Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Joe Biden angry with his aides for making sense of his words as they see fit

Alleged President Joe Biden is reportedly as frustrated as a hungry cat staring at a fishbowl. His White House staff is taking what he says and saying a sort of facsimile in English and "rush to explain" whatever they want it to mean.

"When I say something I don't want malarkey and I cannot tolerate limericks," he said. "Remember," he said in a whisper as he leaned in at the microphone, "I'm your Commander in Chief. Yours. Your Commander. So no funny business. When I speak, people listen."

NBC "News'" reported that "[T]he so-called clean-up campaign, he has told advisers, undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise. Worse, it feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command." His rise was also fueled by the fact that stuff floats, and that also explains Kamala Hahaharris' rise.

Someone in the White House who covertly runs the administration has ordered that many of PINO Biden's statements be cleaned up, or walked back as they put it. The best example was when the House Plant in Chief made the idiotic statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power."

Those words by English-speaking humans call for the forcible removal of a foreign nation's leader, but Biden's handler(s) believe everyone else is stupid and would believe their explanation.

Biden came out of his coma and was angry that his word salad mumblings were being interpreted as unpredictable, according to the NBC report. White House spokesperson Andrew [his school chums called him "Master"] Bates pushed back on the NBC report.

"The breathlessness of paragraphs 1 & 2 versus the denial being relegated to graph 28 tells you what you need to know about this story. And as we've said before, no clarifications of the President's remarks are ever issued without his direct approval," he said in a weird, convoluted bs statement.

"We don’t say anything that the president doesn’t want us to say," an official lied to the outlet in response to a question about clearing up the president's statements.

The White House has walked back and clarified a few statements the president has made, in addition to the one about Putin.

Other Democratic leftists are also frustrated, according to the network.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) said that the White House has not been able to introduce an "intellectually honest" inflation plan. The fact that they have no "intellectually honest" inflation plan was lost on her as it usually is on Democrats. Their inflation plan is to blame the GOP, even though the evidence clearly points the other way.

Biden also feels that he isn't getting credit where credit is due from the media or Americans with regard to the economy, NBC reported. He was not referring to food and diaper shortages, high gas prices, huge spikes in inflation. He also avoided speaking about the rise in crime and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He may have also forgotten to mention the bellicose situation we face with Iran and China, not to mention Vladimir Putin again.

 Yeah, he's doing a bang-up job . . . if you're in the business of destroying the country.

The so-called president said that he doesn't think the Republican Party is shouldering enough blame for lack of action in Congress in spite of his Party controlling both houses. Biden doesn't know how to accept real responsibility and may have learned that from his son, Hunter.

"The president has also told aides he doesn’t think enough Democrats go on television to defend him," the report said, adding that the fact that his poll numbers were lower than former President Donald Trump was a huge "sore spot."

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An anonymous source told Brain Flushings that the reason Democrats refuse to defend him is because they believe his brain is on its last legs. They don't expect that he will be running for a second term if he isn't in a nursing home by then. If he does run and knows it, the chances are good that he will have a primary challenge by someone who is willing to take and share a cognitive test.

One top Democratic donor told NBC that "all he's hearing is 'why can't you get anything done?'"

Gender dysphoric Lia Thomas wants to go to the Olympics and compete against women

Lia Thomas [aka "Tommy Boy"] the former UPenn swimmer says that guys who swim against women are "not a threat to women's sports" because it's clothing that makes the man, or woman. And he plans to wear women's swimsuits so it's okay.

Now Tommy Boy who didn't do so well for 3 years on the men's UPenn swim team and transitioned to the women's team says he has his eyes set on the Olympics where he plans to compete against the fairer sex.

He sat down with ABC News' Juju Chang for his first tv interview to talk about his season in which it was like taking candy from a girl baby in the swim meets. He is the first man to win a Division 1 national title against women, and if this continues to be allowed, either he won't be the last guy to do it, or the women's swim teams in collegiate sports will be dismantled and likely become a memory in the field of women's sports.

"I knew there would be scrutiny against me if I competed as a woman," Lia, [formally William] said. "I was prepared for that but I also don’t need anybody's permission to be myself and do the sport I love," he said, not realizing that thinking he is  not a woman, therefore he is not actually being himself. He is being a turd with an unfair biological advantage who competes against women.

He went on with the interview telling Juju about his victimhood as a gender dysphoric man who claims to believe he's a woman but I don't believe him.  Lucky for him that he has the biological advantages in having the strength and speed that give him the ability to steal first place, and the wisdom to know when to allow women to win and make him appear to be on equal footing.

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It's disgusting how the college sports world allows this to continue. Perhaps there should be a separate category for gender dysphoric men and women. But you will likely not see transgender "men" compete against men in sports requiring strength and speed, and if you do, don't expect them to do so great.

I don't mean to imply that gender dysphoria isn't a real problem nor that those who suffer from it should have no rights. But rights go both ways. You could say rights are 'bi'.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Three more bishops refuse Pelosi Holy Communion but many leaders of the Catholic Church seem to be going to hell

Abortion advocate and fallen Catholic, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is being banned from receiving Holy Communion by three more bishops after Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone barred the unrepentant sinner from receiving the Body of Christ in the diocese of San Francisco, Pelosi's home diocese.

Pelosi's advocacy for "right" of women to kill their unborn babies was the basis for the Archbishop's decision as there is absolutely no controversy about the Church's stance on the issue.

But three other bishops have also barred her from the sacrament in their dioceses as well, and bishops around the country are publicly supporting Cordileone’s action.

According to the Washington Post, the bishops of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, and the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, have all declared that the House speaker cannot receive Communion in their jurisdictions.

However, merely 13 of the 194 diocese and archdioceses in the US have publicly supported Catholic scripture to which Cordileone's decision was based, and this doesn't make a good case for the leadership of the Church as it appears that it's going to hell in a hand basket.

Meanwhile, Santa Clara Bishop Robert Vasa has agreed with scripture to bar Pelosi from Communion on the same day Cordileone made his announcement public, the New York Post reported.

In a statement, according to Post, Vasa said that Archbishop Cordileone's decision applies to Pelosi as a member of his archdiocese, regardless of what church she might be attending.

According to the Catholic News Agency, the congresswoman occasionally attends Mass at St. Helena Catholic Church in St. Helena, California, which is in the Santa Rosa Diocese. [She said the drive there gives her husband Paul, time to sober up. Just kidding.]

“I have visited with the pastor at St Helena and informed him that if the Archbishop prohibited someone from receiving Holy Communion, then that restriction followed the person and that the pastor was not free to ignore it,” Vasa said in a statement, according to CNA

Not all bishops agree that Cordileone’s decision applies outside his archdiocese because they are fraudulent hypocrites who seem to believe that it's their decision power that trumps scripture.

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Cardinal Wilton Gregory, who leads the archdiocese, does not support barring Catholic politicians from receiving Communion over abortion, the Register reported, because they often see themselves as G-d and the rules of the Church do not apply to them. [See also Joseph Robinette Biden on abortion.]

As far as the Church is concerned, people who believe that it's okay to kill the unborn can go to hell . . . literally.

Guy in drag throws cake at the Mona Lisa

A man dressed as an old woman on Sunday smeared cake on the protective glass of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre.

The man wore a wig and was in a wheelchair posing as an old lady and entered the Louvre, in Paris. When he neared the work of art, he reportedly threw cake at the painting and tried to smash the protective bulletproof glass that protects the painting from morons.

Several people responded on Twitter:
The protective glass of the Mona Lisa painting at The Louvre was caked today by a man dressed up as an elderly woman in a wheelchair. pic.twitter.com/g8uaQZ1wPp
Maybe this is just nuts to me💀but an man dressed as an old lady jumps out of a wheel chair and attempted to smash the bullet proof glass of the Mona Lisa. Then proceeds to smear cake on the glass, and throws roses everywhere all before being tackled by security. 😂??? pic.twitter.com/OFXdx9eWcM 
— Lukeee🧃 (@lukeXC2002) May 29, 2022 
The alleged cake-smearing idiot reportedly was trying to raise awareness about the destruction of planet Earth, witnesses claimed [by attempting to destroy part of the beauty of the planet created by man].

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The painting has historically been the target of attempted vandalism as miscreants from across the globe has tried and failed to wipe that smile off Mona Lisa's face.

In the 1950s one man threw sulfuric acid at the painting, and a student from Bolivia hit it with a stone--both incidents reminiscent of attempted honor killings--but still the smile lives on.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

State Farm Grooming and Insurance Company

State Farm Insurance Company has gone worse than woke, they went groomer. They recently got caught distributing transgender propaganda material to children as young as five. Think about that--what was your opinion on people with gender dysphoria when you were five?

The nonprofit ConsumerFirst came into a leaked email concerning the company's philanthropic program whereby they partnered with an LGBTQ [Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer] group and came up with a disgusting book laundering scheme. The GenderCool Project sent State Farm volunteers a set of books talking about the transgender agenda to groom little kids to consider the possibility that they aren't the boys and girls they were told by their cis gender parents they are. The volunteers would then donate the LGBTQ books to schools, libraries, community centers and other places.

And State Farm is complicit with the grooming.

The company sent an email to people reporting on the grooming program under the name of Roszell Gadson at State Farm Public Affairs [they plan to drop the "l" in public].

Gadson [probably a guy] said that the Trans Tripe for Tots program “has been the subject of news and customer inquiries.”  He seemed puzzled that people would question a "program that includes books about gender identity” and “intended to promote inclusivity.” FOR FIVE YEAR OLD CHILDREN!

“Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents,” Gadson wrote. “We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations.”

Why? Why are conversations with your children about sexual deviance a good idea? Who decided that other than the sexual deviant people who seem to want to normalize their behavior and groom children?

So deviance like this should not be seen in kindergarten, but parents are perfect purveyors of smut to their kids at home. Just ask State Farm now that they got caught with their proverbial pants down below their knees.

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They changed their tune to, “We no longer support the program allowing for distribution of books in schools. We will continue to explore how we can support organizations that provide tools and resources that align with our commitment to diversity and inclusion.”

They got caught and still want to pander to those on the intersectional zenith.

In a case of serendipity, alleged robber accidentally shot his accomplice

Well this guy obviously didn't take an NRA gun safety course after he and his accomplice targeted four tourists in Los Angeles and he shot his buddy while unloading the loot from a vehicle

Idiots Artiz Alvarez, 20, and Chanz Lee Yarbrough, 21, both of Los Angeles, face multiple charges in connection with the April 20 home invasion, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

Prior to the incident, the four male tourists [we know they were all males due to their XY chromosomes, adam's apples, and junk] were visiting from Northern California and had gotten to their Airbnb from a restaurant. Just as they exited their vehicle at 12:45 a.m., three suspects approached them and held them up at gunpoint.

Two of the suspects had handguns and the third a scary assault rifle, police said. One victim was pistol-whipped and they were all forced to go inside the Airbnb and told to get on the floor as the suspects ransacked the place.

They stole $75,000 worth of belongings including an expensive watch, Mercedes key fob, phones, designer clothing, and currency, police said. Based on the merchandise these men took, the level of sophistication of the victims, and the fact that these were four guys from California, it's a good bet the victims were Liza Minnelli and Richard Simmons fans.

At around 1:15 a.m., a shooting occurred and when the cops responded, they found a trail of blood on the sidewalk leading to an apartment door. The SWAT team was called in and entered the empty apartment.

A search warrant was issued for the unit and investigators found many of the stolen items from the earlier Airbnb robbery. It turns out, the apartment was rented by one of the turds who allegedly robbed the men. They also found three guns, two semi-automatic handguns, and an "AR Pistol," according to a police press release.

At 2:15 a.m. that same day, Yarbrough, not the sharpest bear on the Christmas tree, went to a hospital with a gunshot wound to his left leg. He told the cops that he was shot by someone while in Hollywood. It didn't take long for detectives to determine that he was the moron who was shot by his co-moron as they were unloading their haul.

After the shooting, the three stooges took the stolen items into the apartment and took Yarbrough to a hospital. Alvarez was arrested on April 25 in connection to the robbery and is charged with four counts of kidnap for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. He was also charged on one count of being an ex-convict with a gun. 

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At the time of the crime, Alvarez was out on bond for a different robbery, but in California, that's the way it goes. Yarbrough is charged with four counts each of kidnap for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.

The geniuses are each being held on $4 million bail. The third suspect has not been identified except to say that if Obama had a son, he would look like him.

Nancy Pelosi's husband arrested for DUI

So it isn't just Nancy Pelosi who apparently likes the sauce--her husband Paul Pelosi was arrested in Napa, California for allegedly driving under the influence late Saturday night.

The arrest happened at 11:44 p.m. Saturday and he was charged with driving with a blood-alcohol level of .08 or higher and also driving under the influence of alcohol. [H/T TMZ]

He was booked and put in a cell at 04:13 a.m.  On Sunday apparently after sobering up, he was released at 7:26 a.m. Fortunately, he did not wreck his car nor kill anyone with it.

This is why he drinks

Those records indicate his bail was set at $5,000, which he likely had in his wallet.

Paul Pelosi, 82, has been married to Nancy since 1963, which should be punishment enough, but the records show that bail was set at $5,000, which he probably had in his wallet at the time of his arrest.

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A spokesperson for Rep. Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that she would not be commenting on the "private" matter but he can forget about their plans they had at home for Father's Day.

"The Speaker will not be commenting on this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast," the spokesperson said. 

Good "guy" with a gun, shoots bad guy with a gun; saves lives

A West Virginia woman fatally shot a man who began firing a rifle into a crowd in Charleston, WV Wednesday night.

The man, Dennis Butler, 37, was black, so it's likely not going to be reported by the left stream media because it doesn't fit their narrative.

The incident was apparently sparked after people were at a graduation birthday party outside a Renaissance Circle apartment complex and Butler, earlier in the evening, was in a vehicle and was warned to slow down because children were playing.

So the bad guy with a gun left but returned later to the complex where he began firing at the crowd.

The good "guy" with a gun was attending the party and she drew her handgun and fired on Butler, killing him. Nobody at the party was injured.

The woman waited for the police to arrive, and she and several witnesses have cooperated with the investigation.

"Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night," Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett told news outlets Thursday. He said that no charges would be filed against the brave hero.

It was revealed in a MetroNews "Talkline" show Thursday that Butlerr was a convicted felon who had served time in the slammer on several occasions. Obviously, he was not permitted to own a firearm but this is yet another example of an outlaw breaking the law, proving that gun control is not a sufficient device for stopping gun violence.

The NRA said it best: when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

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We need better measures to determine the mental health status of potential gun purchasers and security measures in our schools to protect our children. For example, one entrance, a metal detector with bag inspections, and all other doors locked from the outside. Teachers with gun training and carrying would be great too, but they're generally opposed to such child and self-defense methods.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

US Airlines Might Cut Training Requirements for Pilots to Increase Possibility of Incompetent Pilots

"I think I can; I think I can"

The commercial airline pilot shortage has forced several airlines to cut the number of flights and the number of training hours new pilots will need to go through in order to fly aircraft fairly safely. This will include cutting in half the number of flight hours a person would need to become a pilot and hope they will learn twice as much.

Part of the plan is to use video games like Microsoft's Flight Simulator and Star Wars Squadron  and YouTube videos to teach potential pilots how to keep from crashing into mountains and to land safely.

The pilot shortage has led to many cancellations across the country as well as airlines cutting regional planes. Also, it's going to be more difficult for Sports Illustrated cover girls to be allowed to board due to more restrictive weight limits.

In order to cut costs, another plan is being put into place: planes are being fueled with just enough fuel to get them to where they're going and enough to do perhaps one "go around" if necessary.

"I know that's cutting it close, but if you only pack the bare minimums of what you'll need where you're going, we can make it," said Zoom Airlines CEO Skip Zoom. 

Zoom Airlines also plans to cut back on meals to both save money and keep the aircraft's weight down. The airline will be providing free gum and beef jerky and popcorn which will do just that.

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"The pilot shortage is real and most airlines are either going to make drastic compromises or go out of business," Zoom said. "It may take as much as five years before the industry can make up for the shortage, but until then, flyers will just have to keep their fingers crossed and hope for the best."

So many US carriers will be cutting back on training for new pilots and one Japanese airline, Kamikaze Air, has followed suit.

TX Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Uvalde police response: "We were not told the truth"

As new details emerge about law enforcement's initial response to the Uvalde school shooting in Texas, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said on Saturday that state officials "were not told the truth" regarding the response time that it took to take down the shooter. 

[H/T Fox & Friends Weekend]

The Lt. Gov. also said that the decision to not move in more quickly against the scumbag was a "bad decision, and that decision cost lives."

The children were calling 911 on their phones and after the cops arrived, they didn't move in because it was dangerous and they could have gotten hurt.

Patrick said "We were told that there was a security officer and they were a little hazy on how the engagement went, but that a security officer was there. Well, it turned out he was not on campus. He drove on to the campus, but he was not on campus, as we were told and led to believe. No one mentioned the fact that there was this 45 minute-to-an-hour hold by the chief of the police of the school district while there were still shots being fired. Now, we believe that most of those shots were being fired into the door of the wall to hold back law enforcement. But we don't know."

It's also possible that some of the shots fired were aimed at the children who were behind the door.

Patrick continued: "And so imagine the parent who has to go through this for the rest of their life and they will be thinking, 'Was my child still alive and could have been saved?' So that was another fact that we weren't told. And so this is heartbreaking. This is horrendous. With these shootings, one of the parts of this job that you don't ever want is to have to go to a funeral of, particularly a child, but anyone killed in a shooting or one of our police officers killed in the line of duty.

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"We've had a lot of funerals, a lot of memorial services, a lot of hospital visits. So I take this personally, and I know the governor takes it personally. And for me, it's 140 or 150 people killed in Texas in the last six or seven years of collective anger when we're not told the truth."

It's time for heads to roll [figuratively] and for people to be held accountable. This sounds like Parkland and Scott Israel all over again.

If you aren't willing to accept the danger of this difficult job, don't sign up for it.

Biden's statement about NoKo standing with US against Russia highlights his dementia

"I am your Commander in Chief"

Alleged President Joe Biden had people scratching their heads when he mumbled that North Korea stood with the US against Russia. Then he used his signature demented stage whisper to the crowd of Naval Academy graduates, "I am your Commander in Chief," as he made his speech on Friday.

Biden claimed that it was after Russia invaded Ukraine that North Korea sided with the United States, and if that doesn't convince you that his cognitive decline has cognitive decline, nothing will.

"Did anybody think, when I called for sanctions against Russia, in addition to NATO, did Australia, Japan, North Korea, some of the [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] countries would stand up and support those sanctions?" the PINO asked the more than 1,200 midshipmen graduating class.

Biden then charged Russian President Vladimir Putin with trying to totally destroy Ukraine's culture.

"Not only is he trying to take over Ukraine, he's really trying to wipe out the culture and identity of the Ukrainian people - attacking schools, nurseries, hospitals, museums, with no other purpose," he mush-mouthed, calling it a "direct assault on a fundamental tenets of rule-based international order."

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Fun Fact: North Korea did not stand with the US against Russia. In fact, North Korea was one of the four countries to vote against a United Nations resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine along with Syria, Belarus, Cuba and Eritrea. China, Cuba and Nicaragua abstained from the vote.

"Biden very crazy man"

Fun Fact: A North Korea spokes-commie blamed the US for Russia's invasion of Ukraine soon after it began.

This is basic stuff and Biden can't even get that right.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Airline passenger gets jail time for masturbating mid-flight and it wasn't Jeff Toobin

A Southwest Airlines passenger who was buffin' the muffin four times during a flight pled guilty to a charge of indecent, or obscene acts while on an aircraft and was sentenced to 48 days in prison where he hopes to have more privacy than on an airplane. Also, Southwest has banned him for life and now he will have to fly the friendlier skies of another airline.

Antonio Sherrodd McGarity, 34, flicked the bean four times with his twig and berries exposed as he and the boys flew from Washington to Arizona on April 2nd, as the federal criminal complaint states. In addition to his short sentence, among other things, he will receive one year of probation.

The unlucky passenger sitting next to the bishop polisher reported the incident to a flight attendant, who then contacted Phoenix Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations, according to the Department of Justice.

When the plane landed, the pickle painter was arrested. Not surprisingly, McGarity has a few other state and local convictions for lewd behavior.

McGarity allegedly waited until the plane had taken off before exposing himself, according to the complaint. The woman sitting next to the individual in seat 11E took pictures of the incident and complained to a flight attendant, and switched seats. She may have later planned to sell the photos online to Brian Stelter but that is not confirmed by Brain Flushings.

The female passenger told the Phoenix Police Department that McGarity masturbated "on four separate occasions using both his left and right hands," the court record shows. According to Kinsey et al. ambidextrous masturbators are not as rare as one might think, if one thinks about those sort of things. It was found that some masturbators prefer to use their non-dominant hand to provide the illusion that someone else is in manual override.

Evidence that Jeff Toobin is a lefty

A spokesperson for Southwest Airlines previously said that crew members on the flight took action when they were informed that the individual was pleasuring himself while flipping through photos of the Squad and Nancy Pelosi.

"We immediately placed the passenger who exhibited the lewd behavior on our No-Fly List, resulting in a lifetime ban from traveling on Southwest Airlines," the spokesperson said. "We washed our hands of him and hope other airlines will do the same."

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McGarity admitted that he reached orgasm on the flight and believed the woman next to him didn't mind. "She was snapping photos like crazy and there was a strange expression on her face which I interpreted to mean that she was okay with it."

Old Navy Takes Jumbo Size Woke-Go-Broke Hit

Old Navy and its parent company Gap, Inc. has learned that going woke might end up going broke after the company dived into the "body positivity" movement, a movement that moves like jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that. They were offering a huge and tiny clothing items to promote obesity, bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

While thinking they were going to make a big haul on the feminist movement and get a few "atta girls" from the public, they got left with huge and tiny clothing and a boatload of pissed off customers. Progressivism didn't work, just like their followers.

“Analysts expect the company to report net sales of $3.44 billion, down from the $3.99 billion it reported in the same period last year,” a report from The Wall Street Journal said of a Gap Inc. report, which “showed the company’s latest quarterly results on May 26.” While that sounds like a lot of money either way you slice it, the loss of revenue is significant and have caused concerns within the organization.

The garbage numbers have triggered a “management shake-up,” the report noted and even cries of "racism" won't keep heads from rolling.

“Old Navy set out to make clothes shopping more inclusive for women of all body types,” the Journal said. “It ended up with too many extra-small and extra-large items and too few of the rest, a mismatch that frustrated customers and contributed to falling sales and a management shake-up.”

An anonymous study found that the small numbers of jumbo and tiny items overstocked was not due to the prediction of potential consumers of the products, but of the loss their population due to illness and general inability to crawl out the door to go to Old Navy.

Back in August, Old Navy started offering their clothing in sizes 0 to 30, and XS to 4X. The 0 size were so small that only rhesus monkeys could fit into them and there weren't enough rhesus monkeys to turn a profit.

“This is the largest integrated launch in the brand’s history and an important growth driver for the business for years to come,” said Gap Chief Executive Sonia Syngaltold. She pushed for the move at the time.

“Soon after, however, Old Navy’s sales started to nosedive,” the Journal reported. “Last month, Nancy Green, the chain’s president and chief executive, stepped down after less than two years running the brand. Gap warned that sales for the spring quarter would fall short of expectations in part due to troubles at Old Navy.”

There just weren't enough morbidly obese women to buy the pup tents. 

So the 'go woke, go broke' saying is gaining ground as even Netflix has lost over 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2022 [me included] due to the woke clause in virtually every flick. Guys having sex with guys, women with women, and so on. The company is said to be bracing for a loss of 2 million subscribers in the second quarter while shares in the company have plunged over 20% in after-hours trading.

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It will be interesting to find out [second-hand] if Netflix continues to produce crap like Colin Kaepernick's life of "Cuties" depicting pre-pubescent girls in sexually provocative dance moves.

After all is said and done, parents are moving the Earth.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Archbishop bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to her approval of the murdering of babies

The San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced on Friday that Democrat House Speaker Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her pro-infanticide stance, which is often referred to as abortion, to make the killing of babies sound more palatable.

This marks over ten years of tension between the Roman Catholic Church and soulless Democratic politicians on abortion.

The Archbishop has written to Pelosi on April 7, informing her that she should not present herself for Holy Communion at Mass, and that priests will not distribute communion to her if she does present herself. She can just go home and scarf down her designer ice cream from her $20,000 freezer.

"A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others. Therefore, universal Church law provides that such persons ‘are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,'" the Archbishop said in the letter.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is very clear on abortion, whether getting an abortion or doing the actual killing of the baby or assisting in the ordeal. "Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion," the catechism says. "This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable."

"Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law," it adds, before referring to abortion and infanticide as "abominable crimes." The Church calls for excommunication for this crime against human life. It's just that they tend to hold back most of the time when it comes to hypocrites on the left like Mario Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi and other Catholic politicians who sees their political power more important than their religion.

PINO Biden, a "cafeteria Catholic," had once supported the Hyde Amendment -- which prevented U.S. funding going to pay for abortions abroad. He flipped on that amendment when he ran for president in 2020 simply for his own political gain because number one, he's stupid, and number two he's a liar and he's stupid. He now says that "a woman's right to choose" is "fundamental."

The baby's right to live, well that's a tough one when you want people to vote for you.

Cordileone says in his letter that "should you not publicly repudiate your advocacy for abortion ‘rights’ or else refrain from referring to your Catholic faith in public and receiving Holy Communion, I would have no choice but to make a declaration, in keeping with canon 915, that you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion." He says that since that time, she has not done so and could go to hell. . . literally.

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"Therefore, in light of my responsibility as the Archbishop of San Francisco to be 'concerned for all the Christian faithful entrusted to [my] care" (Code of Canon Law, can. 383, §1), by means of this communication I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publically repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance." he said.

But does Pelosi really care or did she only go to church to make an impression on voters? Your guess is as good as mine.

Bette Midler calls for Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich to be thrown in prison

Former entertainer Bette Midler, 76, took a brave stance by calling for FOX News host Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich to be thrown in jail and for Rupert Murdoch to have his American citizenship revoked.

The contrarian bravery Midler expressed was inspiring. Clearly, nobody on the left would ever have the guts to tweet that "[T]ucker Carlson should be arrested and tried for sedition and fomenting insurrection." She must have known her brave tweet would receive flak from people who believe that anyone should be allowed to speak whatever they want to say, unless their words call for violence. How dare they!

But that wasn't the end of Midler's unbiased attack. She next went after former Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich and Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation, which is the parent company of FOX News.

Speaking on behalf of the nation, the elderly Midler wrote: "Murdoch should have his citizenship revoked; the damage he continues to do to our democracy will soon become irreparable." 

Unfortunately, Ms. Midler's definition of democracy must have been acquired after sundown, as her
 "Sundowning" syndrome evidently kicked in.

Bette was on a roll. She next claimed on Wednesday that "Newt Gingrich should be clapped in irons [i.e., jailed abruptly] for getting him past the FCC." The 'him' she was referring to was Murdoch.

On Saturday she again attacked Murdoch and referred to him as a dictator. It's unclear what made her believe that, but what is clear is that she is often unclear.

Midler, who voted for Joe Biden for President because she thought he would be the best man for the job, shared an infographic that depicted billionaires who own large media companies. Although she was again ranting and raving about Rupert Murdoch, the 2018 infographic and the corresponding BBC article did not mention Murdoch at all.

"Sadly, this list leaves off the most vicious, the ugliest, the most hate-filled owner of all, Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson’s master, who has ruined political discourse all around the world," Midler said, then added a quote she apparently made up, "'Own the press & 1/2 the work of. dictatorship is done.'"

The aged actress clutched her pearls and ungrammatically asked, "We will survive Murdoch?"

She 'marathon tweeted' about Murdoch and Carlson almost 30 times, desperate to save the country from a different point of view, where there are only two genders, all babies count, and the cops are the good guys.

Earlier this month, the New York Times, a hard-left, disreputable newspaper that makes an excellent birdcage liner, ran several hit pieces on Carlson – which he laughed off.

The irrelevant actress posted a tweet on Wednesday using a famous phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence. She attempted to make a coherent hyperbolic connection to the Buffalo supermarket shooting in which a mentally ill 18-year-old white supremacist killed ten black people. 

"We have 'unalienable rights?' 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?' How are citizens supposed to believe in these sacred principles if they are getting slaughtered every time they go to the store? If a government can’t deliver on this foundational promise, it’s worthless," Midler ranted.

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Taking life lessons from people who hate you isn't ever a good idea. Taking advice from someone who tweeted that the solution to the baby formula shortage in the nation is: "TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand,” is like taking advice from someone whose IQ is below room temperature.

"So here you have an elderly, out-of-touch, rich, liberal lady lecturing struggling American moms to shut up and suffer in silence and, by the way, make your baby shut up, too," Tucker Carlson said of Midler. "Now, if you can think of a more perfect distillation of modern politics of the left circa 2022 than that, send us an email and let us know what it is, because we've never seen anything that perfect."

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Twit called out by Elon Musk for mocking his Asperger's

Elon Musk was mocked by Alex Martinez, an apparently gay Twitter executive who disparaged the world's wealthiest person's Asperger's in a newly-released Project Veritas video.

Martinez bashed his soon-to-be boss [if Musk goes through with the purchase of the company] denouncing his mission to reform Twitter's current Orwellian policies in favor of the American value of free speech.

"He has Asperger's. So he's special!" Martinez told an undercover Project Veritas journalist in a video released Tuesday. "You're special needs! You're literally special needs."

"So I can't even take what you're saying seriously," Martinez added in a voice reminiscent of Brian Stelter at a poetry reading at Barnes and Noble.

Musk wasn't going to let the commie get away with talking about him behind his back. He wrote: "Twitter exec trashing free speech & mocking people with Asperger’s …" and pinned it to his Twitter page.

In a separate post, he tweeted a frown emoji in response to the Project Veritas undercover video.

If he's smart and not just gay, he'll bring his resume up to snuff.

The harsh anti-Asperger's comment came merely one day after Project Veritas released another video by an undercover member of the team. It showed Twitter senior engineer Siru Murugesan, saying Twitter "does not believe in free speech" and how a "capitalist" like Musk may come into conflict with Murugesan's fellow colleagues, who he described as being "socialist" and "commie as f**k."

Good going, Comrade Siru, you f**k.

"Ideologically, it does not make sense, like, because we're actually censoring the right and not the left," Murugesan told the undercover Project Veritas journalist. "So everyone on the right will be like, ‘Bro, it’s okay to say it, just gotta tolerate it.' The left will be like, ‘No, I’m not gonna tolerate it. I need it censored or else I'm not gonna be on the platform.' So it does that on the right. It's true. There is bias." Like wow and woe. Like. 

When asked what his colleagues think of Musk becoming their new boss, Murugesan said "they [like] hate it" though he himself is "at least okay with it."

"Some of my colleagues are like super left, left, left, left, left… They're like, ‘This would be my last day,’" the senior engineer said. "We did all we could to, like, revolt against it. A lot of the employees revolted against it, but at the end of the day, the board of directors have the say and then they acted on their best interests because they didn't wanna get sued."

Following the leak of Murugesan's comments, internal memos to Twitter staff were leaked to Project Veritas warning "increased targeting" of employees, referred to within the company as "Tweeps."

Well, if you're going to target half the country, targeting Tweeps is small potatoes. 

"Groups like Project Veritas are active right now," Twitter's security team told staff. "These groups use social engineering tactics to get close to employees and obtain videos and recordings of employees discussing internal company matters and often selectively edit those recordings to misrepresent conversations to further their own political or ideological agendas."

Yes, it's called journalism. Look it up, because you obviously don't get to see much of it on your news searches. 

"Given the interest in Twitter at the moment, we expect for this targeting to continue and possibly increase, and it's more important than ever that we remain vigilant," the memo read before urging staff, "Do not disclose confidential, proprietary information, or discuss internal conversations, policies or products outside of the office."

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And especially don't disclose what you really think of people with different opinions than your own and the idea that free speech would allow those opinions to be expressed openly.

In Tuesday's leaked footage, Martinez unwittingly showed the undercover Project Veritas journalist the memo, implying that he isn't just a gay commie, but also not the sharpest one on the hammer and sickle.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Half of Biden Twitter followers are as fake as him

An audit found that half of PINO Joe Biden's Twitter followers have no souls because they are fake.

This means that of his 22.2 million followers, no less than 11 million are bogus.

The audit, which was performed for Twitter by software firm SparkToro, found that 49.3% of the president’s followers are “fake followers,” according to Newsweek. Ironically, these nonexistent followers have accomplished more by not existing than Joe Biden has by being alive.

SparkToro defined “fake followers” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter).”

Elon Musk, who is CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has sent a car into outer space, is attempting to buy Twitter and has allegedly shtupped Amber Heard, has expressed concern over the increasingly high number of fake accounts and has proposed a crackdown on them.

Musk believes a full 20% of all Twitter accounts are fake and he promised not to go through with the pending $44 million purchase until the problem is resolved.

“My offer was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate,” Musk said.

“Yesterday, Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of <5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.”Elon Musk said he believes that 20% of all Twitter accounts are fake and vowed to not go through with his $44M purchase of the social media giant until the issue is resolved.

Current Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, who is hanging onto his job by a cracked fingernail, fired back at Musk saying that the digital giant suspends over half a million spam accounts every day and locks several millions of accounts they suspect might be spam. But he did not show proof of the fake account percentage. 

Musk fired back at him by asking how sponsors would invest in the company without knowing that fact.

Bah Boom!

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SparkToro used the same audit on Musk himself and found that nearly 70.2% of Musk’s 93.3 million Twitter followers were fake.

I doubt that keeps Elon up at night.

Mentally ill alleged Buffalo, NY shooter documented his online radicalization: FOX News not mentioned

The shooter recorded his attack

The self-proclaimed white supremacist low-life who slaughtered 10 people at a Buffalo grocery apparently became radicalized during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. He would go online and scour extremist message boards, according to his bizarre diary.

The shooter, let's call him Sally Sue Schitzodeur, planned a mass shooting for months and wrote that his exposure to 4Chan, an online message board populated by people with extremist views, helped keep him motivated to carry out his plans.

He wrote in his diary: “[M]y current beliefs started when I first started to use 4Chan a few months after covid started.” This was posted on the Discord app and taken down after the attack.

Then he posted on 4Chan: “Every time I think maybe I shouldn’t commit to an attack I spend 5 min [on] /pol/, then my motivation returns.” This was referenced in the board's political section known for racist and anti-semitic content

And rather than calling out this guy for what he is--a mentally ill anti-Semite and racist, Democrats such as Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, takes the shooting as an opportunity to push a political agenda. That's disgusting. Even worse, Schumer went after FOX News and specifically blamed Tucker Carlson for the mass shooting. Carlson was not ever mentioned in the diary, and FOX News was mentioned negatively. 

He can't even grow a mustache

The diary features Schitzodeur's many entries that takes us into the jasmine of his defective mind.

“It’s his diary that really stands out, as it gives us insight into the person behind the image. It shows his uncertainty over whether he could murder people. Over a dozen times he wrote about wanting to commit suicide instead,” Dr Rajan Basra, a researcher from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization (ICSR) told the New York Post.

“He was essentially having a conversation with himself, at times doubting what he was doing, and other times doubling down on his racist beliefs. The diary shows a volatile mix between racist beliefs, white nationalism, and complex mental health issues.”

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Schitzodeur's diary has him questioning his own sanity “I have wondered if I’m mentally ill, and that’s why I’m planning the attack like I am now,” another entry from February states.

“The past 7 years have hurt so much, I think I’m ready to abandon it all.”

And so on.

Chuck Schumer cowardly refuses Tucker Carlson's invite to discuss his accusations

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and his leftist colleagues [which includes the media, of course] have been going after FOX News and Tucker Carlson in particular, blaming him for the mentally ill person who shot and killed ten people at a Buffalo grocery store Saturday. The mass shooting appears to be a racially motivated as most of the victims were black and the shooter wrote a 180-page disjointed manifesto. 

The 18-year old shooter showed his hatred for FOX News, Jews and never mentioned Tucker Carlson at all in his manifesto. 

But since he's so popular on the right, Carlson received the brunt of the assault from Democrats and the media, which have been working in concert for years as one entity. But he hasn't taken the attacks laying down and on his Monday program made his attackers look childish and foolish

Carlson spoke of how predictable the Left has become every time there is a similar tragedy and how they call for putting limits on speech and turning up the temperature on race division for their political gain. He explained how all they accomplish is keeping themselves in power a little longer while doing nothing for the country.

Then, as predicted, Sen. Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (D-NY) proved Carlson's point by sending a poison pen post to FOX News executives “imploring” them to shut up Carlson's alleged racist rhetoric about the "Great Replacement" theory:
In a letter to Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, Fox CEO Suzanne Scott, and Fox president Jay Wallace, Chuck Schumer says he urges Fox News to "immediately cease the reckless amplification of the so-called 'Great Replacement’ theory…" pic.twitter.com/9FbUYrMtBi

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) May 17, 2022
Schumer blamed Carlson for the mentally ill white supremacist in Buffalo who killed those ten innocent people and pointed to the ramblings the killer wrote, in spite of the fact that he hated … Fox News, in particular the Jews who work for FOX. Remember, Carlson's name was never mentioned in the shooter's ramblings.

So Tucker called Schumer's bluff and asked him to come on his show and talk to him man-to-man, presumably about the allegations he made. Schumer declined, obviously too scared for a direct confrontation because the senator had zero evidence to show that Carlson was remotely involved, much less responsible, for the behavior of a mentally ill person.

And let's not forget that when the Bernie Sanders supporter shot up the GOP baseball game. Republicans didn't blame Sanders or the Democrats--they correctly blamed the shooter. But when you have no actual accomplishments to show, you attack your opponents and hope to stay in power. Schumer, of course, had no solutions regarding the mass shooting.

Schumer tweeted:
.@TuckerCarlson invited me on his show tonight to debate the letter I sent to @FoxNews.

I'm declining. Tucker Carlson needs to stop promoting the racist, dangerous ‘Replacement Theory’.

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) May 17, 2022
What an incredible coward Schumer is, but it illustrates the Left's fear and hatred of debate and free speech. Schumer refuses to confront the person he's accusing and as the highest-ranking Jewish political leader in the US, he and his Party are accusing Carlson of pushing hateful and dangerous rhetoric that harms blacks, Hispanics and Jews. If he had any balls, he would debate Carlson and prove his accusations, but he knows he cannot. All he can do is virtue signal and create more anger by his baseless accusations.

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Funny thing though, the Democrats have been openly touting the idea of minorities changing the voting demographics for years. This is what's behind their open borders policy, although they will not admit it.

A good rule of thumb is to take everything the left accuses conservatives of doing and know that it's them who are doing it. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

FOX's Peter Doocy makes WH Press Sec'y look like her dog ate her homework

The new WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre [henceforth will be referred to as KJP] has taken the helm from Jen Psaki and already, the ship of fools is taking water. 

Jean-Pierre is coming to the podium unprepared, like a child who tells the teacher that his dog ate his homework when he doesn't actually have a dog.

But on a positive note, KJP is black, an immigrant, and a lesbian, which gives her high marks on her victimhood status, so we conservatives have no right to criticize her. However, she seems to need no help showing how inexperienced she is for the job as White House press secretary after she was asked a question by FOX News' Peter Doocy, an actual reporter who asks tough questions.

Doocy asked about President Biden's tweet saying that to fight inflation, people who make more money than Joe Biden, need to pay their "fair share," which are two issues that have nothing to do with each other.

KJP had no clue what Doocy was talking about and had to go read her notes that also had nothing to do with the question.

There was no excuse for KJP to be unprepared for this question because the White House knows about this tweet and even put out  a statement attacking Jeff Bezos over it after Bezos pointed out how stupid it was

The WH has been using Twitter to spread disinformation. Bezos has been calling them out on it. It's been all over the internet. [H/T Louder with Crowder]

Somehow KJP tried to convince anyone that raising taxes will lower the cost of gas and food and went on to list things unrelated to either.

"We encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax code."

And there we have yet another WTF moment from the bowels of the White House. Climate change?

American families don't care a fiddler's fart about climate change when it comes to feeding their infants, their families and the price of gas. Inflation and the economy are at the very top of the list that Americans care about.

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Only elitists who often have a financial interest in climate change and other leftist issues care about things like identity, Critical Race Theory, and taxing the rich even more. [See Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Rev. Al Sharpton and the legacy media for more on this.]

The Left think by conflating taxes and climate change the public will be too stupid to notice.

But when the new press secretary cannot even address an elementary question because she is obviously unprepared to do the job, you have to believe the country is in decline. At least Psaki was prepared to tell better lies.

Complete List of President Biden's Accomplishments

Dr. Jordan Peterson blasts Sports Illustrated over obese covergirl swimsuit issue

Dr. Jordan Peterson responded on Twitter to a New York Post headline about Sports Illustrated's 2022 Swimsuit Issue featuring an obese woman model named Yumi Nu as its covergirl.
Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that. https://t.co/rOASeeQvee

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson)
Admittedly, Nu has a pretty face, albeit somewhat large. But to put overweight women in the annual Swimsuit edition and virtue signal how woke they are, SI has made young men throughout the land quite distraught.

Peterson voiced his objection in response to a Twitter user whose entire life centers around finding something to criticize online. Peterson responded to the loser thusly:
It's a conscious progressive attempt to manipulate & retool the notion of beauty, reliant on the idiot philosophy that such preferences are learned & properly changed by those who know better (see https://t.co/RLOu4wlNM6)(https://t.co/tUzihxdXOl) but don't let the facts stop you. https://t.co/90uEnV6DL3

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) May 16, 2022
The links in his tweet are two studies: the first from a 1998 study in Infant Behavior and Development showing that babies focus on faces judged to be more attractive by adults. In the second 2009 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior, it found that more attractive women had more children than less attractive ones, such as overweight women and men who identify as women, and the least attractive men sired fewer children than every other group of men, who had about the same number of children. This may indicate that physical attractiveness may be related to reproductive success rates.

Peterson was responding to a New York Post interview with Nu, who will be one of the covergirls on the 2022 Swimsuit Issue as will Kim Kardashian, singer Ciara, and Maye Musk, Elon's mom.

The 25-year-old Nu is of Dutch and Japanese ancestry and is the granddaughter of Rocky Aoki the Benihana chain of restaurants founder. Perhaps Nu spent a lot of time testing the product as a child.

In the interview, Nu spoke of her excitement at the opportunity to be on the cover of a men's sports magazine and described herself as a champion of body and race diversity, a subliminal way of saying that she's fat, not white, and proud of it.

She was not asked about her overall health such as blood pressure, diabetes situation, and her ability to walk without getting out of breath. She did, however, express her delight over being chosen to represent the sports magazine's new take on their definition of beauty.

“It’s amazing. I’m on cloud nine,” she told the Post. “This is nothing I could prepare for. It’s unexpected. I feel like we’re in a place right now where people are making space for more diversity on magazine covers. It’s a big time for Asian-American people in media. I know I play a big role in representation in body diversity and race diversity, and I love to be a role model and representative of the plus-size Asian community.”

Let's consider her comments:

Nu said that being chosen is nothing she could prepare for, but that isn't completely true. Nu has spent 25 years preparing, but she was unaware that her eating habits were going to put her on a sports magazine cover. Sure, it may have been unexpected, but that was before the world got woke. 

The magazine also includes a number of race and body diversity firsts: the first breast cancer survivor; the first indigenous woman, a NASA physicist; a woman showing her C-section scar; a woman with four belly buttons; a woman with eczema; and a woman with a penis.

In terms of diversity, the concept is a load of bull plop.

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Why doesn't Sports Illustrated have people like Brian Stelter and Michael Moore on the Swimsuit Edition? You want diverse, that would really be diverse and show the world that a woman can be anything, except if you're a biologist and know the truth.

The Left ruins everything.

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....