Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trump free associates as crowd goes nuts

Donald Trump joked with his fervent supporters in Ohio Thursday saying that the presidential election should be canceled and he should automatically be made president, like his role model, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Just thinking to myself right now," the outspoken, free associative businessman and casino mogul said, then added, "we should cancel the election and just give it to Trump."

The crowd went wild, burning their old voter registration cards and breaking the windows of a Starbucks coffee shop, a J. Crew store and a Smathers & Branson outlet, as they screamed: "We've had enough of these f***ing yuppies!" and "Lock her up!"

When the media refers to Ohio as a 'battleground' state, they really mean battleground.

The Donald was speaking about Hillary Clinton's tax policies when he began thinking out loud, saying that her policies "are so bad. What's the difference?"

Nobody in the crowd knew what he meant by the question and nobody from the leftist campaign of Clinton responded to the remark, hoping that Trump would just keep talking as is his wont to do.

At the rally in Toledo Trump said that Hillary was too tough on Putin, as he once again kept free associating: "No wonder Putin doesn't like her, the way she talks about him. How can he get along with her?"

I don't believe that's the reason I wouldn't vote for Clinton. Getting along with Putin isn't high on my 'deal-breaker' list. Everything else about Hillary Clinton is, however. She is the most corrupt, disgusting person ever to run for office. 

Guess who's in second place.

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