Sunday, May 29, 2022

State Farm Grooming and Insurance Company

State Farm Insurance Company has gone worse than woke, they went groomer. They recently got caught distributing transgender propaganda material to children as young as five. Think about that--what was your opinion on people with gender dysphoria when you were five?

The nonprofit ConsumerFirst came into a leaked email concerning the company's philanthropic program whereby they partnered with an LGBTQ [Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer] group and came up with a disgusting book laundering scheme. The GenderCool Project sent State Farm volunteers a set of books talking about the transgender agenda to groom little kids to consider the possibility that they aren't the boys and girls they were told by their cis gender parents they are. The volunteers would then donate the LGBTQ books to schools, libraries, community centers and other places.

And State Farm is complicit with the grooming.

The company sent an email to people reporting on the grooming program under the name of Roszell Gadson at State Farm Public Affairs [they plan to drop the "l" in public].

Gadson [probably a guy] said that the Trans Tripe for Tots program “has been the subject of news and customer inquiries.”  He seemed puzzled that people would question a "program that includes books about gender identity” and “intended to promote inclusivity.” FOR FIVE YEAR OLD CHILDREN!

“Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents,” Gadson wrote. “We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations.”

Why? Why are conversations with your children about sexual deviance a good idea? Who decided that other than the sexual deviant people who seem to want to normalize their behavior and groom children?

So deviance like this should not be seen in kindergarten, but parents are perfect purveyors of smut to their kids at home. Just ask State Farm now that they got caught with their proverbial pants down below their knees.

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They changed their tune to, “We no longer support the program allowing for distribution of books in schools. We will continue to explore how we can support organizations that provide tools and resources that align with our commitment to diversity and inclusion.”

They got caught and still want to pander to those on the intersectional zenith.

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