Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Joe Biden angry with his aides for making sense of his words as they see fit

Alleged President Joe Biden is reportedly as frustrated as a hungry cat staring at a fishbowl. His White House staff is taking what he says and saying a sort of facsimile in English and "rush to explain" whatever they want it to mean.

"When I say something I don't want malarkey and I cannot tolerate limericks," he said. "Remember," he said in a whisper as he leaned in at the microphone, "I'm your Commander in Chief. Yours. Your Commander. So no funny business. When I speak, people listen."

NBC "News'" reported that "[T]he so-called clean-up campaign, he has told advisers, undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise. Worse, it feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command." His rise was also fueled by the fact that stuff floats, and that also explains Kamala Hahaharris' rise.

Someone in the White House who covertly runs the administration has ordered that many of PINO Biden's statements be cleaned up, or walked back as they put it. The best example was when the House Plant in Chief made the idiotic statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power."

Those words by English-speaking humans call for the forcible removal of a foreign nation's leader, but Biden's handler(s) believe everyone else is stupid and would believe their explanation.

Biden came out of his coma and was angry that his word salad mumblings were being interpreted as unpredictable, according to the NBC report. White House spokesperson Andrew [his school chums called him "Master"] Bates pushed back on the NBC report.

"The breathlessness of paragraphs 1 & 2 versus the denial being relegated to graph 28 tells you what you need to know about this story. And as we've said before, no clarifications of the President's remarks are ever issued without his direct approval," he said in a weird, convoluted bs statement.

"We don’t say anything that the president doesn’t want us to say," an official lied to the outlet in response to a question about clearing up the president's statements.

The White House has walked back and clarified a few statements the president has made, in addition to the one about Putin.

Other Democratic leftists are also frustrated, according to the network.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) said that the White House has not been able to introduce an "intellectually honest" inflation plan. The fact that they have no "intellectually honest" inflation plan was lost on her as it usually is on Democrats. Their inflation plan is to blame the GOP, even though the evidence clearly points the other way.

Biden also feels that he isn't getting credit where credit is due from the media or Americans with regard to the economy, NBC reported. He was not referring to food and diaper shortages, high gas prices, huge spikes in inflation. He also avoided speaking about the rise in crime and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He may have also forgotten to mention the bellicose situation we face with Iran and China, not to mention Vladimir Putin again.

 Yeah, he's doing a bang-up job . . . if you're in the business of destroying the country.

The so-called president said that he doesn't think the Republican Party is shouldering enough blame for lack of action in Congress in spite of his Party controlling both houses. Biden doesn't know how to accept real responsibility and may have learned that from his son, Hunter.

"The president has also told aides he doesn’t think enough Democrats go on television to defend him," the report said, adding that the fact that his poll numbers were lower than former President Donald Trump was a huge "sore spot."

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An anonymous source told Brain Flushings that the reason Democrats refuse to defend him is because they believe his brain is on its last legs. They don't expect that he will be running for a second term if he isn't in a nursing home by then. If he does run and knows it, the chances are good that he will have a primary challenge by someone who is willing to take and share a cognitive test.

One top Democratic donor told NBC that "all he's hearing is 'why can't you get anything done?'"

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