Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama Angry, Libya and Egypt Shaking in their Boots

U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three Americans were killed at the US Consulate last night by a mob of Muslims who were angry over a film depicting the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, accurately.  Meanwhile, in Cairo, another attack on the embassy took place.Coincidentally, both attacks occurred on the eleventh anniversary of the Islamic attack on the World Trade Center, in New York City, but the Muslim Brotherhood denies any connection and we must believe them.

The US struck back at the Islamic mob by apologizing for our insensitivity to the religion of peace, and for our misconception that Muhammad was a bad person. Admittedly, pedophilia is a western concept and we need to be more tolerant of Islam just like they are tolerant of us, homosexuals, Jews, Christians and women.

President Hussein Obama has vowed that if the violence continues, he will raise his voice in protest, and make promises that he promises to keep, this time.

An American embassy is considered to be on American soil and these attacks must be considered to be attacks on our country. 

"Obama, Obama, we are all Osama," they chanted in Cairo.  This from a crowd that appeared organized (but certainly not by the dear Muslim Brotherhood). The mob in Libya also appeared organized, although just a bit more crazed than the Egyptians.

Will our President respond with the appropriate strength and show of resolve to ensure this does not continue happening in the Islamic world?  No, I doubt it.  He will not even meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the perilous situation Israel finds itself as Iran continues to develop its nuclear weapon. 

If you know anything about Islam, you know that it's an angry "religion" that literally prays against non-Muslims, and hates Jews, calling for their demise.  Their prophet, Muhammad, was known to kill an entire tribe of Jewish men and pubescent boys, then taking the women and little children as slaves.  He looted caravans and divided the booty up with his merry men, keeping a full twenty percent for himself.  He married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine--he was fifty two.  He advocated lying if it served the political needs of Islam.  He was, in my opinion, a bad man, and yet we are apologizing to the Islamic henchmen who would do us harm for saying this, using our free speech to have an opposing opinion.

Religion of peace?  You make the call.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist who is captured by terrorists and who is to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, giving in to terrorist demands is against American policy, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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