Friday, May 20, 2022

Bette Midler calls for Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich to be thrown in prison

Former entertainer Bette Midler, 76, took a brave stance by calling for FOX News host Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich to be thrown in jail and for Rupert Murdoch to have his American citizenship revoked.

The contrarian bravery Midler expressed was inspiring. Clearly, nobody on the left would ever have the guts to tweet that "[T]ucker Carlson should be arrested and tried for sedition and fomenting insurrection." She must have known her brave tweet would receive flak from people who believe that anyone should be allowed to speak whatever they want to say, unless their words call for violence. How dare they!

But that wasn't the end of Midler's unbiased attack. She next went after former Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich and Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation, which is the parent company of FOX News.

Speaking on behalf of the nation, the elderly Midler wrote: "Murdoch should have his citizenship revoked; the damage he continues to do to our democracy will soon become irreparable." 

Unfortunately, Ms. Midler's definition of democracy must have been acquired after sundown, as her
 "Sundowning" syndrome evidently kicked in.

Bette was on a roll. She next claimed on Wednesday that "Newt Gingrich should be clapped in irons [i.e., jailed abruptly] for getting him past the FCC." The 'him' she was referring to was Murdoch.

On Saturday she again attacked Murdoch and referred to him as a dictator. It's unclear what made her believe that, but what is clear is that she is often unclear.

Midler, who voted for Joe Biden for President because she thought he would be the best man for the job, shared an infographic that depicted billionaires who own large media companies. Although she was again ranting and raving about Rupert Murdoch, the 2018 infographic and the corresponding BBC article did not mention Murdoch at all.

"Sadly, this list leaves off the most vicious, the ugliest, the most hate-filled owner of all, Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson’s master, who has ruined political discourse all around the world," Midler said, then added a quote she apparently made up, "'Own the press & 1/2 the work of. dictatorship is done.'"

The aged actress clutched her pearls and ungrammatically asked, "We will survive Murdoch?"

She 'marathon tweeted' about Murdoch and Carlson almost 30 times, desperate to save the country from a different point of view, where there are only two genders, all babies count, and the cops are the good guys.

Earlier this month, the New York Times, a hard-left, disreputable newspaper that makes an excellent birdcage liner, ran several hit pieces on Carlson – which he laughed off.

The irrelevant actress posted a tweet on Wednesday using a famous phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence. She attempted to make a coherent hyperbolic connection to the Buffalo supermarket shooting in which a mentally ill 18-year-old white supremacist killed ten black people. 

"We have 'unalienable rights?' 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?' How are citizens supposed to believe in these sacred principles if they are getting slaughtered every time they go to the store? If a government can’t deliver on this foundational promise, it’s worthless," Midler ranted.

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Taking life lessons from people who hate you isn't ever a good idea. Taking advice from someone who tweeted that the solution to the baby formula shortage in the nation is: "TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand,” is like taking advice from someone whose IQ is below room temperature.

"So here you have an elderly, out-of-touch, rich, liberal lady lecturing struggling American moms to shut up and suffer in silence and, by the way, make your baby shut up, too," Tucker Carlson said of Midler. "Now, if you can think of a more perfect distillation of modern politics of the left circa 2022 than that, send us an email and let us know what it is, because we've never seen anything that perfect."

1 comment:

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