Saturday, September 30, 2017

'Will and Grace' was graceless

The premiere episode of "Will & Grace" on NBC was a shallow attempt at revenge for the second loss in a presidential election by Hillary Clinton. 

The show was like a TV infomercial for "Poofume," for when you've taken a dump and guests are about to ring the doorbell, just spray it on the bowl water a wah-lah! No more stink.

Except one couldn't say that about the show itself.

The new and unimproved introductory episode referred to Melania Trump as a "hostage" and went so far as to portray Midwesterners as people who never ate vegetables until Michelle "All This For A Flag" Obama became First Lady.

Grace, played by Debra Messing, simply had to gripe about the 2016 presidential election in which a witch lost to a TV personality. 

It turns out that Grace got the job of redecorating the Oval Office because Trump "has been pouting that his office is a real dump."

When Bill Clinton occupied the Oval (aka Oral) Office, Hillary had something else to say about it that was a lot worse than what Trump said.

Grace then took a shot at Melania saying she wouldn't hire anyone for the job who is pretty enough to attract the president. She must have mistaken Trump for John F. Kennedy. 

Melania has no competition when it comes to beauty and she has nothing to worry about, but apparently "Will and Grace" does if it keeps up the political garbage.

But the most disgusting part of the show was when Grace and her assistant went to the White House and the show mocked Kellyanne Conway's moment as the infamous couch photo, and President Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer disease. 

They mocked a President who later developed Alzheimer disease! They actually think that's funny.

They also made fun of Trump's appearance and by the end of the episode, Grace left a "Make America Gay Again" hat on his chair.

The episode did well in the ratings department, but that was to be expected of a show that's reincarnated. It will also likely do well with liberals, leftists, gays, lesbians, queers, the transgender mentally ill and people who are unable to physically change the channel.

The post-premiere ratings will probably come down and soon become on par with Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough once the nostalgia factor is gone. Also, younger people (age range 18 to 49) aren't part of the nostalgia factor and don't care about the show's characters, and the show's political stance will turn off a lot of normal people.

Fox News' Senior Vice President of Marketing and Entertainment and an on-air contributor Michael Tammero was "very excited" about the show but didn't watch the whole 30 minute episode.

"It was a very important show, as someone who is gay and married . . . it was a show that initially played a huge role in changing hearts and minds in this country and advancing LGBTQ issues," he said. "I expected some anti-Republican, anti-Trump lines, but I did not expect every single line to be some sort of jab."

He said that he cannot predict if the show's political views will hurt viewership, but I suspect it will.

Many conservatives who saw the premiere tweeted and said they wouldn't tune in again because they were offended by the politics. One viewer asked, "Why alienate a large part of America?"

Because the writers for the show evidently believe their political attacks on the right are more important than the show's success.

One tweeted that "Will & Grace" used to be a good show but is now simply a "tool for hate," and called it "Will & Disgrace."

The Media Research Center's TV reporter Amelia Hamilton called the storyline "a lazy way to take shots at the president for the entire length of the show," and said it was embarrassing.

"Hollywood still hasn't realized that shows like this do nothing but help Donald Trump," she wrote. "When will Hollywood learn that they're basically running his reelection campaign by doing this?"

Hopefully, the show will rekindle interest in Hillary Clinton running again in 2020. She is truly a gift to the Grand Old Party.

Leftist librarian outed as a flaming hypocrite

Leftist: Soeiro taking issue with Dr. Seuss books
First Lady Melania Trump continued the tradition of former First Ladies in donating 10 books to top performing schools in every state during National Read a Book Week.

However, in the super-liberal state of Massachusetts, a leftist librarian and immense hypocrite Liz Phipps Soeiro of the Cambridge School, took it upon herself to reject the books intended for the children, not the library. She claimed the books [like all Republicans] are racist.

Some of the "racist" books included: The Cool White Cat in the Hat, Jews Don't Eat Green Eggs and Ham, and  Oh, the Places You'll Go If You're White. 

Or not.
Democrat privilege

Melania's predecessor, Michelle Obama, had also carried on the tradition of sending books to kids across the nation. In fact, Obama sent Dr. Seuss books and even did some readings surrounded by Dr. Seuss characters made famous by the late children's author. 

But Soeiro had nothing to say to or about Ms. Obama at the time. And ironically, Phipps Soeiro even dressed the part of the Cat in the Hat because she is a hypocrite and she sucks socks that smell.

"To turn the gesture of sending young students some books into something divisive is unfortunate, but the First Lady remains committed to her efforts on behalf of children everywhere," Trump's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement to USA TODAY on Friday.

What did Phipps Soeiro say to Melania Trump?

In an open letter [to get publicity, no doubt] posted on a book blog, Phipps Soeiro said that while she was grateful for the books, she would not accept them because her Boston-area liberal school doesn't lack for resources and because she takes issue with "racist" imagery in some of the author's books.

As mentioned, the books were not donated to the library she runs but to children in the school and she apparently has taken it upon herself to speak for them, as liberals tend to believe they speak for the entire country.

Trump won--so they don't.
A racist author festival

The leftist librarian also criticized the Trump administration's policies on funding schools and libraries, and said Trump should consult the Librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden, for a list of diverse books.

Perhaps she should consult a therapist because like her idol, Hillary Clinton, she obviously can't get over the fact that Trump won the election. However, I'm certain Phipps Soeiro read "What Happened" by Clinton, and has cried long and hard at night as she lied in bed to herself.

 She also called out Trumps education secretary. "Why not go out of your way to gift books to underfunded and underprivileged communities that continue to be marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?"

Has Phipps Soeiro done volunteer work in poorer schools and communities?
Melania teaches a racist hand gesture
to an unsuspecting child

Perhaps she has, but I suspect otherwise--leftists believe they own the moral high ground, not by actually being moral, but by labeling conservatives as racists, while they think it's okay to kill unborn babies.

Her screed prompted her school district to distance itself from her, saying that she has the right to her opinion but it isn't their official position.

Phipps Soeiro has not been disciplined nor do I expect her to be--we're talking about Massachusetts, not Arkansas.

Let's be serious: nothing the Trump administration does will ever be considered okay by the left. Everything will be labeled racist, selfish, elitist or foolish--even when Trump's predecessor said or did the same exact thing.

Taking the leftist seriously is an indication of an underlying mental illness.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Health and Human Services? Priceless

U.S. health secretary Tom Price has been flying on the country's dime. He now agrees to pay back $51.887.31 for part of the accrued costs for private charter flights he has taken on government business and now has promised to fly commercial--"no exceptions."

Too little and too late.

The price of the almost $52K only covers the cost of Price's pricey seat but the overcall price may be north of a million simoleons. The case is currently under investigation and Democrats are livid and are acting morally superior over the issue because they don't have good ideas, only personal attacks.

President Trump publicly rebuked Price, and appeared to have been on the cusp of uttering his famous line from his hit TV show "The Apprentice," but he didn't and appears to have allowed Price to bow out gracefully with his resignation, which was tendered Friday morning.
A portion of the
booze bill

"I regret the concerns this has raised [meaning: I regret having been caught and now my screw up is being made public] regarding the use of taxpayer dollars," Price said in a statement. "I was not sensitive enough [meaning: I didn't give a fiddler's flatulence] for the taxpayer." His apology came a day after President Trump's attack on his behavior.

Price admitted Trump spoke with him about his displeasure over screwing the taxpayer, but he didn't put it that way.

But it isn't as if Price is the first politician to fly privately and bilk the taxpayer. 

Trips by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt have also come under fire, particularly by hypocrites on the left who forgot about Nancy Pelosi's booze and food parties where taxpayers footed the booze bill that came to about $101,000 over a two year period, or about $1,000 a week when she was House Speaker.

Pelosi provided her guests with top shelf booze such as Maker's Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac Bombay Sapphire gin and so on . . . hic. That was part of what was called "in-flight services" for her trips on Air Force jets paid for by us.

We have conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch to thank when they obtained documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 2010. It proved Pelosi incurred expenses of about $2.1 million for her use of USAF aircraft for travel.

"Speaker Pelosi has a history of wasting taxpayer funds with her boorish demands for military travel," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said at the time. "And these documents suggest the Speaker's congressional delegations are more about partying than anything else."

Nancy Pelosi, however, paid nothing back and was never investigated.

But that isn't the whole story about the misuse of taxpayer money. Obama officials are also involved in taking pricey trips, including personal trips.

Then attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon "The Schnoz" Panetta were also guilty of the same personal use and abuse of taxpayer money.

The FBI convinced Congress at the time that two high-tech luxury jets were needed for the fight agains global terrorism [and better leg room]. As it turned out, global terrorism grew and the jets were used to haul Holder's and Mueller's butts around and Holder's predecessors.

The other officials beside Mueller and Holder were former Attorneys General Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales. Between 2007 and 2011, the dynamic duo racked up almost 700 "nonmission" flights at a cost of only $11,400,000, according to the Government Accountability Office. 

Why nothing was reported at the time shows the Accountability Office should also be held accountable.

Those officials are required to use government aircraft, and in some cases, reimburse the government for part of the expenses. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said at the cost incurred, Mukasey and Gonzales should have either cut back their miles or not use the expensive Gulfstream V jets.

"These luxury jets were supposedly needed for counterterrorism, but it turns out they were used almost two-thirds of the time for jet-setting executive travel," Grassley said.

The cost for the attorneys general travel was $5.8 million; the FBI director's was nearly as much. About 70 percent of the AG flights were for business and 28 percent for personal reasons. That leaves 2 percent, possibly for dive-bombing ISIS.

The point is, people in power tend to flaunt their power and don't see a problem with pissing away taxpayer money because it isn't theirs. This isn't only about Tom Price--it's a government thing--we wouldn't understand.

The niqab enters Canadian nurseries

Toronto -- At a downtown YMCA pre-school, a childcare worker covered head to toe in a black cloth was observed by reporters. Only her hands and eyeglasses showed and those wrists looked as sexy as hell, making Muslim men swoon with desire.

It was a hot day and the odor coming from beneath the cloth coffin was covered up with a Middle East perfume know as "Night of the Niqab." It has the distinct odor of deep-fried falafel.

What's his name?
The federal minister of families, children and social development, Jean-Yves Duclos, gave a press conference on childcare policy. Prior to the presentation, Duclos sat down and played with the children for the cameras. As this was taking place, the worker in the niqab sat at another table with other kids and didn't interact with the minister.

Then the room was cleared of kids and their caretakers.

Afterward, the YMCA [the 'C' stands for 'Christian,' by the way] representative, Linda Cottes,  was  asked when did they start hiring women in niqabs. She said the "Y" has never excluded women wearing niqabs and added, "We are inclusive."

The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Toronto's Egyptian-born Muslim, president and CEO Medhat Mahdy, said nursery school teachers are welcome to wear the full-face Islamic veil, or niqab, in spite of the fact that there is no requirement for Muslim women to wear the cloth coffin.

"A woman is allowed to wear the niqab if she chooses," he said in a statement released this week through his spokesperson. "We also perform stringent background checks for all our employees, student placements, and volunteers."

I bet they do.

But the "Y" still felt the need to justify the presence of the niqab clad person, who may or may not have been a female. Spokesperson Antoine Tedesco clarified the woman is a student placement worker, not an employee. 
marrying age in Pakistan

He refused to answer more questions on the subject--questions such as: "What do the Christian and Jewish parents think about their child being tended to by a person they cannot pick out in a lineup?" or, "How are the student placement people and employees vetted?"

But the actual questions Tedesco refused to answer were, in part: How many staff members wear the niqab, and what is Medhat Mahdy's religious background.

His response to this by Tedesco on behalf of Mahdy was: "People [at the "Y"] are free to dress and express themselves as they see fit, as long as it does not threaten or infringe on the rights of others."

Spokes dhimmie Heather Irwin of the Ontario Ministry of Education said teachers and students are free to wear the niqab throughout the province's daycare centers and all publicly-funded educational institutions.

While this has become the trend in Canada, elsewhere in the world, including some Muslim-majority countries, leaders see the niqab as a symbol of female oppression and a sign of Islamic extremism. In fact, nowhere in the Quran is a woman directed to cover her face and entire body--that's a cultural phenomenon, not a religious one.

So Canada is bowing to Islamic extremist culture, when you really see it clearly.

In Holland, France, Germany, Britain, Denmark, China, Turkey, the Philippines, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt (where Mahdy's from) lawmakers have passed full or partial bans on the niqab in schools and elsewhere, or are in preparation stages of passing laws to do so.
Wanted by FBI: have you seen these men?

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin "Allahu Akbar" Trudeau, goes out of his way to support the niqab and everything Muslim in order to get the vote. There's even a rumor going around that he converted to the religion of peace.

"We need societies that recognize diversity as a source of strength," Trudeau told the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last year. And one of his first acts as PM, he allowed Pakistani immigrant Zunera Ishaq to wear his or her niqab while taking the Canadian citizenship oath after the outgoing Conservative government stopped him or her.

Ishaq works as a women's coordinator for the Islamist group, Islamic Circle of North America and he or she supports the Pakistani Muslim Brotherhood scum known as the Jamaat e-Islami.

And while the United States of America still has the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment therein, Canada is moving to silence all forms of public criticism of Islam, which coincides with sharia law.

In August, Trudeau's Liberal [suicidal] government led a parliamentary motion to condemn religious discrimination and "Islamophobia," a word devised to shut down all criticism of Islamic ideology. The motion was introduced by Iqra Khalid, a Pakistani immigrant and Toronto-area MP and former president of the York University Muslim Students Association (MSA) that holds very close ties to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, has condemned Israel and calls for its annihilation, is anti-Semitic and attacked Jews on campuses all across North America, and has no sense of humor.

When opposition Conservatives asked Iqra to remove the term "Islamophobia" or explicitly condemn anti-Jewish and anti-Christian bigotry as well, she refused. She also refused to define "Islamophobia."

In July, Ontario province passed "anti-Islamophobia" balderdash with unanimous all-party support, proving once again, that politicians suck and are rarely, if ever, affected by the bills they sign into law.

Now no civic leader or politician dares to challenge the niqab or burka. It's kind of an Islamophobia-phobia.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A so-called CNN analyst tweets/deletes fake news about LeBron and Trump

CNN ANALyst Ana Navarro is yet another reason why the Comical News Network is leading the charge in fake news. From Wolf Blitzer's inability to finish a sentence without gasping for his next breath, to Anderson Cooper pretending to be 'deep,' nothing about CNN should be taken seriously.

Navarro tweeted and then deleted a photoshopped image of NBA player LeBron James wearing a shirt with a middle finger on it, referring to President Trump as a "son of a bitch" on Wednesday.

"Freedom of expression Makes America Great. Whether u approve or not, we're free to wear this. Could get u jailed or killed in some places," Navarro wrote as the caption along with the fake photo.

Yes, wearing a shirt with a photo of someone "flipping the bird" to Antifa or Black Lives Matter could definitely get you hurt or killed in places like Berkeley, Chicago or New York City.

Navarro, who's as funny as an abortion clinic on Mother's Day, was presumably referencing the president's comments about NFL players who kneel for the National Anthem and describing players in derogatory terms for not respecting the American flag.

The Daily Caller tracked down the actual image of James wearing a shirt featuring WWE's The Undertaker, which proves Navarro is either a fool or a fraud, or both.

Navarro is definitely a fraud when she claims to be a Republican. She's referred to Trump as "President Loco" and "Draft-Dodger-in-Chief," and said that he is guilty of "dividing Americans." [Unlike Obama who brought us all together and sang Kumbayah.]

She has since deleted the tweet and apologized for it, but it had already been liked over 6,000 times by all of CNN's Trump-haters.

The White House saw the original Navarro tweet and Director of Social Media Daniel Scavino tweeted to CNN's senior media correspondent Brian Stelter if he would point out the "disgraceful fake photoshopped tweet directed" at Mr. Trump. Along with the tweet, Scavino sent the original photo of LeBron in The Undertaker shirt.

Stelter, the poster boy for bald-headed stooges, told Scavino that Navarro deleted the tweet and that she apologized. Then Stelter mocked Scavino: "You work at the W.H., paid by taxpayers--should this really be one of your top priorities?"

Yes, it should be one of his top priorities because Scavino is the White House Social Media Director and a CNN "analyst" posted a lie about the president on social media. Some people actually still look up to star NBA athletes in spite of many who misbehave off the court. And if this fake news wasn't pointed out and attacked, then more news outlets would think they have the license to falsify their reporting.

CNN had no comment when asked if Navarro would be disciplined, but if I know them, she'll probably get an award for hard-cutting journalism.

Josh Norman says Trump isn't welcome in D.C.

Gosh Josh, have some courage and stand
for something bigger than you
Since the political correctness gurus are fighting to change the name of the NFL team known as the Washington Redskins, because George Washington was a slave owner and redskins is a derogatory term for native Americans, I will call the team "America's Capital Native American Footballers?

Joshua Norman, a player on America's Capital Native American Footballers, says that the President of the United States of America is not welcome in Washington D.C. the District of Columbia. 

After Norman's team handily beat the suck-worthy Oakland Raiders on "Sunday Night Football," he had a message for Trump. This came on the heels of the president saying that players who kneel during the National Anthem are "sons of bitches," which now involved the parents of the players and was probably not the best way to handle the controversy.

Trump also said that the owners should fire the players who kneel--another statement that a president ought to be making--a boycott is a better statement and the president should not get involved with free enterprise--that's my opinion.

Norman spoke in detail Sunday and got a bit misty when discussing the moment he heard what Trump said. 

The trouble is, President Trump should not have allowed himself to get into the mud with these protesters. Now the situation has escalated and has become more about Trump than about the original reason athletes have taken a knee during the National Anthem.

In fact, I suspect if you ask the players why they've decided to take a knee, some will have no idea. One player, whose name is unimportant because he is unimportant, decided not to take a knee during the Anthem, but to do his pre-game stretching. That's the height of disrespect of the National Anthem itself because it makes no other statement other than disrespect for the moment.

I am not watching tonight's game nor will I watch any NFL or NBA games until this is over. They have the right to kneel, I have the right to do my stretching exercises instead of watching a bunch of millionaires pretend to have moral superiority over me.

I believe a lot of people will not boycott the games because they will put their recreational needs ahead of their principles. But I really hope I'm wrong.

Lena Dunham compares Trump to white supremacist murderer

Actress, writer and abortion aficionado, Lena Dunham, compared President Trump to Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who, in 2015, entered a black Methodist church and shot nine worshipers to death simply because of their race. 

Roof has been sentenced to death, Trump is the U.S. President.

Trump has shot no one and has not been sentenced to death. In fact, there is no actual evidence that Trump is a white supremacist who would shoot up a church of black people, but it's easy for leftists to claim moral supremacy by accusing someone of being a white supremacist or a racist--in fact, it's their 'Default' position.

Dunham's now deleted tweet was "inspired" by President Trump's comments against NFL players who have been taking a knee during the National Anthem. 

The protest was initiated by failing quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, to protest "racist" police across the country, in spite of the lack of evidence and an overall decrease in shootings of black people by cops.

Dunham responded to a thread on Twitter from comedian Travon Free. She compared Trump to Roof:
"Not only is he [Trump] a racist but he's a racist with untreated mental illness. So under diff circumstances he's Dylann Roof."
Although Dunham majored in creative writing at Oberlin College where she graduated in 2008, her ability to diagnose President Trump's alleged 'mental illness' may come from her own mental illness in which she was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a child and to this day takes an antidepressant to deal with her mental illness.

Another irony over the attack on Trump over the racially-loaded protests is Dunham's own racial controversy when the premiere of her show Girls met with criticism. It turns out she had an all-white main cast in New Freaking York City! What's the likelihood of that?

The only black actors in the pilot were a taxi driver and a homeless man. The only Asian actress in the pilot had the sole trait of being good with computers--Photoshop specifically.

In a brave podcast in 2016 [brave that is, if you were ready to take your vows as a nun], Dunham said she wished she had an abortion. Yes, she really is that crazy.

In other words, she wished she killed her unborn child growing inside her. But realizing that such sentiments might affect her future income in the mainstream entertainment industry, she issued a lengthy, unfelt apology.

After her tweet she followed up with a thread attacking Trump and praising the millionaire victims of racism in the NFL which she may have confused with the NBA, (not realizing that even the shape of their balls are different).

"Do people get how much bravery it takes to stand up to the pres, whether you're rich or not? These players are black Americans. Along with the president's ire they get every violent racist who supports him. They are deluged with threats. Have no shield their [sic] families. I'm not an NBA player, I'm just a random white girl on cable reruns, and since the election the violence in my feed has been terrifying. Imagine their national stage, the abuse they know they'll get for doing the right thing and the fact that they do it anyway? True applause."

Many who took a knee were not necessarily doing it about Trump, but over race relations in the U.S., particularly with the cops.

Yes, we white Trump supporters are the real problem. Worse than Antifa showing up with their weapons and faces covered, attacking anyone who disagrees with them and mostly starting the violence, we white men and women are the real danger.

It's surprising that Dunham would even consider going with a white man, racist, yet her boyfriend since 2012 is Jack Antonoff, a white guy with expensive torn jeans.

Yes, white Trump supporters are racists, but you can't convince my wife of that--she's not white.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The WBPA takes a knee "because nobody's more oppressed than us"

Finally, a group of NBA players are getting their "take a knee"moment in the spotlight. The White Basketball Players of America (WBPA) are protesting over the disparity between Caucasian players and African-American athletes in the league.

Kyle Korver of the Cleveland Cavaliers and his teammate Kevin Love, along with J.J. Redick of the L.A. Clippers, Gordon Hayward of the Utah Jazz, and Ryan Anderson of the Houston Rockets, have had enough and are "taking a knee" during the National Anthem "until our Caucasian brothers and sisters are evenly represented on the courts across America," Korver told Brain Flushings reporter, Vinny Boombots.

"It isn't that we're disrespecting President Trump or anything," Korver said. "In fact, I may have voted for him and believe it or not, I'm not even a white supremacist or a KKK guy--I just happen to be white and it wasn't my fault. It's just that I'm sick and tired of certain athlete-millionaires complaining that they're oppressed when it's obvious that we, the white basketball players of America are victims of racism."

"Yeah, that's right," Love affirmed. "We have such a disproportionate number of white players and the other guys, like Dahntay and LeBron make fun of us in the locker room. They dis us and say we can't jump, shoot or score with the ladies. I tell 'em, 'Guys, I'm married, and they say, 'That s*** never stopped me.'"

Hayward said the brothers make fun of him because he doesn't keep his woman 'in check' and lets her walk all over him. 

"They say stuff like, 'You gotta smack her once in a while, just to let her know the score.' I told them I don't like hitting my wife and, if I did, she slap the crap out of me," Hayward said.

Team owners appear to have an affinity for hiring people of color, leaving most white players to make their money hustling bets in schoolyards across the country.

Ryan Anderson recently got booed for taking a knee at a Houston game, but that was because America's assistance to Texas after Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on the Lone Star State made flag-loving patriots out of even the few remaining die-hard leftist slugs living there.

"I think they made a good point booing me," Anderson said. "I was wrong--I should have taken a knee at the New York Knicks game where I would've been cheered."

Anderson added, "But to tell you the truth, the reason I took a knee in the first place was to protest black-on-black crime in our major Democratic-run cities like Chicago and Detroit. It's about time we did something about that problem."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Plame goes down in flames

Photo: Wochit News/YouTube
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson tweeted an article in The Unz Review an online magazine titled: "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars," on Thursday. 

The article claims American Jews are pushing for a war in the Middle East, particularly with Iran. The magazine hawks itself as an "alternative" to the "mainstream media," but after reading the article, it appears that it's more like an alternative to an emetic.

After her tweet, Twitter users were shocked. But Wilson doubled down and argued that her critics should read the article and "put aside" any biases. This appears to indicate that she actually read the article but it turns out she claims she didn't read it very thoroughly.

Her responses were interesting. In one she tweeted: "1) First of all, calm down. Re-tweets don't imply endorsement. Yes, very provocative, but thoughtful. Many neocon hawks ARE Jewish," Wilson said.

Then she used the "I'm such and such so how can I hate such and such?" defense. "2) Just FYI, I am of Jewish decent. I am not in favor of war with Iran, or getting out of the Iran nuclear treaty. There are simply --Valerie Plame Wilson (@ValeriePlame) September 21, 2017.

After the backlashes continued on Twitter, Wilson walked it back, saying she didn't read the article thoroughly and had only paid attention to its criticism of neoconservatives.

So why did she tell others to read the article and "put aside" any biases?

Finally she said: "OK folks, look, I messed up. I skimmed this piece, zeroed in on the neocon criticism, and shared it without seeing and considering the rest," she tweeted. Then she admitted that she "missed gross undercurrents" in the post and actually thanked Twitter users for urging her to take another look at the article's argument. In other words, read the damn thing.

She apologized and said she isn't perfect.

The article by Philip Giraldi says American Jews shouldn't be allowed to make decisions related to Middle East policy, because neoconservative foreign policy establishment is mainly beholden to American Jews with an attachment to Israel.

"We don't need a war with Iran because Israel wants one and some rich and powerful American Jews are happy to deliver. Seriously, we don't need it," Giraldi writes.

But Valerie Plame Wilson has previously praised Giraldi's anti-Semitic venom. In one of his articles in 2014, he offered strong criticism of Israel and PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Wilson's comment was that the argument was "well put." And if you hate Israel and the Jews, everything an anti-Semite says about them is "well put" in the way you already think--even if you learned as an adult, your grandfather was Jewish.

As it turns out, Valerie Plame Wilson resigned from the Ploughshares Fund last week. She wrote on Twitter:
"Actions have consequences, and while I have been honored to serve on the board of the Ploughshares Fund . . . to avoid detracting from their mission, I have resigned."
Ploughshares was a big promoter of the Iran nuclear deal and even funded programming at National Public Radio that covered the deal. In support of the deal, Ploughshares president Joe Cirincione also used similar rhetoric that was retweeted by Wilson and finally led to her resignation. 

Iran "does a CNN" missile launch

Iranian state television released fake video footage Friday claiming they launched a new type of medium-range ballistic missile. The video came just hours after an Iranian military parade displayed the fake in Tehran.

They may have gotten the idea from watching CNN, according to my source, Vinny Boombots. 

There never was a launch and Iran told an Islamic fib.

It turns out, the video was over seven months old of a failed launch in late January. That missile exploded shortly after liftoff, according to U.S. officials.

President Trump initially responded to the reported launch in a Saturday tweet: "Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!"
"Uh oh"

From this tweet, it's obvious President Trump would do well to have a proof reader and an editor before he hits "Send." But that's just me being a grammar and spelling nazi. 

The 'make believe' launch came after Trump spoke before world leaders at the UN General Assembly. He called the Iran nuclear agreement and 'embarrassment" to the United States [as was Barack Obama].

"We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program," Mr. Trump said.

Trump told reporters afterward that he made up his mind about the nuclear deal but wouldn't say whether he would pull the U.S.A. out of the deal with Iran because he probably has no idea what he's going to do.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also tossed the bull at the UN a day after Trump spoke, and said that Iran's missile program was "solely defensive" in nature.

Brian Williams, the MSNBC host of "The Eleventh Hour with Brian Williams" concurred with Rouhani saying, "I've been there, done that, and Rouhani is a solid guy who would never lie to the American people."

"We never threaten anyone," Rouhani said, not counting Israel in his statement, "but we do not tolerate threats from anyone."

But they like to threaten infidels whenever they have the opportunity and unprovoked by us, have boarded our naval vessels and have taken our sailors captive, so Rouhani can claim what he likes, but he's just "doing a CNN" and nobody here believes him. 

Calling for "Death to America," and "Death to Israel" is an overt threat and Rouhani and his ilk can go to hell.

So after the footage of Iran's launch was aired, they claimed a successful test, but apparently, it was the failed January launch. [Can I get a big LOL.] They were trying to launch its new Khorramshahr medium-range ballistic missile for its maiden run. It flew about 600 miles and blew up into tiny smithereens in a failed test of its reentry vehicle.

Iran's new medium-range missile is a knockoff of a North Korean design--the Pyongyang's BM-25 Musudan ballistic missile. It has a range of 2,500 miles, so it can reach U.S. forces in the Middle East and Israel, if they can get their act together and resolve the missile's problems. [Personally, I believe they should remove the picture of Kim Jong Un from the nosecone.]

"The very first missiles we saw in Iran were simply copies of North Korean missiles," Jeffrey Lewis said. While no relation to the later Jerry Lewis, he is a missile proliferation expert at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. "Over the years, we've seen photographs of North Korean and Iranian officials in each other's countries, and we've seen all kinds of common hardware."

Last weekend, Iranian General Amir Ali Hajizadeh claimed the missile only had a range of 2,000 kilometers [1,250 miles]. He also claimed that it's easy to pronounce his name.

"The Khoramshahr missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers and can carry multiple warheads," Iran's official IRNA news agency quoted him as saying. Hajizadeh is the Revolutionary Guards aerospace chief.

One U.S. official who declined to be identified because he or she wasn't authorized to leak his or her thoughts, told Vinny Boombots, "I am not sure why the Iranians are lying about the range. I think they don't want to piss the Europeans off."

According to experts, Iran has the largest arsenal of ballistic missiles in the Middle East--over 1,000 short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. Since 2015, they have conducted over 20 missile tests.

So, with North Korea apparently partnering with Iran, the free world needs to watch them both very carefully.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Kim killed his brother to "horrify the world" and he did

"The Nam"
The adipose leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un killed his half brother in the most "gruesome" and public way to "horrify the rest of the world" and scare the doubt out of the doubters.

"I no cute cuddly face guy," Kim said. "I am Billy Badass of Asia, so you better watch out, Donald Trump, you loser dotard. I'm coming to get you."

The bold assassination of Kim Jong Nam in February carried out by two pros (as in 'prostitutes'), in Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur airport has been shrouded in mystery. South Korea media speculated the reason for the assassination, but nothing was certain.

A South Korean spy agency [Smurch] first said the killing was part of Kim Jong Un's 5-year plot. And a Korean University professor (Go, Fighting Spring Rolls!) investigating the assassination and had previously led a research arm of SoKo's intelligence agency [Smurch] told Gentlemen's Quarterly on Monday that it was all "part of a master plan."

"From the moment Jong Nam left Macau, the North Koreans tailed him," Nam Sung-wook told GQ. "They had a group on his airplane. As soon as he arrived at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, another group followed him. They kept that surveillance up while he slept. Even as Jong Nam entered the terminal, he was shadowed."

And just because the two assassin women were seen on CCTV at the airport as they smeared the banned VX nerve agent on Nam's face, and didn't hide their faces, doesn't mean it was sloppy work. It's possible Un wanted Nam's assassination to be seen across the globe.

"The only person on this planet who I don't want to see a scared of me is Dennis Rodman--guess what--he's my best friend and I'm his best friend," Kim said of the cross-dressing former NBA person.

"Pyongyang wanted to send a worldwide message by murdering Kim Jong Nam in this gruesome, public way," Nam Sung-wook said. "Pyongyang wanted to horrify the rest of the world by releasing a chemical weapon at an airport."

An ISIS spokes-terrorist responded: "Oh yeah. You think that scares the world? Try doing some of the same stuff we do. Behead a dude on social media and see what's really scary to the rest of the world, dude."

Nam added: "Jong Un wants to reign a long time and negotiate as a superpower. The only way to do that is to keep the world in fear of his weapons. He has a grand design and this is part of it."

The two whores, Siti Aisyah and Doan Thi Huong, are the only people in custody and are charged with Kim Jong Nam's death. They each claim that they were tricked into believing they were playing a harmless prank for a television show titled: "Kill a Kim."

They face the death penalty if convicted.

Reports have since come out revealing that Kim Jong Nam was being groomed to lead the North Korean government-in-exile and may have also seemed a threat to Kim Jong Un because he was older and didn't have body odor.

A report by Japanese magazine Nikkei Asian Review claimed Kim Jong Un had his uncle Jang Song Thaek executed via anti-aircraft gun after uncovering an alleged coup plot coordinated with the Chinese government.

The clueless people of North Korea believe Nam died of a heart attack, which, in a way, is true. It was the trigger of the heart attack they're ignorant about. Insofar as Uncle Thaek was concerned, the people believe that he was cleaning what he thought was an unloaded anti-aircraft gun and it went off accidentally.
North Korea's god

They also believe Kim Jong Un is god.

Kim Jong Nam was living abroad when he was murdered. He was arrested in 2001 while trying to sneak into Japan and visit Magic Mountain in Tokyo Disneyland. He fell out of favor with his dad, Kim Jong Il, who got ill and died in 2011. The younger fatty, Kim Jong Un, took the helm.

There were two additional attempts to assassinate Kim Jong Nam before the successful attempt. Once in 2010 and again in 2012. The regime eventually cut his funds and he begged his family to not punish him because he and the kids had "nowhere to hide."

Fat lotta good it did for him.

It is unknown where Nam is buried but Uncle Thaek is buried in parts in: Pyongyang, Nampo, Sinuiju, South Hamgyong, North Hamgyong, and possibly in Seoul. 

Other parts of Uncle Thaek are still missing.

Hillary's one-neuron epiphany

Two-time presidential nominee and two-time election loser, and former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, experienced a lonely brain neuron firing in her frontal lobe, causing her to speak about the thoughts it elicited: sexist comments by President Donald Trump and women who continue to support him.

"When I see women doing that," she said loudly, "I think [which is a lie] why are they publicly disrespecting themselves? Why are they opening the door to have someone say that about them in their workplace?"

After all, it isn't as if her husband kept his door closed in the workplace as he received oral sex from a young presidential aide. 

Nor is it as if Hillary defended her husband and attacked the slew of women he either raped or had an affair with--oh wait--she did, and he did.

Of all the areas Hillary Clinton would be wise to avoid discussing, sexism is the star of the show.

She continued with "In a community setting? Do they not see the connection there?"

Does she not see the connection there too? Not with Trump supporters, but with Bill's women. And the connection that lost her the election: disrespecting half of the American voters--the 'deplorables'.

Identity politics isn't working for her but she believes that the fight against sexism still rages on. As an attorney, she should know better--there are anti-discrimination laws that protect women and minorities.

But sore loser that she is, and still harping on her election debacle, she had to point out that while more women voted for her, she lost the white women's vote and said this was progress. In fact, she even went after Obama, bragging that she won more women's votes than he did.

But she lost.

Yes, voting for Hillary Rotten Clinton is progress because, like voting for Obama shows you're not a racist, voting for Hillary shows you're not a sexist. 

You have a choice.

Like I said, identity politics isn't working for Clinton anymore. More women see her for the weak (albeit extremely rich) person that she is.

"We had such a public and still an ongoing movement to expand civil rights. Again, I'm proud of the progress, but we still have a lot of problems we have to confront," the one brain neuron endowed former Worst Lady posited without facts or any sort of proof.

Yes, women are oppressed . . . in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries. But, like most "feminists," she never discusses that.

Mayor Sadiq Khan compares Trump to ISIS

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is really angry by President Trump's ban on countries that are known to poorly vet immigrants and who tend to export terrorism. But even though Khan is a Muslim and believes Londoners need to get used to terrorist attacks, Trump has made him an exception.

Sadiq, accused Trump of using ISIS-style language by calling for a "total shutdown" of US borders to Muslims. He also said that he'd become a "reluctant participant" in the ongoing verbal altercations with President Trump.

Khan told a Guardian Live event that "My view was firstly 'I'm not exceptional' and secondly 'Think about what you are saying.' Because what you are saying is not dissimilar to what Daesh or so-called IS says.

"They say that there is a clash of civilizations, it is not possible to be a Muslim and a westerner, and the West hates us. And you are inadvertently playing their game, you are helping them."

He said the ban on travelers gave the "wrong impression" of the religion of peace (LOL). 

"I'm a Westerner, but also a very proud Muslim. There are some people who want to divide our communities--I'm not going to let them," Khan said using his best taqiyya tactics.

He said the Trump is "ignorant" about Muslims and called for his state visit planned for next year to be canceled. "I think at a time when the President of the United States is doing and saying so many things that we disagree with, the idea of just rolling out the red carpet and having a state visit is wrong."

In March, after the attack near the Westminster Palace, Khan, as reported in the Daily Wire, also said the threat of terror attacks is "part and parcel of living in a big city" and Londoners should get used to them and be vigilant.


When asked about his long-running battle with Trump, he implied the U.S. President's knowledge of Islam was limited to what he sees in the media.

How does he actually know that? What is his evidence?

Unless Khan means that Trump's media experience with Islam involves terrorism and indiscriminate killing of infidels that he doesn't see that with other faiths, and is perpetrated by Muslims who follow Islam faithfully and literally.

Read the Koran and decide if Trump is wrong about the religion.

Comparing Trump to ISIS dilutes the scumbaggery of the terrorist group.

Maybe that's what Khan was trying to do. Maybe it's just a Khan job.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Austria: 90% Muslim refugees end up on welfare

When they arrive
You can call them asylum seekers or refugees--same old, same old, but in Austria, the reality is that nine out of ten of them wind up on welfare and the Austrian taxpayers foot the bill.

Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka is doing all he can to resist the EU's efforts to send more asylum seekers to Austria by increasing the quota. He claims that 90 percent of them end up on welfare and strain the system.

Sobotka says that "Austria has borne the main load from 2014 to 2017," and "Our system is simply overwhelmed."

It needs to be emphasized that no Arab Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE)  has taken in any Syrian refugees, for example. 

And a more recent report (Jan. 2016) says Arab monarchies turned down refugees fearing security threat. 

"If you look at the asylum seekers, you can see that 90 percent are migrating to the needs-oriented minimum security system," Sobotka said, adding that border security is of great importance. "We had up to 15,000 refugees per day on some days, today it is an average of 30."

"It is important to keep the pressure on those who bring migrants illegally to Europe via the Mediterranean and in other ways," he added and said that if the EU fails to keep up the pressure, it will be a sign for human smugglers who will double their efforts to smuggle more people into Europe.

The EU's migrant distribution plan is viewed as unfair in many EU countries and some such as Hungary and Poland have rejected the plan altogether. 

Hungary and Slovakia appealed to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) saying that the distribution agreement was invalid because it didn't have unanimous consent from member states and their citizens.

But the ECJ rejected the appeal and membership to the EU is looking less and less representative of a democratic or republic-style union.
When they are in the majority
Heinz-Christian Strache, chairman of the anti-mass migration Freedom Party (FPÖ), said the figures "show how deeply we are in a crisis of fairness," and urged the Austrian public to vote out the current Austrian People's Party-Social Democrat coalition "before the Austrian population changes" [to a Muslim-dominating society]. 

Robbery suspect may sue man who stopped him

Ryan Flores, 30, may not be the smartest guy in the room, but he clearly has the largest set of testicles than most, and more audacity than Antifa has in calling itself Antifa.

Cregg Jerri, 58, a good Samaritan, is credited with stopping a robbery of a Starbucks in July and now he might be sued by the scumquat Flores, who he stopped from a robbery of overpriced coffee purveyors in Fresno.

Flores is facing charges of second-degree robbery and assault with a deadly weapon after trying to rob a barista with a fake handgun and Transformers mask [which didn't fool anyone--they knew he wasn't a real Transformer].

In the process of trying to rob the place, Jerri subdued him and stabbed Flores with his own knife after first clobbering him with a chair from behind. Flores stabbed Jerri in the neck and the two men wrestled over the weapon, which Jerri took away from him. He stabbed Flores about 17 times during the fight.

Flores's mommy, Pamela Chimienti, came to the legal aid of her son saying that Jerri's actions used "excessive force." She told KSEE that her loser son planned to file a lawsuit.

Flores: pondering the robbery
"Excessive force" can be defined as a victim of violence responding to that violence with a greater amount of violence in the heat of the fight in which the victim may believe his/her life is in danger.

We often see "excessive force" used by Israel after Hamas, for example, blows up a children's school bus and the IDF bombs the crap out of a Hamas installation killing more Hamassholes than the children they killed.

Screw "excessive force" That's exactly what you need to stop the initial violence. You don't measure a similar response--you hit them with shock and awe.

Chimienti said, "The guy, in my opinion, went from a Good Samaritan to a vigilante."

No lady--if your son is willing to scare innocent people with a fake gun, and have a knife as a backup plan to stab innocent people, your son deserved whatever he received and you, for going after the Good Samaritan, deserve to see him rot in prison.

But of course, he won't rot there. He'll be out and back on the streets. Hopefully the wounds he received will be a reminder that he shouldn't be robbing people of things that are not his.

And he shouldn't be robbing the person who brought him to justice by using a lawsuit to get his money.

In fact, if Flores goes forward with the suit, maybe Jerri should countersue and see who wins.

Flores said, "I don't like to judge people, [he just likes to rob them] but that's a lot of stab wounds."

Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, had praised Jerri's actions and called the idea of his being sued "ludicrous." Legal analysts doubt the suit will go anywhere because it's hard to prove "unreasonable malice."

DNC fundraising in the commode with their words

Tom Perez: Famous for saying
the street word for 'feces'
The Democratic National Committee is out of ideas and their race card is being rejected, leading to yet another dismal fundraising month.

When your biggest fans are illegal immigrants, people on food stamps and public assistance, that's what happens. These are the takers, not the contributors.

On Friday, Brent Scher of The Washington Free Beacon reported:
The Democratic National Committee's already dire financial standing worsened during the month of August according to its Wednesday night filing to the FEC.
The DNC raised just $4.4 million last month, the second lowest August fundraising figure for the party in the past decade. The party had less cash on hand at the end of the month than it did at the beginning, as its spending outpaced its fundraising by $44,575.
And it gets worse. The DNC's debt substantially increased from $3.4 million to $4.1 million, a figure equal to about 60 percent of the committee's total cash on hand.
Maybe they should ask Mexico for the money.

Democratic Party officials predicted that fundraising figures would start to head north in August but these are spendthrift liberals who have no trouble spending other people's money and it has finally caught up to them.

DNC deputy chairman and covert anti-Semite Keith Ellison defended the previous month's crappy fundraising figures by looking into his crystal ball and saying there would be "some really good reports to share in the weeks to come."

He didn't say, nor is it clear, to what he's referring, but there's reason to believe that money may come from the Muslim Brotherhood where he appears to have important contacts.

On a bright note, the Republican National Committee raised $7.3 million in August and has $45.9 million in cash on hand while having no debts.

So who should the American public want controlling the economy?

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....