Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pelosi attacks US Judiciary branch of government: "They have gone rogue"

Lip locked anger

As we all know, there are three branches of government: the executive branch, currently held by a man suffering from dementia; the congressional branch, composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate; and the judiciary, which is the Supreme Court comprised of nine justices.

During Donald Trump's first presidency, and hopefully not his last, he appointed three SCOTUS Justices: Neil Gorsuch, 2017; Brett Kavanaugh, 2018; and Amy Coney Barrett, 2020.

As with most justices, their judicial philosophies and decisions often reflect conservative viewpoints, particularly in areas such as individual liberties, regulatory powers, and social issues. Both Coney Barrett and Gorsuch are considered originalists, while Kavanaugh is aligned in that direction but he is also pragmatic in his approach.

The term "originalism" is the judicial philosophy that interprets the U.S. Constitution as it was originally intended to mean or be understood when it was enacted. Thus, the words of the Constitution should be assigned the same meaning as it did when adopted and its interpretation should be grounded in the text itself and the historical context and intent of the framers. Therefore, it limits the role of the Supreme Court and calls for the need for change to come from the legislation or amendments rather than the Court changing the law via judicial interpretation.

Naturally, the judicial philosophy of the Supreme Court with its conservative majority tends to piss off the left, who, when in power, would like to make the rules of the game to their advantage.

Former Speaker of the House, Nancy "Hands-a-Blur" Pelosi (D-CA) had a covert conniption we must assume, when Trump made those appointments to SCOTUS. The ample dentured octogenarian said in an interview on the Communist Network News (CNN) with Anderson Cooper, that the Supreme Court has "gone rogue" when asked about their legitimacy.

Pelosi [aka "Dancing Dentures"] made the remarks Monday night about the judiciary branch of American government because she doesn't agree with their rulings, and anyone who disagrees with her has no right to do so.

“No, I think they have gone rogue. It’s most unfortunate,” she claimed, when asked about their legitimacy. “But it’s unfortunate further to see what the other justices … what happened to the chief justice? Did he go weak or did he go rogue? I don’t know. And that’s the same thing with these members of Congress, if I can take it back to that, because, as tragic as that night was — and they were coming after me to put a bullet in my head. They were going to hang the — have a gallows for the vice president of the United States.”

“So, no, I don’t have confidence in the Supreme Court,” the congresswoman of the failed state of California later added. “I think that some of the decisions they have — see, I respect their point of view. If they have a point of view about a woman’s right to choose, okay, but that’s not what they’re there to do, to advocate for a point of view. Run for Congress.”

She claimed that the justices voted “their opinion on policy” rather than follow “the oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States.”

“I want us to get back to a place where the three branches of government, as our Founders initiated, are respected across the board,” she claimed. “But I don’t have a lot of confidence in this court, unfortunately. I say that with a heavy heart."

The fact that Trump undid Roe v. Wade and gave the power back to the states, thus taking it away from the Supreme Court, shows exactly the opposite claim made by Pelosi. This is why we are a republic as opposed to a pure democracy. But people like Pelosi [aka "The Ice Cream Lady"] want the power of the majority to rule over the minority, even when the difference in number is nearly the same.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." This is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but he probably didn't say it.

Pelosi may not like the existence of protections in the U.S. Constitution and our checks and balances in government, which protects us from the tyranny of the majority, but these safeguards are what makes the country the best we have on earth. We aren't perfect, but we are far beyond what's out there.

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