Monday, October 31, 2016

Dude gets 'unfriended' by cops in shootout

The manhunt is over. A suspect in a number of violent crimes in which he killed two relatives, shot two cops and hijacked multiple vehicles ended on Sunday night in a police chase and shootout that left Michael Dale Vance, Jr. dead in Oklahoma, which some would consider redundant (just kidding--Oklahoma rocks).

Vance, 38, was blown away by an Oklahoma state trooper near the sleepy town of Leedy, in the western part of the state. Vance had shot and wounded a Dewey County officer then escaped in a car earlier in the day, U.S. Marshals Service spokesman Dave Turk said. 

A resident saw Vance's Mitsubishi Eclipse "partially concealed by tumbleweeds," near Hammon, Oklahoma. A Highway Patrol Capt. Paul Timmons said that he believed Vance had been living at a makeshift campsite near the town, which is about 100 miles from Oklahoma City, as the crow flies.

The wounded officer from Dewey suffered non-life threatening injuries and is expected to make a full recovery.

The police pursued Vance in a 30-minute chase when he was approached by the state trooper. "There was an exchange of gunfire between the state trooper and the subject, and the subject was killed," the young Turk said.

Vance, who will not be missed by many, was wanted on multiple charges, including two counts of first-degree murder. A search began after he shot and wounded two police officers with an Ak-47 on October 23rd in Wellston.

Liberals went crazy after the shooting, attacking the "assault weapon" and the Second Amendment with Dianne Feinstein saying "This wouldn't have happened if they made that military-style weapon illegal."

Sen. Feinstein prefers the Glock 19 and owns two such pieces.

Vance had HIV/AIDS and may have intended to spread the disease. He also recorded two live Facebook videos documenting his run from the law before going to the Wilksons' mobile home, investigators said.

After he was killed, the Oklahoma State Police unfriended him on Facebook but his page remains open.

Mark Zuckerberg said, "You just can't kick a guy with AIDS off of Facebook. It isn't right.

Migrants "occupy" street of Paris after cops clean up their mess

A surge in the number of migrants camped out in the streets of Paris has created problems for the 'City of Lights.' Paris police began destroying migrants' tents after hordes arrived from the Calais "Jungle" last week.

Over 20 armed riot cops arrived at a ramshackle camp in northern Paris before dawn, cordoned off two streets while workers piled tents and mattresses onto garbage trucks. But within a few hours, the cops left and the migrants were back and began pitching tents in the area that was cleaned.

The area is reminiscent of Wall Street when Occupy Wall Street anarchists were making a mess and totally disrespecting the neighborhood. About 2,500 migrants are supposed to be cleared from the streets of Paris this week, according to interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

The most upsetting part of this occupation is that the migrants are angry at authorities who brought in trucks to remove their messes--reminding us once again of Occupy Wall Street.

"The first priority is to determine how many migrants are eligible to go to reception centers," Cazeneuve said (in French). Those who don't seek asylum in France are likely to be deported.

Shahid Khan, 23, an Afghan who left his beautiful country to form a new caliphate in the West said: "This is not the first time they have come and taken our tents and sleeping bags and mattresses."

Mahmud, from Eritrea, a country that has yet to put an Olympic diving team together, was among hundreds of migrants who have arrived in Paris from Calais where the "Jungle" camp was bulldozed last week. "We need help," he said. "I have filled out papers to stay in France--why are they doing this? If they want me to go to a reception center, I will go."

They are doing "this" because they don't like the idea of people living on the streets where they trash and stink up the neighborhood with everything from chicken bones to feces--like Occupy Wall Street.

Mahmud went on: "If we apply to stay here, what guarantee do we have that we will be accepted? If our fingerprints are taken, we will be on file here and we will not be given asylum in any other courtry. Our dream is to go to England."

And England's dream is to fully and finally exit the EU and be left alone. They already have a migrant problem with the Muslim migrants who have created crime and 'no-go zones.' Theresa May has rejected France's President Hollande demand for Britain to take in about 1,500 child migrants from the Calais "Jungle" who are temporarily being sheltered in containers at the camp site. 

Since the influx of migrants to Paris, businesses have suffered and many have closed. Residents don't want to live in a neighborhood where they have to walk through camp towns where crime is high.

And France wants to share the problem they and Germany have accepted with Britain and other European nations.

The mentally ill Islamic State's plan to kill children

You can call them terrorists or extremists or jihadists, and you wouldn't be wrong. But the scumcrumpets of ISIS are evil, pure unadulterated evil, heartless human garbage. 

Beyond that, they are also mentally ill.

The Islamic State fighters are engineering toys to attact young children, scattering them on the streets of Mosul, and when the children pick them up to play with them they explode. The toys are purposely made to kill children.

The toys and other IEDs have been put on display at a training center for locally-based bomb disposal experts. 

The U.S. military estimates the Islamic State has as many as 5,000 fighters inside the city of Mosul and between 1,500 and 2,500 in defensive positions around the city, and of these jihadists, about 1,000 of them are believed to be foreign fighters.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that people who join ISIS have a blood lust that is seriously pathological and Islamic jihad gives them a "legitimate" outlet for their illness. Anyone willing to kill an innocent child for the sake of religion is sick and evil.

Hillary cheated, Brazile gets booted

CNN said that it is "completely uncomfortable" with emails just leaked showing that interim head of the Democratic National Committee, Donna Brazile, helped Hillary Clinton cheat on the primary debate. 

The Clinton News Network has accepted Ms. Brazile's resignation as a contributer, but it's obvious that they still feel "completely comfortable" with the fact that Hillary Clinton accepted the "heads-up" from Brazile and used the opportunity to provide the debate moderator with an "intelligent" and lengthy response.

"CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate," claimed CNN spokesliberal Lauren Pratapas in an email she sent to the New York Post.

"We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributer."

Brazile's contract was merely suspended in July when former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had her emails outed by WikiLeaks which showed bias toward Clinton over Bernie Sanders. She was ousted after the discovery was made and replaced by Brazile.

It is unclear if Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign was aware of the Debbie Wasserman Schultz bias (probably) and nobody in the campaign declined to accept the help.

What is clear is that wherever Clintons go, scandal follows. 

The mere fact that Clinton's acceptance of Brazile's and Wasserman Schultz's help was not discussed and never questioned by CNN.

In a way, isn't that election tampering? 

Brazile bagged for second email with debate question

If you believe the emails released by WikiLeaks are genuine, whether or not the Russians hacked them, you might be surprised to learn that another leaked email shows that Donna Brazile gave the Hillary Clinton campaign a second debate question in advance.

The WikiLeaks document release Monday shows that Brazile sent Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri an email titled: "One of the questions directed to HRC tomorrow is from a woman with a rash," the night prior to the March 6th CNN (Clinton News Network) primary debate in Flint, Michigan.  

"Her family has lead poison and she will ask what, if anything, will Hillary do as president to help the ppl of Flint," Brazile's email stated.

The following night the question proved to be accurate. Lee-Anne Walters, a mother of twin boys who stopped growing and her daughter lost her hair during the Flint water contamination crisis. She posed the question to both Clinton and Sanders: "After my family, the city of Flint and the children in D.C. were poisoned by lead, will you make a personal promise to me right now that, as president, in your first 100 days in office, you will make it a requirement that all public water systems must remove all lead service lines throughout the entire United States, and notification made to the citizens that have said service lines?" Walters asked.

Clinton's answer to the question was so detailed and lengthy that Anderson Cooper had to interrupt her twice to attempt keeping her to the agreed-upon time limit. The crowd cheered but she still lost the state's primary to the socialist Sanders.

The alleged tip-off was found in the load of messages hacked from Clinton's Campaign Manager Chairman John Podesta's Gmail account. 

In the same month, Brazile was accused of tipping off the Clinton machine with a question she sent to Clinton campaign adviser Jennifer Palmieri. The subject line of that email read: "From time to time I get the questions in advance." She then sent the question which dealt with the death penalty.

After Palmieri responded back, Brazile wrote "I'll send a few more."

CNN's Roland Martin asked the death penalty question verbatim the following night during a CNN town hall.

Brazile, who appeared Oct. 19th on Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly, naturally denied helping Hillary during the primaries and attacked Kelly for even asking the question. 

Brazile's indignation is laughable.

"As a Christian woman, I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted," she huffed. "Your information is totally false," she lied.

Donna Brazile is a disgrace to her party, journalism and Christianity.

CNN announced in a statement Monday after the email became public that Brazile had tendered her resignation and CNN accepted it on October 14th a few days after the  Brazile tip-off first broke.

Comey to comb Carlos Danger's laptop for Clinton emails

He lived the life of Danger
FBI Director James Comey's decision to break with policy, protect his reputation, and put it all out there on the line by revisiting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private illegal email server case came from the discovery of exisitng Clinton-related emails in the Anthony Weiner sexting investigation. That isn't only serendipity, it's practically a runon sentence.

Yes, ex-New York Democratic Rep. Anthony ("They call me Carlos Danger") Weiner, who is now estranged from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, was being investigated by the FBI for sexting an alleged underage girl and making inappropriate suggestions of a sexual nature.

A government source told Fox News that the analysis of the metadate on the Weiner computer showed "positive hits for and HRC emails." This finding was what led Comey to revisit the investigation into Clinton's private illegal email server system while she was in the role of secretary of state. The information was confirmed by a second source.

The emails on the Weiner computer was purportedly the same device the deviant Weiner shared with his then wife and big fan of the Muslim Brotherhood, Abedin.

The Clinton campaign has argued that Comey hasn't mentioned whose names are on the documents or emails, but there are around 650,000 in total on the device. It's almost as if the Weiners had nothing better to do than send emails all day.

The metadata indentified the emails as state department and they didn't need to be read physically. This may not bode well for Huma, who is at wits end to figure out just how they got there (LOL) and it may be trouble for the Scandal Queen Madam Hillary.

Comey set the case back in motion after agents briefed him over what they found while investigating Mr. Danger. Comey then told Congress and the Clinton campaign lied that he only informed the GOP of the situation. 

Several sources now say that Comey knew about the Weiner laptop and emails prior to last week.

In July, Comey's agents wrapped up the year-long investigation, which Hillary lied about saying it was merely an "audit" of her emails. Comey said at that time that the FBI doesn't do audits. He said that she was "extremely careless" and that she used multiple devices and that some of her emails contained classified information.

As is her wont, she lied about the emails not being marked classified, then later lied that she didn't remember being briefed about how to handle classified material. And lied again when she said "good morning" to Wolf Blitzer of CNN.

Anyway, Comey followed up by saying investigators didn't find enough evidence that Clinton had mishandled classified information to recommend criminal charges and that no prosecutor would elect to indict her on charges. But the mere fact that she used a private server was reason enough to recommend indictment, but Comey chose politics over country.

It was just learned that a subpoena for the Weiner machine was issued late September and the machine was made available the following week. On Sunday, the FBI got a warrant to start the review of new emails potentially tied to the Clinton case.

Weiner's machine was handled carefully and agents wore gloves.

Weiner is said to be cooperating with investigators.

Huma Abedin told the FBI under oath that she provided them with all the devices related to Clinton's use of an illegal email server. If it is found that she was lying, as is the wont of the Clinton campaign almost to a man (and woman), Huma could be charged with perjury and serve up to five years in the can.

Comey is compelled to review the documents based on the volume of documents and his commitment under oath to Congress to review "any new and substantial information" in the case.

So while the Clinton campaign and every Democrat (that never knew an abortion they didn't like) praised Comey when he let Hillary off the hook in July, they made him out to be worse than Atilla the Hun when he revisited the case.

Go figure.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Khizr Khan verbally attacks Trump from mosque

Norfolk, Va. -- Khizr Khan, a Muslim-American whose son was killed in Iraq, held back tears, possibly elicited from pulling out several nose hairs, as he used his son's tragic death for political purposes. 

How Sharia of him.

Let me be clear: it is a tragic death and horrible to lose one's child in war or in any other way. Humayan Khan was an Army Captain and died a hero. His father, Khizr Khan is a lawyer who has historically advocated for sharia in the West.

Khan said that Donald Trump is peddling hate and no less than the "future of the earth" is at stake in the November 8th election. The entire freaking earth will be annihilated if Trump beats Hillary Clinton in just over a week. 

"There comes a time in an ordinary citizen's life where you have to gather all the courage you have and you stand up and speak against tyranny and speak against un-American hate," Khan said, as he referenced Trump's stand on Islamic immigration. 

Trump has vacillated from wanting a complete ban on Muslim immigrants entering the United States to "extreme" vetting that includes an ideological test for would-be immigrants from known terrorist countries and regions.

How terrible for Trump wanting to protect Americans from what we're witnessing already here and in the West.

Speaking on behalf of America, Khan said, "This hate is un-American."

Calling it 'hate' is un-American. Calling it 'vetting on behalf of national security' is much more accurate. Khan would never have gotten away with such nonsense had he said the same words on September 12, 2001. 

Trump is basing his proposals on what is happening throughout the Islamic world. You don't have to hate Muslims just because you want to protect your country from Islamic extremism. Anyone with at least average intelligence knows that all Muslims are not terrorists. But we also know that most terrorists today are Muslims.

Trump's response to Khan wasn't the brightest thing ever uttered by a presidential candidate. He told Khan that had he been president back then, his son would still be alive today. "I wouldn't have been in Iraq," Trump said, as he falsely insisted that he was against the Iraq War before it began. "Had I been president, Captain Khan would be alive today."

Khan was extremely angry: "This is the most cruel thing you can say to grieving parents."

Khan's second claim to fame was at the Democratic National Convention when he paid homage to his son and theatrically held up a pocket-size Constitution saying that Trump sacrificed "nothing." 

Khan's third claim to fame shows him in a new Hillary Benghazi Clinton campaign ad featuring him tearfully discussing his son's death. The campaign plans to air the advertisement in seven states.

Khan's first claim to fame came some years ago when he published his opinon that Sharia law overrules the US Constitution. I blogged about it in August here

Trina Phillips, chair of Military Spouses for Trump spoke to the Associated Press via phone. "I think the Khans have come out and used their Muslim background as a weapon to make him [Trump] seem more prejudiced against them." Her husband is an air traffic controller in the US Air Force.

"They're also using the death of their child as a weapon," she said, "and that's not very fair."

Khayriyyah Azeez, 63, supports Clinton. Her son, Kasib Azeez, a Navy sailor, prayed with Khan at the mosque after Khan's speech.

Speaking to the AP after the speech, Khan said the mosque was an appropriate place to stump for Clinton--I think most Americans would agree.

Abedin "clueless" about emails on home computer

Huma Weiner Abedin reportedly says she hasn't a clue how emails regarding the latest Hillary Clinton "not an investigation" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation got onto her computer.

"It must be the Russians," Huma might be saying. "Yeah, that's the ticket--Putin, Putin's people hacked my secure computer and when Anthony was tweeting his junk, the Russians cut and pasted my stuff onto my personal computer. That must be it because I'd never put classified stuff where Anthony puts his stuff."

So Huma supposedly said she hasn't a clue how tens of thousands of emails related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's "non-investigation" of Clinton's personal illegal server were found on a laptop she shared with her strange and estranged husband, disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner (aka Carlos Danger).

The Washington Post reported that Abedin wasn't a regular user of the laptop that Anthony showed his lap on. And the paper also said that Huma's lawyers didn't bother to search the laptop in question after she agreed to turn over all related emails to the State Department, because what the lawyers didn't know, wouldn't hurt them.

According to a senior law enforcement official telling Fox News, the laptop contained "five digits," or at least 10,000 emails of interest to investigators. Hopefully the 'of interest' to them has nothing to do with Anthony Weiner and that they wore thick gloves when handling the device.

Law enforcement officials believe it's highly unlikely all the newfound emails are duplicates, as the lying Clinton campaign has suggested (and how would they know in the first place?). 

Imagine the duplicates: "I just bought the cutest yoga pants" over and over." Yeah, sure.

In any case, FBI officials will probably use a computer program to weed out the duplicates (if they exist) and discuss in detail those in Clinton's campaign who evidently knew there were duplicates. How did they know and when did they know it?

The New York Times reported that several Clinton zombies have suggested Hillary throw Huma under the bus or at least distance herself from the Muslim Brotherhood-connected woman (who she and Bill had introduced to Anthony Weiner in the first place). 

Huma, as you may recall, was working for Hillary's State Department and was also being paid by the Clinton Foundation at a consulting firm called Teneo. That's a conflict of interest, but hey, it was for a good financial cause.

Hillary stood by Huma when Weiner's first online sex scandal got him booted from Congress and stood by Huma when Weiner's second sex scandal lost him his bid for Mayor of New York. Hillary stood by her woman because she knew exactly what Huma was going through. 

Huma didn't go with Hillary to campaign in Florida, but instead worked in the campaign's headquarters in Brooklyn.

Hopefully, this will all be ironed out and the FBI will get to the bottom of the server scandal and Hillary will get what she deserves, which has nothing to do with being POTUS.

Huma too should get what's coming to her and be held accountable for her sworn deposition in June that she "looked for all the devices that may have any of my State Department work on it and . . . gave them to my attorneys for them to review for all relevant documents."

Anthony too should get what's coming to him and be held accountable for his "sexting"  or sending sexually suggestive material on Twitter to a teenage girl. 

The FBI announced Friday that it had restarted an investigation into Clinton's emails sent on her private illegal server system while secretary of state. The Weiner case was the catalyst for the reopening of Clinton's case.

Hillary's latest defense she is planning to use is that she does not remember being secretary of state.

Is this newfound information simply Comey's way of exonerating himself from his huge screwup over the summer when he basically laid out ever reason to indict Clinton but failed to go through with it?

You make the call. I welcome your comments.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Loretta Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' on Cash Payments Made to Iran

A congressional probe into the payments made to Iran is being blocked by the Obama administration.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not complying  with an investigation by Congress about the Obama administration's secret efforts to dole out $1.7 billion in cash to Iran earlier in the year. There are now accusations claiming that Lynch has "pleaded the Fifth" Amendment to avoid self-incrimination over the payments, according to lawmakers and exclusive communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.  

Lynch was presented with a series of questions by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mark Pompeo (R-KS) about how the cash payment was approved and delivered. 

But in an October 24th response, Asst. Attorney General Peter Kadzik reponded on Lynch's behalf. He refused to answer the questions and told the lawmakers that they are barred from publicly disclosing any details about the cash payment, which we all know was part of a ransom deal to free several American hostages from Iran.

In effect, the response from the attorney general's office is "unacceptable" and is evidence that Lynch has chosen to "essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries regarding [her] role in providing cash to the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism," Rubio and Pompeo wrote in a follow-up to Lynch.

"It is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions from the people's elected representatives in Congress about an important national security issue," the lawmakers wrote. "Your staff failed to address any of our questions, and instead provided a copy of public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue."

"As the United States' chief law enforcement officer, it is outrageous that you would essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries. The actions of your department come at a time when Iran continues to hold Americans hostage and unjustly sentence them to prison."

Pompeo told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration has blocked Congress at every turn in their investigation of the payments made to Iran.

"Who knew that simple questions regarding Attorney General Lynch's approval of billions of dollars in payments to Iran could be so controversial that she would refuse to answer them?" Pompeo said. "This has become the Obama administration's coping mechanism for anything related to the Islamic Republic of Iran--hide information, obfuscate details, and deny answers to Congress and the American people."

Although details of the deal are not classified, they are kept under lock and key, thus treated as if they are. Staffers who have clearance to see the documents must relinquish their cell phones and are barred from taking notes about what they see.

And all this from "the most transparent president in history." Some might call it treason.

Now imagine how much worse it would be if the former Worst Lady wins the election.

Migrants 'Occupy Paris' after Calais camp shuts

Paris, France -- An illegal "Jungle" shanty town in Calais was bulldozed and evacuated by migrants who made their way to gay Paris where they set up camp in the city's streets.

You can see hundreds of tents along the streets and by a canal in the northeastern corner, pitched by the migrants, mostly from Sudan. While migrants are not new to Paris, Colombe Brossel, Paris deputy mayor in charge of security issues is concerned about the inflated number of migrants.

"We have seen a big increase since the start of the week. Last night our teams counted 40 to 50 new tents there in two days," Brossel said. He pointed out that there was now a total of over 700 tents, meaning that there are about 2,00 to 2,500 migrants sleeping in the area, which is an increase of over 1,500 a few days prior, she explained.

"It is not a huge explosion in numbers but there is a clear increase," she said. "Some of them come from Calais, others from other places."

The Calais "Jungle" served as an illegal base camp for migrants trying to make their way to the UK. It was torn down last week and over 6,000 squatters of the jerry-built camp near the English Channel were relocated to shelters around France.

Pascal Brice, France's asylum chief, said the migrants who entered the city did not mean that this indicates a wholesale movement from the Jungle to Paris. "There might be some movements at the margins (toward Paris) but what is crucial is that those 6,000 people have been protected."

Officials said the police checked ID papers and asylum requests then allowed the migrants to return to the central reservation of the avenue median where they had camped out at overnight. They put their tents back up to start another day in the "City of Lights."

"There's a lot of new people here," said Mustafa, 21, a Muslim man from Darfur, in western Sudan.

Officials said the newcomers didn't all come from the Calais camp--others had arrived before the Jungle was bulldozed. 

The city of Paris plans to open two migrant centers with a combined capacity of less than 1,000 beds.

"The election made me do it" says Comey

Okay, he didn't actually use those words but an exclusive Fox News report says that it was the election that motivated the FBI to release new information into the Clinton email probe, as per a Comey memo.

It was learned that Comey was briefed about the new records regarding Anthony Weiner and a 15-year-old girl on Thursday. It isn't clear if he read the evidentiary information.

According to the report, Comey told the bureau that he broke with custom whereby under normal circumstances the FBI would not reveal the reopening of a case to the public but because Clinton is seeking the presidency on November 8th, he felt obligated to let the cat out of the garbage bag in spite of the political sensitivity.

"Of course we don't ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed," Comey's memo said. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record.
"At the same time, however, given that we do not know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don't want to create a misleading impression," the letter continued. "In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter, and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood, but I wanted you to hear directly from me about it."

In other words, Comey is probably just covering his butt after the blowback from the bureau and the Justice Department, as well as public opinion. It was unanimous among those who were part of the investigation that Clinton should have been indicted, and Comey wants to save his reputation.

However, nobody will be surprised if this turns out to simply be an exercise in futility and bull droppings and Comey gets to feel absolved while Hillary gets to smirk at us as she is sworn in on January 20, 2017.

I hope I'm wrong.

Interestingly, Clinton announced that the Comey revelation was only told to Congressional Republicans but guess what. She lied--can you believe that? The letter went out to both sides of the aisle.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Democratic cities want non-citizens to vote for Hillary

While Donald Trump talks about a 'rigged election,' voter fraud, and casts doubt on the integrity of the presidential election, some cities are trying to expand voting rights to include illegal voters, better known as 'noncitizens.'

San Francisco is one such city where the November 8th ballot will include a measure that would allow the parents or legal guardians of any student in public school to vote in school board elections. That right would be extended to non-citizens with green cards, visas, and illegal aliens with no documentation, as long as they take an oath that they will vote Democratic if the city can expand their voting rights to the federal level.

"One out of three kids in the San Francisco unified school system has a parent who is an immigrant, who is disenfranchised and doesn't have a voice," says San Francisco Assemblyman David Chiu. His parents are Taiwanese immgrants. Chiu believes that just because someone is not a US citizen, does not give the US government the right to suppress them from deciding government policy.

"We've had legal immigrants who've had children go through the entire K-12 system without having a say," Chiu said, implying that sending your kids to a free and better American school is an accomplishment that should result in a non-American having decision-making power in the American school system.

Chiu added that non-citizen immigrants should also have the right to bypass the "broken immigration system in this country."

There is nothing "broken" about the immigration system other than the fact that our laws are disregarded by Chiu's liberal progressives. Those non-citizens are benefitting from our schools and I commend them for "doing it right" insofar as applying for their green card. But they are not entitled to make policies and laws for American citizens.

We need to hold onto our sovereignty. It's what made us great and the melting pot that immigrants wanted to join. And Obama is wrong to think we are not anymore exceptional than other nations.

Perhaps that will change, but Trump needs to get elected first.

But the whole progressive immigration issue is all about the liberal votes the left hopes to get.

Hillary addresses Comey's reopening of server scandal

In the interest of pretending to be transparent, Hillary Clinton called on the FBI to release "all the information that it has" about the ongoing investigation that she got away with when Comey went all political on us. 

Of course she want the information released now--it gives her and her staff of artful dodgers to come up with balderdash to counter any evidence they may have concerning her illegal private server and using it for classified information sending and receiving. 

If Hillary wins the election, she might make history beyond being, as she says "THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!" She might be the first president-elect to require a pardon from the previous president and an instructional video on how not to provide hackers with emails on her server.

The way it appears at this time, the new emails uncovered during this latest probe seem to involve Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner, and perhaps his estranged Muslim Brotherhood connected wife, Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's top aide who also worked for the Clinton Foundation while working for the State Department. 

Oh what a tangled web we weave . . . 

Clinton spoke to friendly reporters in a brief news conference in Iowa, Friday. She rarely does news conferences until it was pointed out that she hadn't done one in almost a year. "We've heard these rumors, we don't know what to believe," she lied.

These were not rumors. FBI Director James Comey wrote to Congressional lawmakers explaining that the investigation is reopened. It's in writing, it is happening and it isn't a rumor, Hillary. Can you ever, ever tell the truth about anything?

"Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant," Clinton lied, "so let's get it out."

At a New Hampshire Trump rally, the GOP candidate went into attack mode saying that Clinton was guilty of corruption "on a scale we have never seen before."

"We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office," he said. "I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made."

As is Donald's wont, he is probably speaking too soon. Showing faith in governmental procedure is almost always disappointing. But since Trump praised Comey, Democrats believed they had to criticize him, saying that he was putting a thumb on the scale ahead of the election just 11 days away.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (Duh-Calif.) a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said she was "shocked" by Comey's letter, but admittedly, it takes little to shock the gun-toting, anti Second Amendment senator.

"Without knowing how many emails are involved, who wrote them, when they were written or their subject matter, it's impossible to make any informed judgment on this development," Feinstein noted calmly. "The FBI has a history of exgtreme caution near Election Day so as not to influence the results. Today's break from that tradition is appalling."

Feinstein believes that the FBI should wait until after the election so that only the Republicans would be upset that he waited. But when Comey first announced that he did not recommend that Clinton be indicted, Feinstein didn't seem to care that the announcement came on a Friday, like this one.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (Duh-Md.) and Rep. John Conyers (Duh-Mich.) said in a note to Comey and Attorney General and Clinton supporter Loretta Lynch that Comey's letter "provided such limited and vague information that it allowed rampant speculation, numerous leaks [like Trump's tax returns], and wild accusations [like Trump's accusers of sexual misconduct]," and called on the bureau to "issue a more complete accounting of the details behind this letter [so they could come up with a plan to cover their butts]."

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said that Clinton had "nobody but herself to blame" and asked (again) to suspend classified briefings for her [as she handles classified information with the same competence that she handled Benghazi].

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) said the FBI's "previous half-hearted investigation of Hillary Clinton did serious damage to [its] reputation, and this latest revelation affords the FBI the opportunity to begin to repair that damage."

Federal authorities in New York and North Carolina are investigating online social media communicatins between Weiner and a 15-year-old child.

Clinton's State Dept. spent $millions on crystal stemware and Facebook

Seriously, what's the point of being in government if you can't use taxpayer money to live high? Hillary Clinton's State Department likes the finer things in life, so why make a big deal over the fact they spent $5,400,000 "no-bid contract for crystal stemware"? It isn't like the peed the money away from the drinking they did out the crystal. It isn't like they spent $630,000 to "increase Facebook 'likes' on four State Department pages.

Oh . . . it is . . . oops.

The RNC put together a 21-page memo showing the frivolous expenditures of other people's money at the State Department under Hillary Clinton's watch. Talk about crummy financial shenanigans--they should have used that money to increase security at the Benghazi complex back in 2012.

Overall, Hillary's agency spent over $600,000,000 on failed projects in Afghanistan and Iraq alone according to the RNC memo.

I guess liberals don't believe they'll ever run out of other people's money.

Developing: FBI Re-Opens Hillary Clinton private server investigation

The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of her illegal private server while incompetently serving as secretary of state. This new revelation comes after new emails were discovered in an unprecedented turn of events just 11 days before the presidential election.

FBI [Political] Director James "I'm With Hillary" Comey wrote to top members of Congress that the FBI has "learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation."

Comey did not go into a description of the emails in question, saying only that they surfaced "in connection with an unrelated case." [Possibly a "case" involving the nation's distrust and disdain for him, and believing him to be a political hack who doesn't deserve the respect the position of FBI Director normally deserves. But who knows?]

Comey told lawmakers the investigative team briefed him on the information a day earlier, "and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."

It's amazing that an investigation needs to be launched in order to determine whether a document is classified or not. It's also amazing that when Clinton mentioned, in the last debate, the response time to launch in a nuclear attack, that nothing was done. And it's really amazing that Hillary Clinton is allowed to attend government briefings on secret information--based on her enormous experience, it should be obvious that she will somehow mention the content publicly.

Comey said the FBI could not yet assess whether the new material is significant and he will not predict how long it will take to complete "this additional work."

You can bet it will take as long as Clinton needs it to take, given Comey's recent history, when in July he basically said that Clinton's was careless enough to be indicted, but she didn't mean any harm and should be left to run the country, like she ran the State Department.

Comey has come under fierce criticism, as well he should. Lawmakers and a New York  real estate mogul claim the investigation minimized Clinton's handling of classified information.

Trump spoke to a wildly cheering group of supporters in Manchester, N.H. and praised the FBI for having the "courage" to "right the horrible mistake that they made." He said that he hopes that mistake will be "corrected."

"Hillary Clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before," Trump said. "We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office."

House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the decision:
"Yet again, Hillary Clinton has nobody but herself to blame. She was entrusted with some of our nation's most important secrets, and she betrayed that trust by carelessly mishandling highly classified information. This decision, long overdue, is the result of her reckless use of a private email server, and her refusal to be forthcoming with federal investigators. I renew my call for the Director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for Secretary Clinton until this matter is fully resolved."
Former Obama administration spokesman and guy who called Bret Baier "dude" tweeted this demand of the FBI:
How many emails did the FBI find? Get your butt in gear, read them, assess them, form a conclusion. Letting this hang is so irresponsible.

The emails in question are not from WikiLeaks, so it's going to be hard for Hillary's BS hustlers to sluff this one off by blaming Russian hackers.

I can't wait to find out what happens next, but I'm not holding my breath for an indictment. So far, the Clintons have been "judgment-proof."

Happy October!

Trump revives Clinton "pay to play" scheme

Donald Trump loves WikiLeaks. "The more emails WikiLeaks releases, the more the lines between the Clinton Foundation, the Secretary of States' office, and the Clintons' personal finances are blurred," he said in a statement Thursday. 

Trump and fellow GOPers are reviving old allegations of roily deals involving 'pay to play' surrounding the Clintons now that the latest emails were published, showing how the Clinton family, their foundation and Hillary's State Department were in bed with each other. 

Yuck--I said 'in bed' and Hillary in the same sentence and I just threw up in my mouth.

The emails did not come from Hillary's illegal private server, but from the more 'secure' (LOL) GMail account of her Campaign Chairman John Podesta.

Podesta's hacked emails reveal many conflict-of-interest concerns that Clinton Foundation (CGI) staffers raised and later tried to separate the entangled companies and roles that put a king's ransom of money directly into the pockets of the Clintons. The emails also suck up from the slime several companies that donated to CGI with concurrent business with the State Department while Hillary was in charge.

These findings did not escape the Trump campaign's scrutiny. "If the Clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise  when they weren't in the White House, just imagine what they will do if they are given the chance to control the Oval Office," Trump said.

If the Clintons return to the White House (heaven forbid) we will need to count the silverware and check to ensure all the furniture is intact when they depart.

There are plenty of "smoking guns" in the WikiLeaks revelations but nothing in the past has ever kept the Clintons from suffering real consequences and there is no reason to believe that anything we discover now will make a difference. If the Director of the FBI can be corrupted and manipulated by the Clintons, what makes anyone think they're not going to get away with the current corruption?

Mayor "Suddenly Sam" killed with 9 other drug traffickers

Koronadal, Philippines -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte doesn't like drugs and he doesn't like people who use and/or sell them. In fact, he hates illicit drugs so much that if he catches you using or selling them, he will have you killed.

Philippine anti-narcotics officers shot and killed a town mayor and nine of his men Friday in one of the deadliest operations since Duterte began his crackdown on illegal drugs.

Mayor Samsudin (his friends called him "Suddenly Sam") Dimaukom of Datu Saudi Ampatuan town was killed with the others and had been publicly named by Duterte along with other politicians he accused of being involved in drug involvement as part of his shame campaign.

Over 150 officials accused of being linked to illegal drug involvement had their names read by Duterte, and he ordered them to surrender to authorities immediately or be hunted down like rabid dogs.

Suddenly Sam had turned himself in to police and denied any involvement in the illegal drug trade, claiming to the media that he was fighting illegal drugs himself and was in total support of Duterte's crackdown.

It was a 'good try' but it didn't convince anyone in law enforcement. They knew the mayor was "doing a Hillary."

Superintendent Romeo Galgo Jr., the regional police official, and a guy who does great with the women, told the media that "It was a legitimate anti-drug operation, but the subjects opened fire on our troops."

And the officials all stuck to that story.

The confrontation occured before dawn when the men began firing from three cars on officers at the Makilala checkpoint in North Cotabato province, as Superintendent Bernard Tayong reported.

Before the shootout, cops received word that Dimaukom's group was planning to transport a "huge" amount of methamphetamine, known as shabu, from Davao city where Duterte grew up, to Maguindanao province, where Datu Saudi Ampatuan town is located.

Police estime over 3,600 suspected drug dealers and addicts have been murdered since Duterte took office on June 30th. If you don't count his "swear-in date" and do the math, he has killed about 30 people a day since becoming president. If he can keep up the present pace, he would kill 10,950 people for using or selling illegal drugs. 

Philippine presidents can only serve a single six-year term without the chance of re-election as per their constitution. If he keeps up the the murder rate for his full six-year term of office, he will have killed 65,700 people. 

Illegal drugs are a very bad thing (unless you're President Obama and dabbled in it yourself). But the notion of killing drug dealers and drug users is tyrannical and no less evil than selling it.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trump free associates as crowd goes nuts

Donald Trump joked with his fervent supporters in Ohio Thursday saying that the presidential election should be canceled and he should automatically be made president, like his role model, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Just thinking to myself right now," the outspoken, free associative businessman and casino mogul said, then added, "we should cancel the election and just give it to Trump."

The crowd went wild, burning their old voter registration cards and breaking the windows of a Starbucks coffee shop, a J. Crew store and a Smathers & Branson outlet, as they screamed: "We've had enough of these f***ing yuppies!" and "Lock her up!"

When the media refers to Ohio as a 'battleground' state, they really mean battleground.

The Donald was speaking about Hillary Clinton's tax policies when he began thinking out loud, saying that her policies "are so bad. What's the difference?"

Nobody in the crowd knew what he meant by the question and nobody from the leftist campaign of Clinton responded to the remark, hoping that Trump would just keep talking as is his wont to do.

At the rally in Toledo Trump said that Hillary was too tough on Putin, as he once again kept free associating: "No wonder Putin doesn't like her, the way she talks about him. How can he get along with her?"

I don't believe that's the reason I wouldn't vote for Clinton. Getting along with Putin isn't high on my 'deal-breaker' list. Everything else about Hillary Clinton is, however. She is the most corrupt, disgusting person ever to run for office. 

Guess who's in second place.

BREAKING: GOP VP candidate, Mike Pence's plane slid off runway at La Guardia Airport

BREAKING: The plane carrying GOP Vice Presidential candidate, Mike Pence, slid off the wet runway at La Guardia Airport.

As far as we know at this time, there are no injuries. Emergency personnel are at the scene.

Mr. Pence reported that his windows had mud on it.

The landing was rough, according to Dan Gallo of Fox News who was in the plane. He said the smell of burnt rubber was "very obvious as we were landing" and it seemed to brake for a long time when they touched down.

The 737 ended up in the grass once it came to a sudden stop.

All passengers have deplaned at this time.

Donald Trump has not said whether or not he thought the runway was "rigged."

Obama's administration kept list of Muslims for top jobs, excluded infidels

Obama's message to America
The media, mainstream and otherwise, doesn't appear to be interested in this story, perhaps because they're too scared to be labeled Islamophobic or racist (if you believe that an ideology can be considered to be a race). 

This story didn't even make it to the right-of-center Fox News, yet its significance is breathtaking. 

According to a WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta's emails, the Obama administration kept a list of Muslim candidates for jobs in the administration. Podesta is Chairman of the Clinton's presidential campaign and was also a former chief of staff for Bill Clinton.

An aide wrote to John Podesta: "High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism, and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted."

As it turned out, many high-profile Muslims were not carefully vetted and still worked for the Obama administration. 

Mohamed Elibiary is a prime example of the failed vetting process. He believes that the United States is an Islamic country and will be part of the caliphate. Elibiary was a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council and there were doubts about his true allegiances years before his appointment.

Elibiary's Twitter profile had the pro-Muslim Brotherhood hand signal "R4BIA" or Rabaa, and Rabbi'ah, sometimes known as Rab3a, which is a common hand gesture and a sign that appeared in late August 2013 in social media and protest marches in Egypt and used to show allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Elibiary was also a speaker at a December 2004 conference in Dallas titled: "A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary." It was all about the visionary, and founding father of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

The Obama administration was obviously okay with that little tidbit.

The Podesta email chain indicated that from 2008, he received lists of exclusively Muslims and Asians to be considered for jobs in the Obama administration, and it further revealed that in the process, Christians from the Middle East were purposefully excluded, or put on a separate list and an aide writing:
"In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).
"Also notable, there was concern that some of the Muslims suggested would not survive media scrutiny, with one aide writing, "High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism, and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted.
"I suspect some of the people I list would not survive such a vet--but I do personally know, at least in part, virtually all of the candidates in the 1st two categories (but I know very few of those listed for outside boards/commissions."
The lists themselves had a breakdown of candidates with each labeled by their nationality and sometimes race, which depicts the Obama administration's pattern of using race and religion to determine hiring showing some potential appointees labeled with an "F" for female, "B" for black, "H" for Hispanic (definitely not Hebrew) and "M" for Muslim.

In the best of worlds, all potential candidates for any job would be chosen with absolutely no attention paid to religion and race. But in today's world, governments are pressured to show the public a diverse staff that represents the population they represent.

So, in an ideal world, Muslims would be represented in the USA according to their population percentage which is roughly 1 percent. And to take it one step further, 3.8 percent of the American population self-identifies as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender but are represented in the entertainment media by highly overrepresented numbers, proving the enormous power of the left.

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....