Thursday, September 27, 2012

Four Years of a Strong Nation?

It's hard to believe that it has been nearly four years that President Obama has lived in the White House.  So many world events have taken place both home and abroad, and the entire world has changed.  The one thing this President has proven in his term as POTUS is that our country is incredibly strong.  As a nation, we have been able to ride out the worst storm of unemployment, astronomical debt, and perceived impotency by the Islamic world that we have ever faced.  If we were any other nation, we would be doing what other nations are already doing: burning stuff, smashing windows, and calling for change.  But in America, we vote.

Obama has done something no other President can lay claim to--he has cleaved us into two nations; one comprised of children with adult bodies who still have mommy and daddy issues and strong nurturance needs, and the other comprised of people who love the country for what it is and not something that needed change.

Since taking office, personal income has decreased, unemployment has remained stuck at over 8 percent, our respect in the world is in the dumper, the public has been lied to about the Libya 9-11, no budget has been offered by the Democrats, the claim that al Qaeda has been defeated has been proven bogus, Iran continues to work toward nuclear weaponry, Israel has become suspicious of our relationship with them due to Obama, and while the world is in turmoil, tenuous with the Middle East, he has failed to meet with Netanyahu, and failed to attend crucial intelligence briefings but has not failed to attend the David Letterman Show and The View.

Al Qaeda is alive and well in spite of Joe Biden's "bin Laden is dead and GM is alive," claim.   Even GM isn't doing so well--they're selling the Chevy Volt for less than it costs to produce.  Great business acumen, eh.  But Obama's stooges had to lie about Libya or face another unfulfilled promise he made about defeating al Qaeda.

When you cannot trust your leader's words, how can you trust his actions?  In Obama's case, maybe a better term would be "inaction."  

I'm a capitalist, a term coined by Karl-I-Hate-To-Bathe-Marx, and Marx hated capitalism.  Perhaps that explains why he hated to work and allowed his wife and children go hungry most of the time.  I have worked since I was a kid--I worked at the corner pharmacy, swept the floor and went into a dank dark cellar to bring up feminine hygiene supplies and other educational things.  Please feel free to click on the ads accompanying this article so that my work here will be remunerated in a good old capitalist way.


Obama: "Yes, I'm the Great Pretender"

The Three Stooges 
Obama refuses to do anything but pretend to have Israel's back as Iran continues to enrich uranium.  And while he pretends that there is no threat to Israel, Obama pretends that the terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Libya was not a terrorist attack, but a spontaneous demonstration fueled by an anti-Muhammad YouTube trailer that was viewed by about 300 people throughout the world.  Then to make matters more muddled, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Jay Carney all stated the same tune: it was not a terrorist attack, but a video-inspired demonstration.  

Even if the three monkeys: See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil Unless It's About Romney were telling the truth (which would inspire me to go out and buy a lottery ticket), the video is irrelevant.  In the USA we still have the right to speak our mind, and while this may change one day, if the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR get their way, freedom of expression is still Constitutional.  This is why the left is free to mock Christianity and have pseudo art exhibits with a Crucifix inundated with the "artist's" urine, or have the Virgin Mary covered in feces.  Have you noticed these artists never have renditions of the prophet of Islam having sex with his 9 year old wife, Ayisha, or Mo's beheading of an entire tribe of Qurayish  Jews.

But if you want to pass blasphemy laws that prohibit attacks on any religions as demanded by the Muslims, you would have to close down all the mosques in the country and prohibit the religion that's calling for the law in the first place.  No other religion actually addresses other religions with such intolerance as Islam does.  They pray against the Jews, they say vile things about the Virgin Mary and Jesus, and they call for the death of all non-believers.  How quaint.

So while we still have freedom of expression, we clearly have no reason to apologize to those barbarians who killed our people over some crappy little video that was used merely as an excuse.  It was never about a video and now the Obama administration has to admit this fact--they knew about an impending terrorist attack within 24 hours after Chris Stevens and three other men were killed in Benghazi but still they lied to us.  

If Obama's administration lied to us about the Benghazi attack because the conservative media uncovered it, what is this administration lying to us about that hasn't been uncovered?  Based on what we see in the liberal media, Obama is counting on the American public to remain ignorant, and to be gullible.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of those people around--we call them liberals.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Deport Those Who Insult Free Speech

Multiculturalism insinuates that all cultures are equal; none are supposedly any better than another.  Our Judeo-Christian nation was founded on the premise that "From many, one," whereby all cultures blend into the culture we call America.  Nothing about America's philosophical foundation ever needed changing in spite of what Obama's promise of Hope and Change inferred.  The only change many wanted in 2008 was a change of the Bush administration and we look back at GW's time and realize how the liberal left piled on him with propaganda that would make Khrushchev's USSR's propaganda machine proud.

Until Obama took office, no American President ever bowed to any monarchy and the Bill of Rights and US Constitution were held sacrosanct.  Today the government has the audacity to discuss the idea that one religion, Islam, cannot be analyzed, criticized, or be the brunt of humor or sarcasm, while Christianity and its values can be ridiculed and overruled by our President.  And as the murder of Chris Stevens has shown us, the standard operating procedure for the Obama administration is to lie to the American pubic.

Anyone who challenges our Constitutional right to free speech is dangerous to our freedom.  In fact, for Islam to challenge free speech can only occur in a country that allows for free speech, otherwise there would be no discussion.  Imagine trying to speak negatively about Islam's prophet in Saudi Arabia-you can't even bring a Bible into the country.

When you visit someone's house, you need to respect the rules of their home.  If you are from another country and come to the USA, you ought to abide by the rule of the land as delineated in the Constitution.  If you want Americans to change laws to go along with Sharia instead of the rules of our house, then maybe you should leave our house and go back to your own home.  You aren't welcome here if you want to take away our right to speak our opinions.  You might be happier in your land where there is inequality between men and women, hatred and intolerance for those of other religions and for gays.   We don't need you here.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Islamic Flash Mobs

Spontaneous protests broke out in Bangladesh, Libya, Somalia, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, and over one thousand mud huts over the film depicting the prophet of Islam as a murderous, hateful, anti-Semitic, pedophile who made his living killing Jews, plundering caravans, and dissing every other known religion on earth, save Islam, a religion he invented in order to promote his evil cause.  

The spontaneous protesters happened to be carrying RPGs, American flags, effigies of Obama and a book of matches with a "Can You Draw This Photo" photo on the cover.  MSNBC and its affiliates (NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN) all agreed that these protests were in no way involved with terrorism, al Qaeda, or the religion of peace, and noted the real cause of Islamic unrest was an American made film, by an American made American, as noted above.

On his 2012 Apology Tour, President Obama told Pakistani TV that he in no way condones freedom of speech when it comes to exposing Islamic beliefs, and that he will personally get to the bottom of this slap on the beard to  Muslim men and women everywhere.  The TV appearance was followed by a children's program depicting a Mickey Mouse-like figure talking about the need for the world to rid itself of Israel and Jews everywhere.

Meanwhile, Iran continues its quest to produce a viable energy source.

Details after the game.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Friday, September 21, 2012

On the First Day of Jihad My Prophet Said to Me

I believe Obama thinks the American public is stupid, and to his credit, he's half right--liberals are stupid; not all of them, but the ones who plan to vote for an empty chair president yet again are as stupid as a bag of rocks.  Either the administration is lying, or clueless about what happened in Lybia, and the media continues to function as Obama's "yes men."  

Obama refuses to admit that what has happened in Libya is proof that everything he bragged about, such as having the ability, coming simply from his experience as a sort of Muslim maven, to get the Muslim world to love America.  This has turned out to be yet another zero in his presidential success scorecard--his only positive tick was killing Osama, but he took the credit from the SEALs and used GW's policies to get the sucka.

Wishing you a happy holiday, infidel
In Pakistan, a national holiday was declared today in order to protest the USA.  The Pakistanis called upon our government to pass anti-Islamic blasphemy laws (they're not so concerned about passing anti-Semitic, anti-Christian laws) that would severely punish anyone exercising their First Amendment rights and call Mohammed out on his actions.  They want Sharia in America and Obama seems to be listening.  Pakistan's Foreign Secretary, a woman named Khan (which is Pakistan's version of Jones), congratulated Obama and Hillary for denouncing the video that was seen by Obama and Hillary and seven other people, one of whom was a Muslim.  These smokescreen tactics have thus far been very successful distracting liberals from other issues like Islamic violence, killing our ambassador, burning our flag, the war in Afghanistan, our debt crisis and the economy tanking millions since I first started writing this paragraph. 

But the media still gets the tingles for Obama, laughs at his sarcastic jokes about Mitt Romney--a man with more experience and moral character than this Chicago thug will ever have--and spin lies about the Middle East.  This administration is quicker to condemn some moron for making a moronic video about Mohammad than it is to sharply condemn killing innocent people over the damn video.  Maybe it's because Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huda Abedin, is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood as are her mother and brother, and Obama himself is getting cozy with them--just look at some of his recent appointments and who some of his friends are.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Brain Flushings

With 57 states in our union it's no wonder President Obama cannot recall the depth of our debt; besides, it's all GW's fault anyway.  Nothing Obama has screwed up can be attributed to his failure as president--nothing, especially not the layoffs of about 16 thousand Bank of America employees or 11 thousand American Airline personnel.  Not a Democrat in sight to comment on this and even David Letterman hasn't touched this story.

But the economy seems less important of late and the Islamic problem looms large.  The White House is walking back their balderdash claim that some ridiculous video was the alleged cause of the jihadist craziness of thousands of Muslims, six of whom may have actually owned a computer, one of whom had electricity in his hut, and none of whom actually saw the trailer about the prophet of Islam, Mohammed Weinstein whose last name is being withheld to protect his twelve wives and seventeen slaves.  Muslims throughout the world are angry at the insult to their prophet and when they become angry, there's no talking to them.  In a move designed to assuage the tense situation, President Obama blamed the YouTube film maker and vowed to take away the First Amendment rights under that antiquated document, the US Constitution, of any American citizen who spoke ill of Mohammed or challenge the theological contradictions within their desert scripture.  

A Muslim flag burner in a maniacal anti-American demonstration was killed by poisonous fumes from the flag he was burning to show his disdain for America, our freedom and our free speech.  Hopefully, this will inspire American flag manufacturers.

Fast and Furious is again making headlines, much like corduroy pillows.  Holder skated while Lannie Breuer is being held responsible for not having come forward in the botched gun running operation to a bunch of gun runners for the Mexican drug cartel.  Jason Weinstein, Breuer's assistant, has resigned due to the scandal, but Holder is doing his Pimp Strut claiming that his accusers spoke too soon about his involvement.  In my humble opinion, if Holder knew nothing about this huge operation, then he's an incompetent leader and should be canned without apology.  I simply believe that Holder is more competent than he gives himself credit for and should be held accountable.

Hillary Clinton has now formed a board to dig into the Libyan terrorist attack on the consulate that killed four Americans, one an ambassador.  The fact that Hillary has an assistant, Huda Abedin, with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (and an Anthony Weiner husband), and Hillary has stated that the only reason the Islamic world is angry at us is due to that stupid movie trailer, I put as much trust in her investigating Islamic terrorism as I trust Obama will never look into a mirror again. The fact that Obama's mouthpieces said the same thing as Hillary leads me to believe that nobody on the left can be trusted with the truth.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

If Everyone's Doing It, They Aren't Extremist

Anti-Israel Protest
We have Muslim lawyers in suits attacking the American embassy in Lahore.  We have Muslim crowds with professionally made signs calling for a Sharia trial against the American who exercised his Constitutional rights and made a stupid video about the prophet of Islam.  We have women in the American media raped by crowds of "religious" Muslims, raped because they wore American style clothing, which meant (to the Islamic perps) that here was an eligible target for their prurient needs.  We have the entire Middle East, except for Israel, calling for the death of America, and we have a president who is friendlier to these hate mongers than he is to Israel.  There is something terribly wrong with this picture.

But worse, we have our in own country people who get most of their information from a media so liberal that they refuse to carry out their duty of actually being fair and unbiased.  And because of this left wing reporting, we have a country divided, believing that Obama is good for us and our economy, in spite of his history.  Where have they been for the last three plus years?  Probably in front of their TVs watching MSNBC, CNN, ABC or CBS.  It's no wonder this degrader of American values  is doing well in the polls.  And he's just so cool, hanging with Beyonce, The Pimp With A Limp and Jayzee while the Middle East kills our people, burns our flag and receives billions in aid from us.  We are paying terrorists not to kill us and they're killing us anyway--AND WE CONTINUE TO SEND AID.

The media calls these angry people "extremists," as if they fall into a small minority doing something out of the norm.  They are either afraid to be honest or have no idea of what they're talking about.  Let's face it, Islam has been around since the Seventh Century and by the time Muhammad was in Medina and had over ten thousand religious troops, it never again was a religion of peace like they pretend it is.  Islamic organizations like CAIR (which is part of the Muslim Brotherhood) want us to be respectful of their prophet and their religion, but they are totally intolerant of all other religions.  Muslims see Islam as superior to all others and its spreading throughout the world is a requirement of Islam.  Historically, they spread Islam by the sword--even their prophet has done this and Muslims are required to emulate him--some do so even by the way they grow their beards.  To believe that Islam's goal is to be peaceful is suicidal--they are actually taught to hate Jews and include this hatred for them in one of their prayers.  Imagine that.

If Muslims throughout the world are calling for the death of Americans, the total destruction of Israel (called for in Islamic scripture), and a world caliphate where everyone worships their god and their prophet, how can we call them extremists when all they are are orthodox Muslims. 

Religion or geopolitical movement?  You make the call.  

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obama's Foreign Policy Is No Laughing Matter

When Obama came into power he had about as much experience in foreign policy as a virgin in a whorehouse, but now that he has been leading the country from behind, we can safely say that he is the one who has been screwing us and doing it with a smile on his face and a rap song in his heart.  Even with the deterioration of our global relationships with most Islamic countries, (in spite of Obama's claim to have the magic love potion to make them fall for us all over again), he has not once taken blame nor taken the time to deal with the problem.  Instead, he continues to do TV appearances and meet with important personalities like Beyonce and Pimp with a Limp.  Maybe he plans to bounce ideas off Beyonce and strategize with Pimp W. A. Limp, but I believe he should be dealing with the perps who continue to attack Americans, burn our flag, graffiti the walls of our consulates, and spread rumors about the superiority of their religion over all others, and show this by killing Christians, Jews, Hindus, Jains, and atheists, not to mention lesbians, gays, cartoonists and Theo VanGogh.

 I'm certainly no expert in foreign affairs, but I know a thing or two about Islam (I did, after all, write a novel based on the religion of peace and did a lot of research--try it--it'll scare the crap out of you), and I know that in order to improve our relationship with the Islamic world, we must first show them that we will not apologize, cower, nor beg for forgiveness for being who we are, and show them we are strong--they only respect strength and laugh at Obama's fist-shaking feigned anger.  They know Barack wants to be loved by them, just like he wanted his Muslim daddy and Muslim step-daddy to love him and never go away, but the Islamic world will never give him that--not until the Islamic flag flies over the White House and the national bird is the vulture.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense. In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners. Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Reasonable Generalization About the Islamic Nation

I'm going to make a generalization and that means what I'm going to say is only generally true, not universally true.  My generalization is not aimed at angering people, particularly the group of people I am going to generalize about, but I suspect they will be angered and I bet a bunch of liberals will also be quite tweaked in the knickers.  But so what--I have the right to say what I want to say, at least I have that right as of this writing, but the way the country is going, who knows--I may lose my right to free speech if this administration has its way.

So my generalization is this: most Muslims have the mental maturity of a nine year old.

You see, Aisha, Muhammad's child bride, was nine when the prophet of Islam had his way with her.  I'm not making this up; it's in the Islamic scriptures.  She was six when our 52 year old Muhammad had the hots for her, and on her father's request, waited three years before having sex with her.  At the time she was still playing with dolls.

So Muslims should not be insulted by my generalization.  They act like nine year old kids when someone makes fun of something they believe but cannot prove.  They act like the "mother of Islam," Aisha, would have acted if she was alive today.

They claim we have "hurt [their] religious feelings" by being the country that grew the man who made the movie that nobody saw that depicted their prophet, a man named Muhammad, in a negative light.  Because this person who made this movie was American, they say all Americans should be severely punished because, while they didn't get to see the movie, (fewer people than watch PMSNBC actually saw it and they all say it sucked, which coincidentally so does PMSNBC), nobody gets away with dissing their prophet--nobody.

As long as our Muslim neighbors give a reason for their violence and gross intolerance, whether it's a reasonable reason or not doesn't matter, we are going to apologize first, and hold to task anyone who has the audacity to impose their First Amendment rights second.  This is how Obama rolls.  This is what has become of the greatest nation on earth since Obama has taken control, and our Muslim neighbors see us.  

Arabs and other Islamic nations only respect strength and Obama has created a depiction of our country as weak and frightened, willing to do anything to avoid a fight with them, but the truth is, if Obama does not cut our defense budget as planned, effectively making us as weak as they already think we are, we could hurt them severely and reestablish ourselves as Numero Uno.

Cut off all aid, particularly military (what, are we nuts?) and become completely energy independent.  Partner with Canada, use the oil sands, frack and dig, lower taxes, elect Mitt, cut entitlements and increase strategic military spending and cut non-strategic spending, and make it absolutely clear that we will not tolerate so much as a discussion about Sharia law; no way.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Call for Asbestos Flags

One thing for sure, Muslims have a lot of time on their hands and we can only wonder if they have jobs.  If they do, we have to admit, their managers/bosses are more tolerant of their religious activities (i.e., burning American flags, writing Osama's name on embassy walls and even killing our ambassador and his staff) than our bosses.  When do these desert rats work?  When do they sleep? 

And while there are currently 21 countries burning American flags, attacking American and other Western embassies, shouting "death to America," and killing our people, Obamatrons like Jay Carney, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton blame it on a month old YouTube trailer that had about as many people view it as had taken showers at Occupy Wall Street.  And while this all has been going on, Obama has made good his promise to allow nothing to deter him from his quest for yet another four years of driving our country into the bowels of socialism and dhimmietude.  If we are not careful, I believe these barbarians will get their way and the Muslim flag will fly over the White House, just as the Muslim Brotherhood has promised.

Instead, the administration has yelled "squirrel" again, hoping we believe some stupid film has caused all of this.  Instead, the attention has been drawn to Romney instead of Obama's ineptitude. These attacks were planned, coordinated, and sophisticated.  You don't go running out to your local protest with your handy-dandy RPG (rocket propelled grenade launcher) and attack the embassy and then go to the local Islamic flag vendor and put it up by the embassy after tearing down the American flag.  This was planned and it was purposely planned for 9-11.

The media is complicit in this leftist distraction of pointing fingers and colluding on questions with which to ambush Romney, while the Amateur in Chief Obama does nothing to assuage the carnage. To say he is leading from behind on this one is to give him more credit than he deserves--he is leading with his behind.  Obama is in over his ears and has nothing to offer in the way of a solution other than to disclaim any knowledge that the administration knew it was coming days before the attack.  Maybe if he attended the intelligence briefings, (something he rarely did in the past and refuses to do now, even when 9-11 was looming) he would have had enough intelligence to have made an intelligent decision; like actually having security at the consulate on the anniversary of 9-11.

Obama is as useful as a cigarette to a goldfish.  He has made our country look weak and his warnings to these Islamic nations have become the source of laughter and jokes on lonely desert nights.  "Omar, did you hear that Hussein Obama is upset with our burning of his country's flag and killing his consulate staff?  He almost raised his voice.  Hahahahahahahaha."

If the people or person responsible for assessing the level of security needed to protect our consulates and embassies actually had to live in the embassies themselves, this would not have occurred.  Maybe this should be required of those who offer plans to protect these American territories.  I suggest we start using asbestos flags and call in the Marines with live ammo.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion of peace through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/11 Plus Two

Chris Stevens
The rioters in Cairo are still going berserk as the fires burn, the sirens roar, the American flags are ripped to shreds or burned with the random cars.  Hillary apologized to Libya and rejected the content and the message of the phantom video that had the purpose of "denegrating a great religion . . ." and so on.  The fact is, the average extended Libyan family has more members in it than the number of Muslims who saw the YouTube movie depicting Muhammad accurately.

The media has done nothing to challenge Obama about why he and his staff have apologized first, attacked Romney second, and campaigned in Vegas--what happens in Egypt stays in Vegas, I guess.

Sarah Palin called Obama "naiive" in his dealings with the Islamic world, but I disagree with her.  Obama was being ingratiating and subservient to them.  To think that Obama slept while Libyan terrorists killed our Ambassador, did not attend a single Security conference in over a week, and had the audacity of dope to call Islam a "great religion," while pissing on Christians and Jews, is beyond comprehension.

As I write this, Cairo (a place that Obama has not mentioned of late) is also busy attacking the American embassy, but after a two days of these attacks, the government is finally quelling the mob of Islamic orthodox.  I believe it isn't about their desire to support America, but more their desire to get their yearly paycheck from us.  And while Mitt Romney had the courage to immediately condemn the attack and defend the United States, Obama attacked him instead of attacking the jihadists who attacked our consulate.

As I write this, there are protests going on all across the Mid East and I suspect they're laughing at us in Iran, China and Russia. 

We are becoming a nation of cowards, led by a President who bowed to a Muslim king and a Secretary of State who blamed a movie for the terrorism that used it as an excuse.  Why are we afraid of what the Muslims will do to us if we don't give them what they want? Why do we show respect to Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood capo, a man whose acceptance speech as Egypt's president called for the release of the Blind Sheik?  

Are our memories so short that we've forgotten what Islamic terrorists did to us on September 11, 2001?  Did we forget how imam Rauf demanded the religious freedom to place a triumphal mosque on the Ground Zero site? 

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nothing Can Stop Obama in His Quest

Obama has a phony stutter. I just noticed it as he spoke in Las Vegas--a campaign stop he just couldn't forgo in spite of what happened yesterday, when four Americans were killed in the Libyan consulate.  He spoke for a few sentences about Chris Stevens, our Ambassador who was murdered, and then went on to addressing the upcoming election. He didn't mention Stevens by name, but maybe he didn't actually know it.

Ostensibly, the reason for the attack was that the "religious feelings of Muslims were hurt" by some flunky, low budget YouTube movie that only a relatively few people saw--fewer people than the crowd of Muslims who killed Stevens and his staff. The American flag was burned and replaced with a Muslim flag which said "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger."  But no mention of Islam was made by Hussein Obama--I cannot understand why, can you?  Maybe he didn't want to hurt their religious feelings.  What I don't get is how you can hurt a feeling--especially a religious feeling from a religion that is really a geopolitical movement than a religion, followed by people whose first response is to hate all those of different faiths.

I say we cut off their money, and the money we give to Egypt, the country that wasn't mentioned by Obama yesterday, (because of the hype he bestowed upon them last year when he praised the Arab Spring).  Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, denounced this irrelevant movie just to cover his hairy butt just in case we catch on to their grand plan.  I say we kill every dirt-bag who committed this atrocity--it might make us feel good for what they did to us eleven years ago yesterday.  And finally, I say we stop being so tolerant of the religion of intolerance and fight back. Our future depends upon what we do today to protect ourselves.

If you think these attacks were committed by radicals rather than orthodox Muslims, you need to actually read their scriptures and Hadith--this is what they do--this is what they've done for fourteen hundred years.

As I write this, protesters in Cairo are in the streets and are working up a lather as the Muslim Brotherhood eggs them on.  Maybe Obama can meet with them again and discuss a new strategy as he continues to fund them with our tax dollars.  Meanwhile we've sent two warships to the scene and Obama is campaigning and telling us how improper Mitt Romney was to speak out so quickly on behalf of America.  The leftist media helped to conspire against Mitt as was heard on open microphones, and Sean Hannity played it on the air.  

What's clear to me is that even while we are in a bellicose period of history, everyone seems to care more about taking political sides.

Are we suicidal?

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist who is captured by terrorists and who is to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, giving in to terrorist demands is against American policy, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Obama Angry, Libya and Egypt Shaking in their Boots

U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three Americans were killed at the US Consulate last night by a mob of Muslims who were angry over a film depicting the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, accurately.  Meanwhile, in Cairo, another attack on the embassy took place.Coincidentally, both attacks occurred on the eleventh anniversary of the Islamic attack on the World Trade Center, in New York City, but the Muslim Brotherhood denies any connection and we must believe them.

The US struck back at the Islamic mob by apologizing for our insensitivity to the religion of peace, and for our misconception that Muhammad was a bad person. Admittedly, pedophilia is a western concept and we need to be more tolerant of Islam just like they are tolerant of us, homosexuals, Jews, Christians and women.

President Hussein Obama has vowed that if the violence continues, he will raise his voice in protest, and make promises that he promises to keep, this time.

An American embassy is considered to be on American soil and these attacks must be considered to be attacks on our country. 

"Obama, Obama, we are all Osama," they chanted in Cairo.  This from a crowd that appeared organized (but certainly not by the dear Muslim Brotherhood). The mob in Libya also appeared organized, although just a bit more crazed than the Egyptians.

Will our President respond with the appropriate strength and show of resolve to ensure this does not continue happening in the Islamic world?  No, I doubt it.  He will not even meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the perilous situation Israel finds itself as Iran continues to develop its nuclear weapon. 

If you know anything about Islam, you know that it's an angry "religion" that literally prays against non-Muslims, and hates Jews, calling for their demise.  Their prophet, Muhammad, was known to kill an entire tribe of Jewish men and pubescent boys, then taking the women and little children as slaves.  He looted caravans and divided the booty up with his merry men, keeping a full twenty percent for himself.  He married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine--he was fifty two.  He advocated lying if it served the political needs of Islam.  He was, in my opinion, a bad man, and yet we are apologizing to the Islamic henchmen who would do us harm for saying this, using our free speech to have an opposing opinion.

Religion of peace?  You make the call.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist who is captured by terrorists and who is to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, giving in to terrorist demands is against American policy, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To Avoid Injury, Don't Do Push-ups After Taking Cialis

Sandra Fluke (pronounced Fluck) is too polished to be a random spokesmoron for the left.  While she sounds like a person speaking with a paper pooper, she does so with a certain professionalism that is just too practised to be a novice.

I believe Fluke is a hand chosen extremist, tapped on the shoulder by our President to represent a "faux woman" invented by the left to effectively yell "squirrel" to the voters and hope they're paying attention to this non-issue.

Abortion is not prohibited by our laws.  Women are not being denied anything they need to prevent pregnancy while playing, and anyone who can afford what Ms. Fluke was wearing at the DNC Convention, (even her shiny necklace of what looked like beer can pop tops rings), can afford birth control.  
Touching Hands

What conservatives want is the termination of partial birth abortions.  The reason being is that conservatives believe that humans have inalienable rights even if they cannot speak, walk, or crawl.  They have these rights even if they're too young to vote (although I suspect Obama would reconsider his position of allowing partial birth abortions if the victims could vote for him).  And to kill these people after they made it through the birth canal in spite of the attempt on their life, just doesn't seem fair, and it certainly doesn't sound humane.  What it sounds like is convenient for the mother of the unwanted life in her life.  I believe adoption, not abortion, is the better alternative.  I also believe that Sandra Fluke is the essence of bimbo-hood and should either change her name to Sandra Flake or Sandra Fluck to dispel any doubts as to where she is coming from.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist who is captured by terrorists and who is to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, giving in to terrorist demands is against American policy, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

What They Refuse to Say Will Get Us Killed

Eleven years ago today I was working as a psychotherapist in New York City and was just about to start my 9:00 AM session with my first patient.  She used a wheelchair so we were on the main floor near the receptionist area and the radio was on when we initially heard the news about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center.  I had to start session and wait forty-five minutes before discovering a second plane had flown into the second tower.  I believed it was an accident when session began, but knew it was a terror attack by the time we were finished.

My second patient lived a few blocks from the clinic and had MS, so I saw her at her house and when I got there she was watching it all on TV.  For some reason, it was more important for her to talk to me about her past than it was to keep her TV on and learn more about the present.  So she shut it off and talked.

Afterwards, I walked back to the clinic and saw a therapist friend of mine standing in front of the building, crying unashamedly.  I asked her what happened and she simply said, "The buildings are down."  I had difficulty processing her words and she simply repeated what she had said and I understood.

We all went home.

I later learned that a group of Afghanistan immigrants were literally dancing in the streets along Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn.  There were other incidents where people celebrated the killing of those innocent victims who were incinerated and vaporized on that sunny Tuesday that we will always remember.  But even today, the media is hesitant to describe these people for who they are: Muslims, and particularly Muslims who follow the scripture in the Koran and try to emulate their barbaric, pedophilia-practising prophet, Muhammad. 

But the media refers to the strict followers of Islam as "Islamic extremists," or  "Islamists," as if an Islamist is different from a Muslim who follows his or her religion in an orthodox way.  Even today, Muslims are burning the American flag and Christian churches all over the world, and they are killing "non-believers" (a term they use to describe anyone not Muslim, and therefore not a person believing in the one true god, Allah).  The "religion of peace" allows for the stoning of women for not wearing a cloth tent, or for committing adultery or allowing the bread man into their home for a delivery when a husband or male chaperone wasn't at home.  The "religion of peace" continues to fire rockets at Israel while playing the victim to the world, claiming their rights as Palestinians, as if that was ever a legitimate country.  They have beheaded more innocent victims, and continue to attempt to impose Sharia Law upon nations in which they inhabit as guests.  And still there are the "useful idiots," the media being the most useful and the most idiotic, who refuse to point out the real cause of most of the terrorism in the world: Islam.

To think that we have bent over backwards for Islam and cowered over their cries of "Islamophobia" when they insisted on building a triumphal mosque at Ground Zero. To think that we felt guilty when their Muslim Brotherhood inspired imams showed their self-righteous indignation for questioning this request, and their refusal of the pleas of families who lost love ones, who were simply asking them to be sensitive. And then to have the leftist media stand up for these barbarians--that's straight out of the "identifying with the enemy" mentality often seen by the weakest of the victims.  This is what has become of the left and of the media.  Once a powerful nation of people you didn't mess with, much of America has become a nation of guilt-ridden socialist-leaning cowards who refuse to identify the enemy.  

By failing to identify our enemies, we have emulated the ostrich and have made ourselves vulnerable and weak.  If our current President continues to preside over our nation, I shudder to think how much weaker we will become, and what will become of us when this happens.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist who is captured by terrorists and who is to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, giving in to terrorist demands is against American policy, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....