunited with their loved ones.

The bad doctor's home was destroyed in an IAF airstrike shortly after the Israeli commandos left the building with the freed captives, and Ahmad and his son Abdullah Aljamal, a 37-year-old Al Jazeera journalist and Hamasshole, were killed, along with Fatma, Abdullah's wife. [May their memories be a warning and a wakeup call.]

The Wall Street Journal report supports claims made by the Israeli military that the Aljamal family held the three captives in their home, but of course, Al Jazeera denies it. And if you believe Al Jazeera over the Wall Street Journal and the IDF, there's no convincing you of anything supporting Israel and standing up for the good against the evil of Hamas, Hezbollah and all jihadis.

“This man is not from Al Jazeera, and he did not work for Al-Jazeera at all, and he is not listed as working for Al Jazeera neither now nor in the past,” said the network’s Jerusalem bureau chief Omar al-Walid.

“We do not know him, and all the rumors that have been spread are empty of content and not true at all.”

The IDF later contradicted Al Jazeera‘s claims, however, saying that the agency’s journalist had indeed been holding Israelis captive in his home.

“’Journalist’ Abdallah Aljamal was a Hamas terrorist holding Almog, Andrey and Shlomi hostage in his family’s home in Nuseirat,” the IDF tweeted in response to Al Jazeera’s statement.

“No press vest can make him innocent of the crimes he has committed. Al Jazeera what’s this terrorist doing on your website?”

Friday, June 21, 2024

Pramila Jayapal has a laugh over illegal alien raping young girl in NYC

Washington Democrat Rep. Pramila "Frog Eyes" Jayapal had a good chuckle during a tv interview where she discussed several news chyrons that were displayed by various networks during a Biden mumble about illegal immigration. On such chyron came from Fox News and referred to an illegal alien in New York City who violently raped a 13-year-old girl last week.

“There’s a lot of fear mongering,” the far-left Jayapal claimed during an MSNBC segment with homophobic Joy Reid.

Reid read chyrons that the three major cable news networks had on their screens as Biden held a press conference announcing that he was taking executive action to protect hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S. by basically peeing on the U.S. Constitution.

The chyrons said: 
MNSBC: “Soon Biden Announces Legal Protections For Undocumented Spouses Of U.S. Citizens”
CNN: “Biden Announcing New Protections For Some Undocumented Spouses”
Fox News: “Migrant Arrested For Raping 13-Year-Old NYC Girl”
As Reid read the Fox News chyron, Jayapal chuckled, “Ah, yes!” and blamed Fox News for fear mongering, in spite of the national headlines this particular attack received. 

It isn't so much that Fox was fear mongering, it's more like Jayapal was discounting the problems illegal aliens have been causing across the nation. And worse, the distinct probability that our open borders are allowing terrorists to enter. We have caught some, but we know that we haven't caught all of them.

Last week, a 25-year-old illegal alien from Ecuador was arraigned on multiple charges after being beaten and held for the police to arrive after attacking a 13-year-old girl in Kissena Park in Queens. This is practically in the shadow of Citi Field, home of the NY Mets.

Somehow Jayapal thinks that's nothing to worry about. Certainly not for her, anyway.

Dem-run 'sanctuary city' frees illegal alien child sex offender

A 25-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala who was convicted of sexual abuse of a minor in the blue state of Maryland, had his six-year prison sentence suspended by a Baltimore County judge, who evidently never had any of his own children raped. The pedophile was freed in total disregard of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainment request.

Now, the Democrat county is walking back its "sanctuary" policy following enormous backlash which might hurt the Party in upcoming elections as people have "had it up to here" with the failure of government to act responsibly.

The Guatemalan national living in the U.S. illegally, was arrested by the Baltimore County Police Department on January 23, 2023. He was charged with sexual abuse of a minor (as a household/family member),  attempted sex offense in the third degree, sex offense in the third degree, and two counts of second-degree assault. 

The charging documents specified that scumbag whose name will not be used here sexually abused a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old.

The Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore immediately lodged an immigration detainer against him with the Baltimore County Detention Center in order to hold illegal aliens who have committed crimes.

Federal detainers request that local law enforcement agencies notify ICE in advance before "removable" suspects are released and ask that they be detained until ICE can assume custody. Detainers allow for an arrest to be made in a secure, controlled custodial setting rather than having to hunt down an at-large illegal alien freely roaming the streets, which requires "scarce" government resources, ICE says.

On April 10, 2024, the illegal alien was convicted of a fourth-degree sex offense (sexual contact) and assault in the second degree. He was sentenced to a total of six years in prison followed by five years of probation.

But records obtained by Townhall show on that same day Judge Jan Marshall Alexander of the county's Circuit Court suspended all of the convicted child sex offender's prison time, and the county jail was ordered to release him. However, the court order directed the Baltimore County Detention Center to "check for detainers" first. Whether or not they checked, he was let out in spite of ICE's active detainer.

Jan Marshall Alexander

More than a month later, deportation officers from ERO Baltimore's Fugitive Operations Team apprehended the Tier 1 sex offender scum near his Baltimore residence on May 29. He will now remain in ICE custody pending his removal from the U.S.

"[Redacted] was convicted of sex crimes against a local child and posed a significant threat to other Maryland children," ERO Baltimore's acting Field Office Director Matthew Elliston said in an ICE press release. "We will not tolerate the residents of our communities to be victimized by unlawfully present sex offenders. The women and men of ERO Baltimore will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by aggressively arresting and removing noncitizen predators from our neighborhoods."

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) first encountered [redacted] as an unaccompanied minor near Laredo, Texas, on June 19, 2014, after he unlawfully entered the United States without being inspected, admitted, or paroled by a U.S. immigration official. USBP served [redacted] a notice to appear before a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) immigration judge. Then, on June 22, 2014, he was transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which ultimately released [redacted] on November 8, 2014, and handed him over to "a sponsor" residing in Maryland. On Oct. 8, 2015, [redacted] was ordered to be removed from the United States and sent back to Guatemala in absentia.

Fully 70 percent of the ICE detainers were ignored by Baltimore County between October 2022 and September 2023, according to a FOX45 News investigation. That fiscal year, federal agents filed 81 detainers, of which only 24 were honored and the remaining 57 were ignored.

The Baltimore Sun reported that the county has since modified its "sanctuary" policies in the wake of the scumcrumpet's release.

"Following a productive meeting with the ERO Baltimore acting field officer director, Baltimore County and ERO officials agreed to adjustments to current county policies in order to best support this shared work, including making every effort to notify ICE officials 48 hours or more prior to an individual's release whenever possible," Baltimore County leadership announced in a press statement.

Baltimore County, like its neighboring counties, is a "sanctuary" jurisdiction. Law enforcement authorities are not allowed to retain illegal aliens incarcerated, even in criminal cases. In addition, Baltimore County police are prohibited from arresting illegal aliens based on their illegal alien status, because arresting them would be constitutional and Democrats hate that document.

Pro-Hamas NY 'Squad' Rep. Jamaal Bowman walks back his denial of terrorist rapes of Israelis as NY primaries approach

Bowman in a secret basement visiting Joe Biden for political tips

NY Rep., anti-Semite and fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman is running scared as the New York Democratic primaries loom close as he is now walking back his denial that Hamas raped their victims before and sometimes after they were murdered. 

The 'Reverend' "Squad" member finally said he was sorry for basically calling Jews liars when they said they were victims or witnesses to the rapes committed by Hamas on October 7 and afterward in captivity. It's obvious that Bowman is as much a Reverend as Al Sharptongue.

Bowman is a snake who will pee on your leg and tell you it's raining. 

And his apology wasn't very heartfelt. “Immediately when the [United Nations] provided additional evidence, I voted to condemn the sexual violence. I apologize for my comments,” Bowman said Monday during a WNYC interview after a listener pressed him on the matter.

[H/T NY Post]

“As soon as I got the additional information from the UN, we condemned the sexual violence, we voted to condemn it, and we’re continuing to do the work.”

Don't think Bowman doesn't hate Israel and its inhabitants. He voted with most of his Party to not fund the Jewish State's Iron Dome program, a defensive program designed to shoot down missiles targeting Israeli civilians. 

Gee, it's almost as if Bowman and the rest of the 'Squad' want dead Jews.

Bowman, 48 with an identical IQ, is facing off against Westchester County Executive George Latimer, 70, in the June 25 primary for the 16th House District, which covers much of Westchester and parts of the northern Bronx. As of this post, Latimer is kicking the commie's butt.

A recent Emerson College/WPIX poll showed Bowman trailing Latimer by 17 points — 48% to 31% — among likely primary voters, with 21% undecided.

Bowman had said in a November rally that reports of sexual violence from Hamas were “propaganda,” in spite of the fact that Hamas proudly showed video and admitted to their atrocities, and as mentioned, victims of Hamas' barbarism and witnesses thereof, reported on the rapes and violence.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jewish women protest outside NY Times over propaganda reporting re: Hamas rapes

Israeli and Jewish women protest outside the Times over propaganda 
article on Hamas rapes. [Photo: Gaby Wine, The Jewish Chronicle]

A protest was held outside the New York Times building over an article the former newspaper published a propaganda piece intended to cast doubt on the visual evidence and testimony of released hostages taken by Hamas terrorists on October 7. 

The article never mentioned that the Hamassholes took video and even  called their families on cellphones taken from the dead, that they killed and raped Jews. 

Anti-Semitism much?

The photo above shows sixteen women wearing pants doused in artificial blood in order to represent the 16 women who are still being held in Gaza since the bloody massacre.

To mark the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict But Not For Jews, these Jewish and Israeli women demonstrated outside The Times--a rag whose pages are best served to line the bottom of birdcages or wrap fish--on Wednesday. They called on the global media to acknowledge the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas and other Arabs on October 7, and is still being perpetrated against the remaining living hostages still being held in Gaza.

The protest also showed graphic video of five female soldiers being kidnapped on October 7, along with interviews of released female hostages who detailed the sexual abuse they endured or witnessed. But apparently, the "Believe All Women" demand doesn't apply to Jews. 

Hypocrisy much?

They chanted "Rape is not resistance," and  “We believe all women,” but while some people passing by stopped to watch the video, most looked away in horror or scurried away in denial, when they were offered an information leaflet, said Orit Eyal-Fibeesh, the protest organizer from 7/10 Human Chain.

Orit Eyal-Fibeesh

“It reminded me of the Holocaust, when people just turned away,” she said. “I was shocked that young women we offered the leaflets to weren’t even curious. You can reserve judgment until later, but at least be curious about why we are here.”

Curiosity can breed guilt in their case.

Ms. Eyal-Fibeesh said that they had decided to hold the protest on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict ”because, for whatever reason, it seems that Israeli girls don’t count. We are here to say that Israeli lives matter and Jewish lives matter.”

“Girls and women are still being held hostage in Gaza and there is a substantial amount of evidence to know that they have been subjected to sexual violence, and men have too.”

Maytal Kuperard, who was with a group representing Jewish Women’s Aid, said: “Following the article published in the Times amidst the current climate of silence and denial of the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas on Israeli women, we are here to amplify the voices of the voiceless victims.”

Another woman said that she was here “because it’s outrageous to be doubted. It’s completely devastating to Jewish women.”

But it isn't simply doubt; it's also willful ignorance, or pure anti-Semitism, which is now being exposed by the media exposing themselves, the students whose socialist/communist professors teach it to their students' malleable young minds, and those who simply hate for the sake of hating. 

Israel's Jews, and those in the diaspora, are a perfect target for these evil scum, and their useful idiots who believe their virtue-signaling makes them appear virtuous. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Illegal alien arrested for daylight rape of 13-year-old girl in Queens, NY

Photo: Fox News

How long are we going to stand for it when illegal aliens are not stopped from crossing the border into the country and then go on to commit horrendous crimes?

An Ecuadorian illegal alien was taken into NYPD custody after being held by good samaritan until police arrived. He was charged in a daylight attack of two 13-year-olds, a boy and girl, tied them together and raped the girl in Kissena Park, in Queens, NY. 

According to police, the illegal alien wielded a machete and approached the children and tied them together. An NYPD spokesperson confirmed that a person of interest was in custody but didn't provide further details. Additionally, it is not at this time known whether the suspect was wearing a "Biden for President" pin,

The illegal alien [aka scumcrumpet] entered the country illegally in 2021, and like a trout in a fast-moving stream, he was caught and released and thus allowed to commit a horrible crime.

The rape took place on Thursday in Kissena Park, roughly three miles from Citi Field, the home of the New York Mets [go Yankees!]. It is also near the site of the 1964 World's Fair, where my friend C.J. and I ate our fair share of Belgium waffles. It is also near the U.S. Open, and this is the neighborhood where the young girl attended school.

The NYPD offered a $10,000 reward for finding the perpetrator after they got a surveillance video of the illegal alien suspect on a bicycle.

The neighbors found him from his photo and held him down until police arrived after they called 911. Sadly, they merely held him until the police arrived--they did not beat him within a silly millimeter of his miserable miscreant life.

The two teen victims told police they were walking in the middle of the day when a man in his 20s approached them, showed them a blade and forced them into a wooded area. After tying them up, raping the girl, he then stole their cellphones and ran off.

Until now, the illegal alien had several low-level prior offenses, including subway fare jumping and drinking in public.

Police described him as a male Hispanic in his 20s with braces and a tattoo of a horned animal with red eyes on his chest. The animal most closely resembles the last goat with whom he had a relationship.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Former KKK grand wizard is a pro-Hamasshole

Former KKK racist David Dickweed Duke

David Dickweed Duke [she, he, it], the former Ku Klux Klan chief racist, says that he is supporting anti-Semitic protesters who, he thinks, will “save us from Jewish supremacism.”

And now pro-Hamas cretins are being called out on social media for having common ground with the white supremacist group KKK after Dickweed Duke showed up to support extremists at a convention in Detroit.

Duke, 73, even refers to himself as a white supremacist and ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK. He  was attending the far-right America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) led by another white supremacist, anal sphincter, and Holocaust denier Nicholas Fuentes.

However, the event was abruptly called off after staff at the event space told Fuentes that he wasn’t welcome. 

Meanwhile, Duke shared his thoughts on the pro-Palestinian marches with political commentator and undercover journalist Cam Higby. Duke said, “I support Nick and all his work … and all the people who are working to save our country and save us from Jewish supremacism. We’re being genocided just like the Palestinians.”

Duke also hates black people but many of them don't care and share in his hatred of Jews, who are guilty of doing nothing to earn their hatred.

When asked if he is friends with Fuentes, Duke replies, “I consider him a comrade in the fight for our people.” It's rumored that both Duke and Fuentes dress up as Adolf Hitler and tickle each other with fake mustaches in places now being advertised about by underwear and shaver companies.

And many X users warned that anti-Israel/anti-Semitic activists should be concerned that they have shared goals with a member of the KKK, but they are too ignorant to care.

The National Jewish Assembly tweeted: “If David Duke is on your side, you know you are on the wrong side.”

Joining the former Grand Wizard at the event were pro-Hamas activists on X including MMA fighter and white supremacist supporter Jake Shields, Suleiman Ahmed and Lucas Gage.

These people are equal opportunity haters. They hate Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, Hindus, basically all brown-skin people, all other Asians, and water.

ISIS terrorists crossed our border and GOPers demand answers

Islamic State terrorist have crossed into the United States through our southern border. Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham (SC) and Rand Paul (KY) are demanding to know why and seek additional information from Homeland Security [an oxymoron] Alejandro Mayorkas after a number of these jihadis came here through our border with Mexico. A number of arrests were made in major cities last week.

The terrorists were processed through the asylum system and paroled into the country rather than being deported back to where they came from.

Sen. Paul serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and Sen. Graham is the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“We, as the Ranking Members of committees with jurisdiction over immigration and national security, are writing to request additional information concerning the recent apprehension of several individuals from Tajikistan with suspected ties to the Islamic State. According to media reports, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently arrested multiple individuals with suspected ties to ISIS on immigration violations in various cities across the country, including New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles, following their entry into the United States through the southwest land border," Paul and Graham wrote in a letter to Mayorkas Monday.

“The circumstances of these arrests have highlighted significant potential vulnerabilities within our border security and immigration screening processes. Given the serious national security implications of these deficiencies, it is imperative that we receive detailed information to fully understand the scope of these issues and to ensure that our border infrastructure and national security systems are adequately safeguarding against such threats," they continued.

The senators are requesting a series of documents and communications about the situation by June 28. If they do not receive them by this deadline, nothing will happen and the show will go on.

The effeminate Mayorkas was impeached in April by the U.S. House of Representatives over his deliberate failure to secure the border.

Monday, June 17, 2024

BREAKING: The IDF has "virginized" another senior Hezbollah terrorist

Ayoub: let us pray for his 72 goats

The IDF has eliminated [as in blown to smithereens] Muhammad [of course] Mustafa Ayoub. He was a senior terrorist in the Rocket and Missile Department of the Nassar Unit.

The trash was taken out in an airstrike by the IAF in Selaa, in southern Lebanon,

Ayoub was involved in actively planning and promoting terror attacks against Israeli civilians. We must also remember, while we often hear about Israel hitting back at Hezbollah and Hamas, the civilians of the Jewish State are being fired upon on a daily basis.

In fact, the civilian population in northern Israel has been totally displaced, but apparently nobody seems to care because, you know, they're Jews. 

Ayoub was recently involved in promoting the use of rockets and terrorist operations into Israeli territory.

A statement by the IDF said that Ayoub's "elimination is part of the IDF and Israeli security forces' activity to impede Hezbollah's military build-up in terms of weaponry and its stockpiling of weapons designated for use in terror attacks."

But let's remember that Ayoub and his comrades say they love death more than normal people love life. It was therefore a mitzvah [a good deed] by Israel to do him the favor.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Coins found in Israel building from 1,650 years ago speak volumes about Israel and the Jews

There is a building in the Israel town of Lod where a cache of coins were discovered dating back 1,650 years. Evidently, the person who lived there so long ago, left silver and bronze coins under the floorboards of the building and probably planned to go back and collect them at a later date. [H/T Jerusalem Post.]

The Lod Municipality and the Israel Antiquities Authorities (IAA) discovered the coins by chance while performing excavations of a destroyed Jewish public building. 

Experts said the coins are evidence of the last Jewish revolt against Roman rule in Israel – 1,650 years ago.

The dramatic discovery is the first-ever evidence in Lod from the Gallus Revolt, the last Jewish resistance against Roman rule, between 351 and 354 CE.

So this should give pause to those useful idiots who claim the Jews are occupying land belonging to so-called Palestinians, since they were there before Muhammed called his warriors together. But useful idiots will be useful idiots.

The coins are dated from 221- to 354 CE. It seems as if they were deliberately placed under the floorboards in the hopes of the owner returning to take them when the rebellious situation cooled down.

Though there is very little written evidence about this revolt, there are texts reporting that major Jewish communities such as Lod, Zipori and Tiberias were destroyed by the forces of Roman Caesar Flavius Constantinus Gallus.

The building where the coins were discovered

Beside finding coins, other impressive items were found such as stone and marble artifacts; Greek, Hebrew, and Latin inscriptions, and one inscription bearing the name of a Jewish man from a priestly family that is still being examined. 

What the excavators didn't find was the presence of pig bones because, unlike the Romans, the Jewish people are kosher and don't eat pork, a practice usurped by Islam thousands of years later, calling it halal. 

U.S. Navy pokes out the "eyes" of the Houthis

The United States Navy has finally responded to the ongoing attacks by the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen. Their attacks against foreign ships, after doing nothing about it for months, has finally changed.

The Navy struck Houthi rebel radar sites after a merchant sailor and boat went missing in the Red Sea early last week. So far, the U.S. strikes wiped out seven radar sites within Houthi territory, according to Central Command (CENTCOM). The Associated Press (AP) reported that the NAVY did not elaborate on how the sites were destroyed and did not immediately respond to questions so as not to give away the store.

In another instance, two drone boats in the Red Sea that held bombs were destroyed, along with a drone that was launched above the waters from the Houthi terrorists.

CENTCOM reported that a commercial sailor from the Liberian-flagged and Greek-owned cargo carrier Tutor has been missing since Wednesday, after the Houthis used a drone with a bomb on it to strike the boat. In this incident, the crew had to abandon ship and were subsequently rescued by the USS Philippine Sea along with partner forces. but the Tutor remains in the Red Sea and is “taking on water,” the agency said, the AP reports.

This comes after a mid-May attack by the Houthis on a foreign oil tanker in the Red Sea, just after alleged President Biden's staff covertly met with Iran and begged them to get the terrorists to cut it out already. What a bad taste that leaves in one's mouth.

However, it looks as if the U.S. is finally making a move to stop the aggression, perhaps due to the impending presidential election and an effort to make Joe Biden look as if he's sentient. 

Of course we should remember that just this past April, the Biden special envoy to Yemen was kicking around the idea of removing the terrorists from the terrorist watch list designation. The Biden administration also thought of changing the military's orders to attack the Houthi's military capabilities, proving to the world just how impaired our so-called leader is.

The IDF's bloody week

The Israeli Defense Forces faced a bloody weekend as eight soldiers were killed in Rafah, southern Gaza. This was the deadliest incident for the IDF in six months. In northern Gaza, two soldiers were killed and another who was injured on Monday succumbed to his wounds.

Those who perished in Rafah are Eliyahu Moshe Zimbalist, 21, from Beit Shemesh; Itay Amar, 19, from Kochav Yair; Stanislav Kostarev, 21, from Ashdod; Or Blumovitz, 20, from Pardes Hanna-Karkur; Oz Yeshaya Gruber, 20, from Tal Menashe; Wassem Mahmoud, 23, from the Druze town of Beit Jann. 

Their deaths were apparently killed when an explosive device struck their Namer armored combat engineering vehicle early Saturday following a night of combat in Rafah's Tel Sultan neighborhood. It was reported that the IDF's 401st Armored Brigade killed about 50 terrorists.

This attack was the deadliest for the military since a January incident where 21 soldiers died following Hamas fire that collapsed two buildings.

The soldiers in North Gaza were killed when their tank was hit by an explosive device. They were Eitan Koplovich, 28, from Jerusalem, and Elon Weiss, 49, from Psagot.  

The IDF announced last night that another soldier, injured on Monday in a booby-trapped building – where four of his comrades were killed – has succumbed to his wounds. He is Yair Roitman, 19, from Karnei Shomron. The military death toll now stands at 311.

May their memory be a blessing and may they rest in peace.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

CNN Debate will take into account Biden's dementia

Kamala Harris grabs "racist" Biden in mid-conversation with Robert Byrd

The Compromised News Network presidential debate scheduled for June 27th will feature two men whose combined age is 159 years. The only difference is, the 78-year-old, Donald Trump, has good mental acuity, while the 81-year-old, Joe Biden, has the mental acuity of Pez dispenser without the candy.

In order to tilt the field in Biden's favor, CNN has made a few changes, which is: 

1. Instead of just one commercial break, there will be two, to accommodate Biden's bladder and bowels, but especially his bowels. However, there might be bathroom breaks in addition to the commercials. 

2. To avoid embarrassing remarks by both candidates, the microphones will be muted when it isn't their turn to speak, or in Biden's case, to mumble incoherently.

3. "Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip," claims CNN.

4. To avoid embarrassing body posturing, such as shaking hands with the air or walking in the area looking for ice cream, no audience will be in attendance.

5. Since speaking isn't Joe's forte, and when he tries, he sounds like a guy who's chasing kids off his lawn, there will be no opening statements.

6. The moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network. That means no talking over the other guy, which the cutting off of microphones should have handled.

7. There will be a "spin room." Gavin Newsom and his oily hair, will be available for Biden. This change is obviously due to Biden being used to having someone telling him what to do.

Trump has yet to choose anyone to represent him, but does he really need someone?

Biden is going to sequester himself for a week prior to the debate, ostensibly to sleep, look out the window, titrate whatever drugs they're going to give him, and prep intensively, but which will be quickly forgotten once he's on the stage. By "prep" it isn't known whether CNN will be giving him the answers to the  questions which they will likely give him.

By way of contrast, Trump says he's going to "wing it," because he can.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Hezbollah's No. 2 allegedly airstruck

They say they love death more than we love life and so the IDF gave over a dozen death lovers what they love.

An Israel airstrike targeted a two-story building in Janta, Southern Lebanon Thursday, sending 14 death-lovers belonging to Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to Jannah, their version of Paradise. There they will be greeted by 1008 virgins (72 each), gardens, rivers of wine that doesn't get them drunk, and "divine pleasure" doled out by young boys.
The strike resulted in the death of Hashim Safi Al Din, the Head of Hezbollah's Executive Council…— Breaking News (@TheNewsTrending) June 14, 2024
According to multiple (unconfirmed) social media posts, Hezbollah’s number two commander [and we all know what we mean when we say 'number two'] has been taken out in an airstrike in Lebanon.
According to Egyptian news, Hezbollah's number two leader, Hashim Safi al-Din was eliminated in an airstrike in Lebanon.— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas)
Hashim Safi Al Din, 60, was a Lebanese Shia cleric, and a senior Hezbollah official. He was also a maternal cousin of the secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. 

Safi Al Din: he's with his virgins and pretty boys now

Although this is still unconfirmed, Egyptian Media Sources are reporting that the Israeli strike on Janta did the trick in eliminating the jihadi after Hezbollah fired 215 rockets into Israel's civilian areas. Some triggered fires, but no casualties were reported.

Hezbollah has had ongoing clashes with Israel while the Jewish State is at war with Hamas. Israel has already responded before the latest news by taking another of their leaders, Taleb Sami Abdullah, who, they say, is ready to meet and greet Al Din in Jannah.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement has fired multiple barrages of rockets into northern Israel in retaliation for an Israeli strike which killed one of its senior commanders.

After the Israeli airstrike that killed Hezbollah official Abdullah, leaders fell out of love with death:

"The powerful elimination worries Hezbollah members. They now understand that the IDF knows much more about them than we do. Additionally, the operation indicates that Hezbollah's field security is not airtight and that the organization's intelligence system has been penetrated to such an extent that we were able to eliminate such an important sector commander. The IDF managed to infiltrate their networks and systems and identify the right people for elimination," Professor Amatzia Baram said, suggesting that this also impacts the leader of the terrorist organization.

So were they just pulling our collective leg all along when they bragged about loving death, yadda yadda?

I suspect they were.

Am Yisrael ChaI!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hillary Clinton endorses Jamaal Bowman's Democrat challenger causing Squad anti-Semites head's to explode

Former: first lady, U.S. Senator, and two-time losing presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton is not endorsing the incumbent anti-Zionist/anti-Semite and far-left loony, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), the guy who pulled the fire alarm [google it], she is endorsing his opponent, George Latimer.

Latimer is the Westchester County Executive and unlike Bowman, he does not hate Jews. 

Latimer understands that the brutal, bloody attack by Hamas on Israeli men, women and children, that killed, raped, mutilated, beheaded or burned over 1,200 innocent Jews, the worst single day of the killing of Jews since the Holocaust, was a barbaric, horrible thing.

Clinton posted on X where she threw her support behind Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

"With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever. In Congress, @LatimerforNY will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda—just like he’s always done," she wrote. "Make a plan to vote by June 25th!"

Latimer responded to Clinton’s backing and said,  "Her voice gives even more momentum to our grassroots campaign, which keeps gaining strength because we stand strongly and honestly for our values and for our belief in delivering meaningful results for the communities we serve," Politico reported.

On that note, glass ceilings shattered, the seas parted, Joe Biden wandered off in an Italian field, and all the heads of the Squad exploded in unison.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hamas ordered to kill remaining hostages after IDF rescued 4

On Saturday, Israeli Defense Forces rescued four people who had been taken hostage by Hamas on October 7th. They were  held hostage in the homes of Arab civilians in the town of Nuseriat, where they were basically starved and beaten on a regular basis. 

It was a dangerous, daring rescue by the IDF but predictably, the world was upset with the Jews for getting the rescue accomplished because it resulted in the deaths of combatant Arabs who tried to prevent the success of the operation. 

Somehow the world believes the Jews always have what's coming to them and should just sit back and allow themselves to be killed.

Now the Hamasshole leaders plan to tighten security around the remaining captives, The New York Times reported Monday. These terrorist scum have issued standing orders to kill hostages at the first sign of a rescue attempt. 

Personally, I am surprised there are still Jews in captivity who haven't been executed by those rabid, blood thirsty anti-Semites. It must be difficult for them to allow captive Jews to live in their homes without following the dictates of Mohammed [aka Allah] and killing them for being born Jewish.

Israeli security personnel went undercover in Nuseirat and entered two apartment units where they had intel that four captives were being held. They were able to neutralize the captors who tried to stop the escape and were able to get all four out of harm's way.

Following the daunting rescue operation, Hamas released a video statement claiming that three other captives, including one with American citizenship, were killed during the operation. This may be true, but make no mistake, if it happened, it was Hamas who killed them. 

American officials told the Times that the United States has played a significant intelligence role in the effort to locate the captives held in Gaza, but there's no doubt that any intelligence of the mission did not come from President Joe Biden directly.

The American military has, according to U.S. officials, run a near continuous surveillance mission over Gaza, using no less than six MQ-9 Reaper drone aircraft.

IDF Lieutenant Colonel (res.) Avi Kalo said the U.S. and U.K. have both provided significant support for surveillance and information collection, calling the joint effort with the IDF “the largest intelligence effort ever conducted in Israel, and probably ever.”

After hearing the news of the rescue, Democrat Reps. Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Alexandria Obviously-Commie (NY) Ayanna Pressley (MA), Jamaal Bowman (NY), and Vermont Communist Sen. Bernie Sanders, began the process of mourning.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jamaal Bowman beclowns himself by blaming Israel for Hamas' slaughter and rape of Jews on Oct. 7

There are few people in politics more obnoxious and doltish than Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman (Dummy-NY). You may remember when the blockhead "accidentally" pushed a fire alarm bell last September 30 on his way to vote on a stopgap spending bill. He was censured for that act and pleaded guilty in October to a misdemeanor charge and agreed to pay a $1,000 fine. 

Bowman was always an outspoken critic of Israel for existing, and in a new interview said that the Jews are responsible for the Hamas [and Gazan Arab] terror attacks of Oct. 7, which resulted in the murders, rapes, beheadings, mutilations of over 1,200 men, women, children and babies. The fault of these victims was that they were Jews. 

This was the biggest one-day slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me if Bowman had a swastika in his home and he isn''t even a Hindu. 

Bowman on Monday spoke with far-left pundit Olayemi Olurin about his views on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The idiot Democrat stated that Israel’s alleged oppressive treatment of Palestinians might have spurred Hamas, which rules Gaza, to lash out.

Oppressive treatment of Arabs? 

Israel gives Arab-Israelis the same rights as Jewish Israelis. They even have a seat on the Knesset. Arabs in Gaza are permitted to work in Israel, although that may change after the war since it was these "friendly" Gazans who that provided intel to Hamas that facilitated the attack. Liberal Israelis who had Gazans working in their homes, only wanting peace and coexistence, were "outed" by their own staff and slaughtered by the "religion of peace" ambassadors.

The New York Democrat anti-Semite said that he declined the opportunity to sign a so-called “AIPAC-written” resolution that backed Israel, stating that he “stopped reading” the document when it referred to Oct. 7 as an “unprovoked attack,” making it obvious that he's an anti-Semitic jerk.

During Monday’s interview, the low-life congressman asserted that to end the “extremism” of Hamas, there needs to be a “free Palestine.”

He evidently knows as much about the history of Israel as he does about fire alarms--he knows, but pretends to be naive. 

“Well, if we’re calling this an unprovoked attack, that means we’re going to ignore 18 human rights organizations calling Israel an apartheid state, and we’re going to ignore 75 years of military occupation, which is illegal, or 700,000 settlers expanding into the West Bank, which is also illegal,” Bowman said, knowing as much about the history of the Middle East as a blowfish knows about knitting.

So he's using the words of anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic organizations to make his assessment. That's like saying that we should eat excrement because 11 billion flies can't all be wrong.

He's an idiot.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Sinwar admits in letters what we already knew

Hamasshole head Yahya Sinwar not only disregarded the consequences for Gaza civilians who would die from another war with Israel, but he saw it as a tool to promote his agenda. For this scumcrumpet, civilian casualties was an inevitable price they had to pay for Hamas' political gains, according to a report.

Correspondence between Sinwar, chief of Hamas' Gaza operations, and several other officials of the terror group, was obtained by the Wall Street Journal. It revealed his deeper thoughts about the war on Jews and its consequences for the Arabs in Gaza.

Sinwar's letters illuminated his insistence during hostage deal talks on demanding terms from Israel which he knew Israel would refuse. This suicidal demand was for a full cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of Israeli troops from all of Gaza. 

The report pointed out that Sinwar was motivated by his understanding that “a calculation that more fighting – and more Palestinian civilian deaths – work to his advantage.” 

It also stated that in dozens of separate letters, Sinwar showed a "cold," and calculated approach to civilian deaths, showing a total "disregard" for human life other than his own and perhaps his family, but especially his own . . . maybe his wife and child, but certainly his own for sure. His motto: "You go. Be brave. Be a martyr. Kill Jews. Just do it! I'll stay here and hold down the fort."

Multiple correspondents were cited by the report, emphasized Sinwar’s disinterest in the human cost of the war, even to his own people not including himself.

In one previously publicized message, carried by a courier to a meeting in Doha, Qatar of senior Hamas leaders in exile on the state of the ongoing war, Sinwar wrote that “We have the Israelis right where we want them,” referring to the political costs to Israel of continuing the war amid a rising Gaza death toll – and the benefits of that death toll to Hamas.

Sinwar referred to civilian deaths of his own Arabs in Gaza as "necessary sacrifices." In 2018 he wrote, “We make the headlines only with blood. No blood, no news.” In other words, if it bleeds, it leads.

We need to remember that Sinwar and his ilk are merely products of their religion and death culture. But when people like him brag that they love death more than we love life, don't believe it, especially when it comes from the top. They have no problem sacrificing others for their anti-Semitic cause, but somehow aren't expected to make the same sacrifice.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Pro-Hamasshole who rolled her eyes at Hamas rapes fired from "The Hill"

Briahna Joy Gray [why are so many stupid leftists named Joy?] a pundit formerly of "The Hill" likes Hamas. It may be the green rags they wear on their heads, or the sexy masks that may women wonder what's beneath the covering, but in Gray's case, it doesn't matter. She didn't see what all the fuss was about when it was learned that Hamas not only killed Israelis but raped them first, or kept them and raped them in captivity. 

The former jihad sympathizer of The Hill’s morning YouTube program "Rising" went viral after an interview on Tuesday in which she rolled her eyes at Yarden Gonen, the sister of a hostage in Gaza, after Gonen urged her to believe Israel women who had been raped. After all, the captured Hamassholes admitted they raped their captives and even bragged about it, and freed hostages reported that it did, in fact, occur.

Gray announced her firing on X, saying that The Hill “has a clear pattern of suppressing speech—particularly when it’s critical of the state of Israel.”

Gray, who served as press secretary to atheist Sen. Bernie Sanders (Communist-VT) during his 2020 presidential campaign, has denied reports that Hamas engaged in mass rape of Israeli women. “‘Believe all women’ was always an absurd overreach: woman should be heard, claims should be investigated, but evidence is required. … But also, this isn’t a ‘believe women’ scenario bc no female victims have offered testimony,” the anti-Semitic creep wrote in December.

During a debate on the war in Israel at the “Dissident Dialogues” summit last month, Gray denounced the audience as “racist” and “disgusting,” called the moderator “anti-black,” and said she hoped “someone drops a bomb on this entire building.”

She is clearly mentally ill.

Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) responded to the news of her firing on X, saying, “I have as much sympathy for Briahna Joy Gray as she has for the hostages. None.”

Am Yisrael Chai!

Monday, June 10, 2024

House GOP disembowels leftist Dems skipping Netanyahu speech

The Arab world's problems are a problem of the Arab mind, and the name for that problem is anti-Semitism--Bret Stephens 

There are [Warning: next word to follow is an oxymoron] progressive Democrats who are threatening to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at next month's joint session of Congress, and House Republicans are going hard against these selective misanthropes. It isn't like they'll be missed or make Bibi Netanyahu feel upset by their absence; it's just that it makes the Democrats look like the Party of Fools.

Netanyahu's address is expected to be delivered by July 24 while the Jewish State continues to fight terrorists in Gaza.

There are a number of Democrats upset with Israel for not allowing Hamas to kill them. They are also upset that when Hamas hid Jewish hostages among the Gaza Arabs and Israel rescued the hostages, a number of Arabs were killed in the process. Not surprisingly, even the BBC was upset that Israel didn't warn the terrorists that they would be coming to get their people and there might be some violence. After all, just because Hamas forgot to warn the young people at the Nova music festival that they were coming to kill them, rape and mutilate them, and take hundreds of them as hostages, is no reason the Jews should get a free pass.

Anyway, several Democrats have said they would boycott Bibi's address in protest of Israel having the audacity to be winning the war they didn't start. For some reason, this didn't sit well with the Grand Old Party.

The No. 3 House GOP leader, Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), labeled Democrats "the anti-Israel party" in a statement to Fox News Digital.

"Their threats to boycott Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Joint Address is another notch on their long list of betrayals of our strongest ally in the Middle East," Emmer said.

Rep. Nick Langworthy (R-NY), called the would-be boycotters "apologists for terrorism," adding, "Their refusal to stand with our closest ally in the Middle East emboldens murderers and extremists who seek to destroy democracy and freedom worldwide."

Army combat veteran Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), who led the House GOP's effort to sanction the International Criminal Court for threatening to go after Netanyahu, said of the Democrats' boycott, "Too bad they don't seem to care about the six Americans being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza as much as they care about establishing a Palestinian state."

Historically, Palestine was a Jewish state but the term was stolen by the scumwafer Yassar Arafat in order to give legitimacy to the Jordan Arabs who occupied it in the second half of the Twentieth Century.

Perhaps the most powerful Republican Representative was Mike Garcia (R-CA), a retired Navy pilot, told Fox News Digital that the speech would only be "a ’controversial' or 'counterproductive' speech" if Israel’s Democratic critics "make it one."

"There’s nothing controversial about allowing the elected leader of America’s greatest ally – who’s in the middle of a war against… U.S.-designated terrorists – speak to the Congress that’s funding and supporting Israel’s fight for survival," Garcia said.

There were many more responses but you get the picture. The Democrats have always pretended to be the virtuous Party, but they never were.

Latest and saddest info on Israeli hostages in Gaza

According to U.S. and Israeli intelligence, it is believed that there may be as few as 50 hostages who are still alive from the 116 still be...