Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Reasonable Generalization About the Islamic Nation

I'm going to make a generalization and that means what I'm going to say is only generally true, not universally true.  My generalization is not aimed at angering people, particularly the group of people I am going to generalize about, but I suspect they will be angered and I bet a bunch of liberals will also be quite tweaked in the knickers.  But so what--I have the right to say what I want to say, at least I have that right as of this writing, but the way the country is going, who knows--I may lose my right to free speech if this administration has its way.

So my generalization is this: most Muslims have the mental maturity of a nine year old.

You see, Aisha, Muhammad's child bride, was nine when the prophet of Islam had his way with her.  I'm not making this up; it's in the Islamic scriptures.  She was six when our 52 year old Muhammad had the hots for her, and on her father's request, waited three years before having sex with her.  At the time she was still playing with dolls.

So Muslims should not be insulted by my generalization.  They act like nine year old kids when someone makes fun of something they believe but cannot prove.  They act like the "mother of Islam," Aisha, would have acted if she was alive today.

They claim we have "hurt [their] religious feelings" by being the country that grew the man who made the movie that nobody saw that depicted their prophet, a man named Muhammad, in a negative light.  Because this person who made this movie was American, they say all Americans should be severely punished because, while they didn't get to see the movie, (fewer people than watch PMSNBC actually saw it and they all say it sucked, which coincidentally so does PMSNBC), nobody gets away with dissing their prophet--nobody.

As long as our Muslim neighbors give a reason for their violence and gross intolerance, whether it's a reasonable reason or not doesn't matter, we are going to apologize first, and hold to task anyone who has the audacity to impose their First Amendment rights second.  This is how Obama rolls.  This is what has become of the greatest nation on earth since Obama has taken control, and our Muslim neighbors see us.  

Arabs and other Islamic nations only respect strength and Obama has created a depiction of our country as weak and frightened, willing to do anything to avoid a fight with them, but the truth is, if Obama does not cut our defense budget as planned, effectively making us as weak as they already think we are, we could hurt them severely and reestablish ourselves as Numero Uno.

Cut off all aid, particularly military (what, are we nuts?) and become completely energy independent.  Partner with Canada, use the oil sands, frack and dig, lower taxes, elect Mitt, cut entitlements and increase strategic military spending and cut non-strategic spending, and make it absolutely clear that we will not tolerate so much as a discussion about Sharia law; no way.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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